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Phytolacca Decandra:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

FAO KULDEEP - which potency of phytolacca berry please ??

Dear Kuldeep
I read with great interest your threads here and I am keen to order on your recommendation the Phytolacca Berry for my few facial red marks from acne but am wondering which potency is best. I am 27, female and although my acne is gone and texture of my skin is good i have red marks which i'd like to speed healing of. Your help is much appreciated. Would you say this remedy works best alongside your silicea? Greetings & thanks.
  carlotta on 2005-04-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kuldeep may take a little time answering. Traveling. I do not know the answer.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
hi carlotta
i dont know about the potency, but the only form available that ive come across is mother tincture, and winwaker told me that u can purchase it from www.helios.co.uk. so maybe there isnt a potency if it is mother tincture?? im not sure myself, but if u do find out, pls let me know as i myself am suffering from the same problem as u. i have deep red marks on my face aswell, which have been ther for quite afew yrs now. also, i did put a post up regarding silica, as to whether it could be purchased in crushed form, but no one has replied as of yet. pls do let me know if u get any info on that aswell. sorry for pestering you! your response will be highly appreciated. KInd Regards, Isma
Isma1 last decade
Info: Mother Tincture indeed, does not have potency. This is the "first" pressing from the original "crude decoction"
MT is what the remedies are made with.

One can take the MT in some cases. In the Phytolacca Berry I do not believe there is any danger as one can eat the berries. Ask when you prepare to order.

Let me know where you find it?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Thanks Sabra. Somehow I veer towards the tablets rather than MT - bit wary about MTs as am not experienced enough to work with them ... Yes according to helios.co.uk they do tablet form also , which is why my preference was for tablets.

You think MT is better option?

Many thanks & best wishes
carlotta last decade
I think it would depend on it's use and I am not familiar with the use of MTs.

I know how the remedies are made and wanted to at least say here that this phytolacca one is not harmful. I sure wouldn't want to use an Arsnic MT!!

Although in many years gone, Arsnic was used by the drop for fevers. Had to watch to not harm. Delicate balance that. I would much rather know the safe homeopathic.

I am curious about your reference to tablets. Are you speaking of the soft easily melted ones?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Yes, indeed Mother Tincture or the extract of the barries is needed. Actually Phytolacca has two medicines one is made of root and other is made of berries. So you need Phytolacca Berrie's extract.

I know some vendors sell dried berries so you can soak those berries and use the liquid. If you have access to this plant you can pick ripe berries and crush the extract out.
kuldeep last decade
Yes good have ordered the MT of the berry as could not locate the actual berries.

I previously red that a few drops in large glass of warm water per day. Is this correct? Am 27 and quite slight build.

Kuldeep I have to thank you from my depth for the silicea info. I actually had some 6c in tablets which i thought i'd try before making my own, and these are working beautifully for me. I take one twice a day . Feels like the whole architecture of my dermis is changing and correcting. I also think on some level it must be constitutional for me because i feel the 'grit' in my centre is awakened. I always felt almost a hostage to my sensitivity, and on a symptomatic level my skin was always echoing my core - from childhood excema to acne to mild scarring.

For the first time in my "skin" life i feel am harmonising on every level, and i have only been taking this 4 days !!

Can you tell me, should i take the phyto berry MT drops and the silicea at different times in the day?

Many thanks again...

In light and love.
carlotta last decade

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