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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please - antidote for lycopodium

Please how do I antidote lycopodium? Which remedy & which strength? Thank you.
  mnmomrn on 2010-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Antidoting is done on the basis of the symptoms that have appeared as a result of the remedy.

When was the remedy taken?

What potency?

How many doses?

Were there any positive effects?

Have any new symptoms appeared?

Have old symptoms reappeared?

Have current symptoms become worse?

How was the dose taken (pillules, in water, as drops etc)?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I took Lycopodium 200c - 2 pellets in 1/2 cup water - 1 spoonful on October 27, 2010. I had taken it in the past & had helped with anxiety, irritability. Since taking higher dose, anxiety & irritability is back, my face (lower cheeks, jawline, neck) are covered with acne & I have lost alot of hair on the top of my head. Any help appreciated!
mnmomrn last decade
So you had taken 30c in the past and it had helped?

Has anything changed since taking the 30c (were there new symptoms that made you move up to 200c)?

All those symptoms you described, had they all disappeared after 30c or were they just less intense but still present?

When a remedy is not exactly right, going up in potency will usually reveal this. Either a new part of the case is uncovered which needs a new remedy, or the old state returns because the higher dose undoes the palliation experienced on the lower dose.

However, there are a couple of steps you can take to assertain what is happening here.

The first thing I would do is repeat the 30c (assuming that was the last potency you took).

The second thing that would need to be done, is a full case retaken to work out which remedy you do actually need.

If you have all your old symptoms back, it cannot be antidoted. Antidoting is only suitable when you have a whole range of new symptoms that belong to the remedy. Your old symptoms, means you are just back to your old level of health. That is all yours, and must be treated normally.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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