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std?? need some insight & suggestions

early october i had unprotected sex for the 1st time. 3 weeks later painless pilple showed up on penis head and in another week or so my foreskin got hurting pimples and skin appeares to be cracked and swollen and it pains to pull the foreskin back..itchin irritation on the skin. no pain in balls or any where esle.i did take one course of erythromycin and then i took course of amoxiciline and took some potassium and too some anti-inflammatory & analgesic pills.I am in age 38 - 40 male. This is the 1st time.
  sunny89 on 2010-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. Describe your main suffering?

pimples(non hurting reddish) on penis head and on the tip of foreskin which hurts just like a skin cracked in winters.Irritation and itching all the time( on tip of the head)foreskin.I noticed white stuff built up on the penis head when i pulled back the foreskin, and i clean it with neosporin after pulling the forskin back(a hurtful process).I dont have 'odor'.I dont have pain in the balls.I do feel a senation while urinating(may be coz the tip of the skin is sore).I dont have sores or pimples anywhere esle.No fever but i took some course of antibiotics as explained in my previous post.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?


3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

I think about this ailment everyday and search for a complete cure on a daily basis.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?

its been past two weeks that it has started to hurt like a cracked skin at the tip of foreskin.I feel bad that i had unprotected sex.i am not feeling angry at the person coz its my fault.I think all the time how soon i can get rid of it permanently.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

I had unprotected sex in early october. Non hurting pimple showed up on the penis head 2 weeks later. Now, since past 2 weeks i have sore foreskin and pimples on (the tip of the head)side of foreskin.

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

irritation and itching all the time.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

i dont know.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

I do not think so.

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

I like mild winter weather, autumn season.I was born in january.I can adapt to dry or humid but i dont like hot weather very much.i like shade than open sun

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

I have a strong personality, confident, and generally a pleasant person. My friends would describe me as a leo when there is gathering of friends.i am outgoig person.I can argue my point but also will change my view if satisfied with the oponents views.Lots of general thoughts come to my mind when i m by myself.i have a strong mind.I act as crisis manager if/when there is one.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

I like the lightening and thunderstorms and rain.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?


- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

Not really.But i will notice it and may change my location if need to.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?


- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

I am single, but my family (parents and siblings) is the most important thing in my life.and as n edlest sibling i feel responsible for their well being.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

I dont have any permanent fears so to speak.they are temporary and associated with my job or something i m doing but most of the time i m a very confident person and this attitude gets me in trouble with authorities too.I do dream mostly during full/new moon days.used to have repeated dreams when i was in school/college(i am 40yrs old), not anymore.I just had a recent dream of asking someone to burn my body as its gotton dirty now haha i thought of it as funny.I laugh a lot and like humor and have sarcastic humor aimed at making ppl and myself laugh.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

I do not have any specific cravings. Its different at different times.i like the smell of bakery/bread stuff

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

i force myself to drink as often i can.but in general i dont drink much water which i always try to correct.

14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

Normal to very hungry

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

I dont have any food allergies that i know of but i dont like to eat things that do not look good in texture.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

Sweat more on forehead

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?


18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

i sleep ok but it takes longer for me to fall sleep.I usually like to sleep on my sides, mostly i try to sleep on my left side.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

right now i m in hands off kinda situation as the foreskin hurts but i do get errection even in this situation

20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?

I think i can see the 'bigger picture' situation for most of the life situations.I have a philosophical bent of mind.I mainly think on the question of my/human origin.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

I have taken some antibiotics - erythromycin, amoxicilin and anti inflammatory pills to no relief.I have not gone to any doctor as well.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?


23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance

I am indian 5'10' 190lbs,larger upper body(chest)broad face, hairline receding a bit.

UPDATE ON 6.20.12
Dr Nawaz, How are you doing? I am still struggling with herpes and probably gonorrhea.Since i took antibiotic rocephine it took care of immediate killing of gonorrhea but i dont think its completely gone. I had attack of high uric acid and i was taking alpurenol and some painkillers, the uric acid condition kept coming back after few week. so i took benzoic acid and that problem was solved. No more repeat attack of uric acid in my foot big toe. I am still getting attacks of herpes lesions on inner foreskin over the glans and itchy a lot, for that i took Nat Mur CM potency in april and didnt have attack till june 2nd and whole june i m under attack of herpese. i repeated Nat mur on june 5th and after that around june 17 i m having burning pins and needles fire like sensation on face under the nose on the cheek by side of nose and under eyes and it feels like this fiery sensation is spreading over all face area.Is it some type of reaction since i took repeat dose? I have swelling feelin in my gums as well.I do not show any pimples on the face so far..its just the burning sensation..I believe gonorrhea is still active and is causing herpes to show up time and again. I never had this painful sensation on my face area. Could it be coz i cleaned my glans while showering and the infection spread to my face??This is painful situation i am thinking of taking valtrax again. what in your expert opinion can solve this difficult situation..please suggest. How to permanently kill gonorrhea!! Please provide some of your expert insight.
[message edited by sunny89 on Thu, 21 Jun 2012 01:37:29 BST]
sunny89 last decade
i need help!! any std/vd experts please!!
sunny89 last decade
Have you been tested at a clinic?
I think that is your first step. Urine analysis, blood test and exam by doctor. Were you given erythromycin for chlamydia?
Daniellie last decade
I am not an STD expert - usually most of my clients come with the chronic effects of STDs rather than the acute (for which people visit doctors quite quickly).

I probably would not do a chronic case here unless it is clear the disease has joined with your original disease. So it has been about 4-5 weeks of symptoms?

Can you describe the pain in more detail? What makes it worse, what makes it better.

Describe the sensation when urinating - when does it happen, at which stage of the urination?

Have there been any other changes to your health since becoming infected?

Are you saying your skin normally cracks in winter?

What do the cracks look like?

What do the pimples look like?

How would you describe the irritation you feel, or the sensation in the area?

Does anything in the environment, or any activity affect the symptoms for better or for worse?

Please describe your mental state a bit more - what is it like to be thinking about it every day, what do you do to find a cure, what is the feeling you have about this disease?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi Sunny89, You must see a good doctor ASAP. Please don't be shy, as you know yours is a very serious disease.

Did you notice any white or yellow discharge from your penis?

How bad is the burning sensation or pain when you pass urine?

How is the irritation and/or discharge from the anus, if any?

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you all for reply!
1. i donot show any discharge, dont have any odor in my underwear.
2. I feel the itch as the skin gets dry and peels off at the tip of the penis.So for that i clean it with rubbin alcohol and apply neosporin on it.itching goes away for a bit.
3.I feel pain same as when someone drinks less water and the pee becomes dark and it pains a little like mild burning at the start of pee and then its ok.But my pee is not dark and pain area is right at the tip of the penis.i dont have any pain in whole of the urethra tube, neither in my balls or in my groin area.infection date would be 1st week of october.
4.I took antibiotics and anti inflamatory pills to get the swelling down.the skin at the tip is swollen and has tiny bumps.the crack on the skin looks similar to the cracked lips in winter time if u dont apply any lip cream on it. the length is like less than a centimeter. i show two cracks as of now.
5.i dont have any sensation as to someting is being leaking from my penis. its dry.I try to pull the foreskin back and expose my penis head for cleaning.I usually see thin layer of white stuff.My penis head shows tiny red pimples but it doesnt hurt when i press it.at one point of time pimples cleared away though..but its generally red.
6.the only problem is the cracked skin and swollen too at the tips.when i try to pull foreskin back it hurts and may be it swells after that.The cracked skin looks like red line on the skin like a thin cut very shallow
7.my mental state is sad as i think i should not visit anyone till this is cured.I dont want anyone to be infected by body contact.i m really very seriously sad inside but i dont show it. i still talk with people and laugh with them.to find cure i search the info on the internet extensively, read blogs and postings of various forums,have ordered a complete test of blood n urine.i took antibiotics right after i saw the 1st pimple show up in mid october.it was a painless pimple.
I hope i answered all questions..please ask me more with examples.
sunny89 last decade
Dr Nawaz,
i forgot to reply to your questions:
1.i dont see any discharges from penis, my undersear doesnt have any odor or wetness.
2.burning senstation only is a mild one and only during start.since the skin has crack right at the tip so it hurts there.
3.I have been noticing 'wet' fart for few months before 1st week of october.This wetness is stinky like stool and it burns my skin in that area so i try to wash myself as often possible after these 'wet' farts.I never had them before.There is no 'regular' discharge from anus.It only happens along with fart.
sunny89 last decade
'I noticed white stuff built up on the penis head when i pulled back the foreskin'

Please shed some light on this.

As you have been reading a lot, what do you think it is, Gonorrhea,Syphilis or Chlamydia or what? This must be according to your analysis, your thinking and not someone else said?

nawazkhan last decade
When are your getting the results of blood and urine tests?
nawazkhan last decade
Hello everyone!
I just got the urine & blood test results. It was negative for everything except HSV1 - cold sores.
test was ordered for:
chlamydia/GC amplification,HSV1 & 2 -specific Ab, IgG; RPR, Rfx qn RPR/confirm TP; HCV Antibody; HBsAg Screen; Hep B core Ab, IgM.
What do you all expertes advice me to do now? Please let me know. Thank you kindly!
sunny89 last decade
Dear Sunny, So how are we doing now? Are you being helped by anyone?

Please answer my previous Q's.

I am glad you got the reports, however, I am little concerned about HSV1?

In my opinion, your post indicates HSV2.

Do you have any blisters on your lips or anywhere on the upper part of your body?

Several homeopathic remedies come to mind considering your state and symptoms as you have posted.

1. Medorrhinum
It seems you will not be needing this at this stage as you have already used a lot of antibiotics.

2. Thuja 200C or 1M
You might have to start with this remedy.

3. Nitric Acid 200C after 3 days of taking Thuja.

There are other remedies that may be considered after getting more information.

A lot of prayers for your quick recovery and excellent health.

nawazkhan last decade
Dr Nawaz, Thanks for your replys.I really appreciate the attention you are providing me!
1)Since past 2 days i am feeling very small blisters just a little inside of my lips.Just a few of them like 3-4. I have had blisters and cold sore by the corner of my lips in my past as well since i was a kid..fever blisters.
2) I am still seeing the 'white thin paste' like built up on all over my penis head. I am able to see it when i pull my foreskin back and expose my penis head.In addition to that There are marks(flat patchs) of pimples/blisters on the penis head as well but they dont hurt.They are not raised blisters/pimples,but just circular patchs.
3)The painful and itchy part is my foreskin which is showing like thin razor/blade cuts right at the tip of the penis, so when i try to pull the foreskin back they hurt a lot and bleed in very very very small quantity as i can see the reddishness on the cotton swab that i use to clean/sanitize the foreskin.

QA)I dont understand what is that 'white paste' like formation/deposits on all over the penis head under the foreskin? some sort of dead skin??
QB)Should i take more of anibiotics? What will make the sore/cuts go away from the foreskin?
QC)How can i get ride of the herpese virus HSV1/2?
QD)Is is ok to touch the penis for cleaning the indside of it of the white stuff built up with 'bare hands'?? Will it spread the infection if i touch the area with bare hands?I have to wipe the area to clean the white stuff, with neosporing.

I am calling attention of all of the experts out there to help me out at his point in my life.This is really irritating and embarassing and disheartening event for me.Feel like i am paying big time for a mistake i made.

Thanks you all in advance!
sunny89 last decade
Dear Sunny, Please try to relax, respect the disease you got and you must fight it out. If you really want treatment on this forum, then, you must be on the top of things and you must establish a fine line of communication with anyone who is treating you?

So can you do this?

Your problem Herpes ++ is a serious one that is considered uncurable by CDC and a lot of others here in the U. S.

However, there is a hope in the homeopathic world that will require a lot of your patience and hardwork.

Answers to your Q's.

QA)I dont understand what is that 'white paste' like formation/deposits on all over the penis head under the foreskin? some sort of dead skin??

In my opinion, it is a white discharge from the penis that means you also have Gonorrhea.

QB)Should i take more of anibiotics? What will make the sore/cuts go away from the foreskin?

No, again in my opinion, as this will suppress your disease that will create serious health problems in your life.

Homeopathic treatment will help to get rid of your sore/cuts etc.

QC)How can i get ride of the herpese virus HSV1/2?

You may start taking the following remedy. No other allopathic, homeopathic and antibiotics must be taken the day you take this remedy.

Thuja 1M, 5 drops in a half glass of water, stir it nicely with spoon, only one dose for now.

QD)Is is ok to touch the penis for cleaning the indside of it of the white stuff built up with 'bare hands'?? Will it spread the infection if i touch the area with bare hands?I have to wipe the area to clean the white stuff, with neosporing.'

Well, what are you doing now? You are using cotton swab and neosporing. Has the infection spread to your hands or anywhere else?

You may start using the following remedy for cleaning the effected areas.

Calendula Q, 10 drops in one ounce of warm water, use cotton swab for cleaning at least one time daily. Please remember this is only for External Use, try to avoid the mouth of your open wounds, if any?

Lastly, you may purchase the following remedies, but don't start using these until I give OK.

1.Nitricum Acidum 200C in the liquid form.

2. Hypericum Perforatum 200C in liquid dilution.

Again, I woulk like to request you to relax, be patient and respect your disease.

A bundle of prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for your reply :)

I would like to share a new symptom that i m experiencing since past few days:
I feel 'momentary' stinging pains like pins, randomly on my skin. sometimes i feel it in my left eye,on my hands,in the balls.It ramdomly comes on any part and then goes away in 10sec or so..

I would also like to tell you that the sores on the very tip of my foreskin, they break and ooze blood and hurt a lot when i try to pull the foreskin back in order to expose the head for cleaning purposes.The foreskin at the penis mouth is swollen so its practically trying to close the penis opening and because of that the discharge doesnt fall outside but it just stays inside and i think thats the white stuff that i see whenever i am able to expose the penis head.

It looks like herpese sores are trying to block the penis opening as it make the foreskin swell and crack with blood coming out.I am not able to do the cleaning due to this open bloody sore pains.Something like catch 22 situation?? How can i get relief from this?? Is it possible to get herpese and gonoreha same time with just one unprotected exposure???

I have ordered the medicines you have suggested.I will let you know once i have it.

I havent taken any more antibiotics for over a week or so.I do feel tiny blisters inside the corner of my mouth.

My condition is not very good.I feel i got worms inside of me all over the place and it is very scary thought.

Should i go for allopathic treatment or should i continue with patience and follow your suggestions?
sunny89 last decade
Hi Sunny,

You stated.
'Should i go for allopathic treatment or should i continue with patience and follow your suggestions?'

From the first day you posted your problem, I told you. 'Hi Sunny89, You must see a good doctor ASAP. Please don't be shy, as you know yours is a very serious disease.'

Now, why in the world you have stopped antibiotics????

The patience at this minute will not work at all, you need to go for immediate actions. Please again, you must see a good doctor ASAP.

Also, you stated. 'I have ordered the medicines you have suggested.I will let you know once i have it.'

Why in the world, you did not go to the store and send someone to buy these remedies ASAP, if you decided to take this rout??? Please let me remind you as I stated on 11/27/2010 'Dear Sunny, Please try to relax, respect the disease you got and you must fight it out. If you really want treatment on this forum, then, you must be on the top of things and you must establish a fine line of communication with anyone who is treating you?

So can you do this?'

You may decide for yourself how responsible you are???

It seems you do not have computer at home as you are replying in 3-4 days, therefore, this forum will not work for you.

Good Luck.

Many many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Dr Nawaz,
Ok, I got the medicines you suggested. And in the mean time i went to the doctor too. He gave me a shot and it helped a lot and he has not given me any medicines but to wait for the lab test results.I should get them in this week.I forgot the name of the shot he gave me.

A)I dont show any more 'visible' cuts on the outside of foreskin as they healed up after the shot, but the foreskin is still a bit swollen at the very tip.
B)I still do feel that i am discharging something thru anus when i pass gas and its very uncomfortable feeling.
C)The feeling of discharging somehting thru my penis stopped 'completely' on the 3rd day from the day the doc gave me the antibiotic shot.It still slightly hurts ONLY at the penis head while passing urine.

I have following medicines as suggested by you:
1)Thuja occidentalis 1M
2)Nitricum acidicum 200C
3)Hypericum perforatum 200C

Q1)What are these medicines going to do? Will they kill the disease from the root and i shall never have it again?
Q2)How to take them?

Q3)Will there be any side effects?? Will my symptoms come back after taking the these remedies?

And thank you for your patience and advices!
sunny89 last decade
Please wait for the lab test results and continue with the doctors advice.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade

The lab test came out positive for HSV-1 index was 2.1(high value)
Doc gave me medicine for herpese- valtrax 2 week course.
I started the medicine today.
What do you suggest i do now?
Aslo, please, if you could answer my questions in previous post.
sunny89 last decade
Dear Sunny,

Please relax, in my opinion, you must stay with the current allopathic remedies you are taking now.

There no guarantee or surety that the allopathic of homoeopathic remedies will work. You may google on these remedies in question, what functions these remedies perform.?

All we can do is try with the best of our abilities. The cure of your disease is with our creator. I am sure, at this stage, you are turning to him for immediate help.

Many many sincere prayers for your speedy recovery.

nawazkhan last decade
Please forgive my typo and read as following in the above post.

There is no guarantee or surety that the allopathic or homoeopathic remedies will work.
nawazkhan last decade
Homeopathy has proven very effective in the treatment of herpes.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Thanks JH,

Your comments and kind help is greatly appreciated!!!

Please keep up the good work.

I agree with you that Homeopathy has proven very effective in the treatment of herpes.

Also, in my opinion, homoeopathy can fry eggs.

But, at this stage of this patient, he needs immediate attention, considering the time factor and other issues, he is advised to complete the course of allopathic medicines that he has already started.

Many prayers for you and Mr. Sunny.

nawazkhan last decade
Dr Nawaz & JH

Thanks for your help and prayers. I will be back in abt 2 weeks after finishing my current medication. As i have read on this forum and other ones that homeopathy treats the root cause instead of the symptoms, therefore i was curious to know if the remedies would cure the disease rather than just the symptoms.

Right after the antibiotic shot i got (250ml), the leasions/fine painful hair line cracks showing blood went away from the tip of my foreskin.The sensation of discharge from penis went away.The swelling of the foreskin is goin away aslo.I still do have little bit of very slight burning sensation only at the penis head while passing urine.

Previously,It was very painful to pull the foreskin back and blood would come out from the fine hair line cracks on the tips of the penis foreskin, But this has improved a lot couple days after i was given the antibiotic shot.I still do have some pain when i try retract foreskin to expose the head.

This is my update for you & all those who are monitoring this post.Please do ask me questions.
sunny89 last decade
Dear Sunny,

You made the right decision at this stage. Do come back when you can, we will go from there?

May God bless you?

nawazkhan last decade
I will repeat my post on the other thread here also.


It is absolutely possible to have more than one miasm at a time. Everyone who hasn't used homeopathy has more than one miasm.

If you've ever had gonorrhea, and not had it re-established by homeopathic treatment - then you still have suppressed Gonorrhea, and need homeopathic treatment!

Of course many miasms can be cured at the same time! How many times has one remedy reestablished psora on the skin and Gonorrhea at the same time! I'm sure many of us have seen this many times.


Please look at this article... especially the section at the bottom titled 'A Case History of Sycosis'. It will explain what happens in homeopathic treatment of suppressed gonorrhea. When the discharge is reestablished all of the secondary symptoms are cured for good. And your health should return to excellent condition.

Any homeopath who doesn't understand that there can be many miasms in the same case should read the section titled 'Classifying Miasmic Rubrics'.

I also encourage both patients who have had gonorrhea, and homeopaths who want to understand the Ghonnorhea miasm to read what Kent has to say about this!

Homeopathy International 1 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.