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Excessive Sweating from Palm & Feet Page 2 of 4
sweat did not stop when i took above mentioned medicines.
apart from nat mur and nux vomica no other medicine helped me in sweating. nat mur has helped me lot. thanks
prashantsharma9040 last decade
Still, I am not satisfied with your contradictory statements. However, let's move foward, please take a single dose of the following remedy.
Calcarea Carbonica 200C, 4 drops in a half glass of water, Stir it nicely with spoon, again, one dose only.
Please report any changing symptoms.
Many many more prayers for your good health.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
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babuli last decade
vipulmishra2014 last decade
2. 23
3. Male
4. Single
5. 94
6. India
7. Jalandhar
8. Moderate
9. Hyper hydrosis
10.Since age of 12
11. Non-Diabetic
12. None,fond of eating though
13. Normal
14. Spicy food makes me sweat
15. Dont know
16. Sweat from head while eating,Sweaty palms,Sweat when I enter a room,Sweating triggers instantly
17. Ashamed,Try to block it from others
18. Low confidence
19. It feels bad
20. I just want to get out of there when sweating starts,thats on my mind
21. None
24. No gestures intended
25. No medicines
27. Btech -Electronics
28. Student
29. Simple food but I do like to eat a lot,Like to eat rice.
31. Quite impatient ,Eat food terribly fast, get bored soon, dont feel comfortable everywhere,Dont like standing much
34. Sweat on palms,Armpits ,Head
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Urine is yellow most of the times
Frequent drinking of water and urination occurs
Bowel movements-2 to 3 times a day
Dan2890 last decade
Please take Nux Vomica 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for your good health.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
2. 26 yrs.
3. male
4. single
5. 67 kgs.
6. 5'7 inches
7. india.
8. hot and humid.
9. excessive sweating from palms,armpits and feet.extremely fowl smell from feet.suffer from phyrangities.
10. from last 16 yrs.
11. non-diabetic
12. like spicy foods esp sour and salty foods.
13. not very thirsty but like drinking water.
14. tongue is red in color and usually a thick white coat is formed every night.normal taste.i like eating even after i satiate my hunger.
15. 140/80
16.i dont sweat during sleeping and i start sweating once i start walking to board the bus.earlier i also used to sweat a lot. it has become a part and parcel of my life and i am very frustrated.
17.i very bad about this and humiliated. affects me as i dont want to socialize and constantly rub my hands on my trousers.
19.embarred, angry and frustrated.
20. i wish if i get rid of this issue i willbe the happiest person on earth.
21. i left my mba due to some made me very sad.
22. depressed,wanted to run away from home.
23. anger,crying.
25. ashwagandha, i took silicea 1m for 2 days on empty stomach. sweating is a bit less than before.
26. sister had this problem but not profusely.
27. graduate currently working.i live the place where i work.
28. merchandiser(books)
29. love to have meat and alchohol. though i drink once in a month. love spicy food.
30. i dont sweat in the monsoon season.
31.i am impatient and angry by nature.i also hurry a lot and is also hyper.i think a lot.
32.i do not sweat in monsoon season..very less sweating takes place.
34. palms,feet and armpits.
35.i poop thrice everyday and urine is also normal.
please please help me..i am fed up of this.
sumit.chatterjee88 last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
prashantsharma9040 last decade
2. Age- 26
3. Sex- Male
4. Single
5. Weight-58
6. Height-5.8
7. Country- India
8. Climate-hot&cold
9. list of complaints: i sweat lot from palms and feet, very rarely i sweat from others part of my body. Always have mild cold because of sinus problem.
10. Since how long: since childhood
11. non diabetic
12. desire salt till i was 18 or 19 but not now.
13. thirst-not much
14. taste- spicy less dishes
15. Bp- normal
16. Actually i sweat lot from hands and feet the moment i come out from home, or even at home when not relaxed, no matter whether it is winter or summer, whether i am in ac room or not. while taking or feeling little stress or tens. Just like if there is any meeting with someone then it comes and continues till there would be end of the meeting.
17. I feel restless, uneasy and uncomfortable.
19. heating sensation on hand.
20. Feeling helpless, the moment i think sweat is going to come it comes.
22. feeling odd, and sometimes embracing that what is happning to me.
23. burning sensation in my palm.
24. speedy movement in every work, like walking fast or everything that i do.
25. i don't know the medicine because the doctor didn't mention any medicine name they provide me from their clinic.
a month ago, i visited him and he gave me 4 medicines, 3 in pills and 1 in liquid, and i think one is graphitis other one is silicea but don't khow the other two. 6 pills in every 3 hrs. and 10 drops liquid after lunch and dinner.
26. there is no family history of sweating.
27. i have completed my graduation in computer application.
28. in IT sector, working as software engineer.
31. i think too much, angers very easily, do things very fast. shivering while speaking in public and fast heartbeat that effects me alot.
32. In all seasons, but in winter when body becomes heat or in little stess, it comes. Situation is worse in summer. I always keep hanky with me, with in 1 or 2 hour it becomes all wet.
34. both hand and feet.
rafe007 9 years ago
rafe007 9 years ago
Please take Argentum Nitricum 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Also, get hold of Hydrofluoricum Acidum 200C asap, for future use.
Many prayers for your good health.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 29 May 2015 23:37:36 UTC]
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
i took agentum nitricum for 3 days, but don't feel any changes, if it has minor effect on me then can't be noticed, as its just like a glass of water in sea. what should i do now? should i have to wait?
rafe007 9 years ago
Exactly, where are you looking for changes? What has not changed?
What are the Mind symptoms at this time?
"shivering while speaking in public and fast heartbeat that effects me alot. "
How are you doing in this area?
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
And for public speaking condition, i didn't get that chance to speak in public. So can't say.
Also the whether is somewhat change here (rainy) so it also effects my mood and may be feels me relaxed, i can't say clearly it is because of medicine.
rafe007 9 years ago
rafe007 9 years ago
rafe007 9 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
rafe007 9 years ago
Please take Hydrofluoricum Acidum 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
i feel less tense while talking. It looks that the medicine works for me but the sweaty palm is almost there. no effect.
one more thing i want to tell you that sometimes my hands finger tip(upper 1/3 part of each finger) swollen.
rafe007 9 years ago
Please take Silicea 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
More prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
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