The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Head sweat at night
My 26 year old son is deaf. His head sweats so much at night that his pillow is wet in the morning.He is prone to acidity. Upto a few years ago had severe vomitting.would start at 7 in the evening - every 15 mins or so reducing to 10 mins till blood came out with bile. No medicines used to help him at that time. He had to be given injections : Chloromycetin (I hope I got the name right.) alongwith Calmpose injection. Then he would go to sleep. Around 3 yrs before the vomitting stopped. He has also had Hepatitis B in 1998 or so.
He is a worry wart. Small things give him huge worries. Also lacks confidence due to his deafness. Also feels that people take advantage of his shortcoming in this area. Is very much like 'mummy this' or 'mummy that'. Is quite short tempered. Loses it mostly with me only but can control it with other people. Others feel he is very gentle. Is a fair skiined person. Loves Chillis, raw onions shredded and spicy food and loves sweets, especially the Bengali sweets with no or little fat, though also likes the other ones. But not chocolate. That will do once in a while. Is also very particular about tidiness. Cupboard arranged a year back looks freshly arranged. And wants the work to be just so. deviations anger or disturb him.
If anything is kept even a bit crooked gets ragged up. Will straighten it before doing anything else.
Before there was a post about his allergic tickling cough. Had given him Calc carb 1M which seems to have done the trick though will cough once in a while.
Loves having a bath. Takes long ones - upto 40 mins twice a day. Also his BM takes anything between 30-40 mins. If at home will go 3-4 times about 30 mins each time.
Can he be helped with his head sweat??
maya_hari on 2005-04-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have described Ars Albumen very well . It could be his constitutional .
Get some Ars Alb 10m and give him a dose each night on going to sleep, for three nights.
Wait!! at least a week and report, do not give any other remedy or medication.
Get some Ars Alb 10m and give him a dose each night on going to sleep, for three nights.
Wait!! at least a week and report, do not give any other remedy or medication.
passkey last decade
Thanks passkey.
will get the ars 10m tonight and will report after 3 days of medicine.
does he have to curtail his intake of raw onions? He loves them shredded and due to religious reasons has not been able to eat it for 10 days or more.
Has said that will take his onions for a few days and only then go for high potency homeopathy if he must control this onion intake now. How many days?
will get the ars 10m tonight and will report after 3 days of medicine.
does he have to curtail his intake of raw onions? He loves them shredded and due to religious reasons has not been able to eat it for 10 days or more.
Has said that will take his onions for a few days and only then go for high potency homeopathy if he must control this onion intake now. How many days?
maya_hari last decade
Onions are ok -- but do not eat for a couple of hours before taking tablet.
Take tablet last thing at night wash out mouth and take 15/20 min later . Do NOT swallow tablet , or take with water.
Put tablet into lid of container , transfer to mouth and allow to dissolve under the tongue. Go to sleep.
Take tablet last thing at night wash out mouth and take 15/20 min later . Do NOT swallow tablet , or take with water.
Put tablet into lid of container , transfer to mouth and allow to dissolve under the tongue. Go to sleep.
passkey last decade
Passkey, am getting the medicine in powder form. We do not get tablets of high potencies here. we get pills of different sizes or liquid only. My son will buy the medicine this evening - 3 doses in powder. Will ask him to take it under his tongue and let it dissolve.
maya_hari last decade
Though the Arsenic 10M has helped my son, he is still sweating in bed at night. Yes the three days of the medicine and 2-3 days after there was no sweat, even now his pillow is not as wet as before, his head is still sweating.
What do you advise now?
Though the Arsenic 10M has helped my son, he is still sweating in bed at night. Yes the three days of the medicine and 2-3 days after there was no sweat, even now his pillow is not as wet as before, his head is still sweating.
What do you advise now?
maya_hari last decade
Do you mean to say give him Arsenic10M again for 3 days and then wait a week more or wait a week then see what progress?
maya_hari last decade
Yes one repeat is ok if the thing is moving in the right direction , and there is nothing happening?.
No day to day improvement?.
No day to day improvement?.
passkey last decade
Passkey, I dont know what to9 say. Yesterday night he did not sweat at all. So I feel it will be better to wait for few more days before I post again.
maya_hari last decade
Dear Passkey, I noted today that though my son no longer sweats at night there is a lot of oil secretion from his head. Can you please adivse on this too.
maya_hari last decade
Hi Paskey-I hope you'll read this.
Please read "Excessive sweat on forehead" (this page) and make your suggestion--it is Maya case-any ideas welcome!
Please read "Excessive sweat on forehead" (this page) and make your suggestion--it is Maya case-any ideas welcome!
Astra2012 last decade
Get some Psorinum 30 and give ONLY one tablet at night on THREE sucessive nights. Wait a week and advise.
passkey last decade
Passkey, his head is still sweating. I personally feel it is sometime in early morning. This after he sleeps in an ac room. During the day no sweat like this only when he feels hot, which in Calcutta is unavoidable, and it trickles down. Does he need a dose of lachesis.(agg in bed)
maya_hari last decade
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