The ABC Homeopathy Forum
accutane-resistant acne for 11 years
hi, i'm 29 and my acne started when i was 17-18 yr has a lot to do with what i eat, especially eggs, and i have kept it under control for almost 10 years avoiding diary, eggs, fats, fried stuff, but it recently got unmanageable.
one year ago it started to be accompained from ibs.
when i am still eating my sking starts itching and there where it itches a pimple comes out. they're painful, long lasting and leave scars.
i'm 6 feet tall, slim and very beautiful and concerned about the way i look because i'm very insecure.
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acnevictim on 2010-12-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Skin medicines such as the one you used are terrible and cause great damange to the whole system.
Please use the new homeopathy patient intake form and give us information about your case, and hopefully someone will help you being correct homeoapthic treatment.
Please use the new homeopathy patient intake form and give us information about your case, and hopefully someone will help you being correct homeoapthic treatment.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I don't believe in traditional medicine, but my acne has destroyed every hope in me!
I have posted the grind with all of my symptoms, can you use that for the diagnosis?
thank you for helping me.
I have posted the grind with all of my symptoms, can you use that for the diagnosis?
thank you for helping me.
acnevictim last decade
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Patient ID: Sex: F Age: 29
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Acne of the face on normal/dry skin, started at 17-18 yr old. Always influenced by food, mainly EGG, but also dairy products (which used to give me dandruff), yeast, fried stuff, fats. I was found intolerant to all of this and more.
Mostly symmetrical, very painful and very ITCHY. Cheeks, jaw line, chin, temples.
While I am still eating I feel the interested area that starts itching and BAM!
Kept under control for years avoiding the 'guilty' foods. Not responding to anything during the last 15 months.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
IBS, sensation of bloating, bubbling and rumbling coming from the lower abdomen. Sometimes i can see the movements from outside. Even on an empty stomach, worse after eating.
Recently, a muscolar pain on the edge of the right scapula, worsened by sitting. I can't stand long either, I need to lie (especially on the floor, I love it, it makes me feel part of the world and therefore secure) or move, when i stand up.
Veins are showing up on the outer part of my limbs.
My right ear and the right side of my head feel numb, like stuffed with something, and that influences my hearing ability. Which is terrible for me, because I am a professional singer.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
I feel embarrassed, shameful, and worried, very worried about the future of my face. I feel desperate about it and I'm loosing the hope to recover.
I feel like I'm loosing myself.
Aside from this, I have a deep sense of inadequacy about the things I care about most in life: singing (my profession), being a woman. I feel like in a no-win situation, like I know I'm never going to make it.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Hopelessness, anxiety, confusion. I feel like a sick person. My face no longer looks healthy.
When I feel and look beautiful everything's ok. When I feel beautiful and when I sing.
I feel happy when I feel part of the nature and when this nature is free to go the right way.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
It started when i was 17-18 yr old, had my first real boyfriend, decided to sing professionally and left home.
Worsened in september 2009, when I have moved from Europe to the US and started a relationship with my present boyfriend. We live together and this is seeming to cause me some trouble. I have having to show myself so ugly to him when we're at home and I can use no make-up.
And I'm sorry, I used to be a really beautiful woman.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Doesn't matter.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Food used to aggravate, now I can't tell.
Nothing ameliorates.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
See answer above, but I don't think it depends from where I am.
Period always been extremely on time and extremely painful: I have to lie on the floor curling my legs and hugging them to relieve the pain in the low back.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
I hate cold, especially if humid. I like warmth.
But the acne stays the same on any weather, anyway.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I am extremely sensitive, optimistic, logical, intuitive, spiritual.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
the same, i generally like them although I remember them to scare me when a little girl.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
No, I like being supported, tolerated, not letf alone but not intruded.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Light, if artificial and white. I love sunlight. Noises if repetitive (clock ticking).
I hate everything artificial, predetermined, having a regular path, not natural.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
Nail biting, I haven't used anything to cut my nails since my parents did it for me.
I usually do it after 'food abuses'. I am very accurate at it: it sounds dirty, but it's part of m personal hygiene.
I don't like tools, if possbile I eat with my bare hands.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Family: I love them but I feel like they don't understand my love and efforts to care about them. They feel forgotten. I am not able to show my love. In response to this they are not kind to me and that is why I am not much in touch with them. I feel like I disappoint them, offend them, threaten them all the time. My father died 7 years ago and i have never been able to prove how much I miss him. Sometimes I don't believe it myself.
My relationship with my boyfriend is very competitive. He used to be envious and jealous.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
I fear to end up frustrated, not realized in my art potential, poor. I fear not to be able to face the grownups world, too full of given rules I don't understand and I am not able to follow.
I dream about big ships in sea canals in huge cities, big houses (often empty, where I can sing and have space for me), of being hunted while in need to have privacy for something (like peeing) in big empty buildings.
Recently I have often dreamed of saving and taking care of very unhappy newborns who were terribly mistreated by angry nazi mothers.
Last night I picked up and cured a newborn little girl that had been thrown donw the stairs and ended up broken like a plastic doll.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
aversion to any type of elaborated food (too many ingredients, too manipulated, when it's served to me and i cannot pick it personally) and to some parts of the bodies of the animals (liver, tongue ... heeeew...)
love fruit and vegetables, can't do without chocolate.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
I am able not to drink a drop of water for days. But I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
I am fond of orange juice.
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
always had the greatest appetite.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
see above.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
very very few. trunk, maybe. my feet are odorless.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
The stool is not compact (?), when I flush it disintegrates and i often find undigested food in it.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Usually yes, sleeping means a lot to me. And dreaming as well. And having a warm bed to lie in too.
When I sleep well I sleep on my back, usually with my arms above my head and one foot outside the covers.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I don't know. I have always been particularly intelligent, I think.
I can feel what people feel, I reject prejudice and academy, I simplify everything, see things the way they are. And people often hate me because of that. They feel uncovered (is that what you say?)
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
i am currently on accutane, but it's not working.
i have self-prescribed myself Sulphur, first 30c, one week, then 200ck, on e more week. 5 pellets twice a day. The itching has improved, but pimples keep coming out. Although I feela little more confident, more myself, maybe.
My homeopath gave me Sepia in drops to the highest potencies, everyday for 6 months. It improved some symptoms, but the acne is all there.
Then he made me switch to Platina, which made me more aggressive and self-defensive, but didn't take the acne away, so I quit it.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
my father died for pancreas cancer, but he also had a heart attack and his father died for one. my older sister died for leukemia when she was a few months old (I wasn't born yet)
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
6 feet tall and 150 pounds. Medium dark complexion, thick wavy hair (used to be straight up until 10 years ago), black eyebrows and long lashes.
the upper part of my body has always been thinner than the lower.
If you are not having normal menstrual cycles, please answer the following questions:
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
regular, 6-7 days till the last spot.
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
terrible mental pre menstrual sindrome, cramps start a few hours after the blood arrives.
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
thick bright red, quite dark
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
a lot, yes
Patient ID: Sex: F Age: 29
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Acne of the face on normal/dry skin, started at 17-18 yr old. Always influenced by food, mainly EGG, but also dairy products (which used to give me dandruff), yeast, fried stuff, fats. I was found intolerant to all of this and more.
Mostly symmetrical, very painful and very ITCHY. Cheeks, jaw line, chin, temples.
While I am still eating I feel the interested area that starts itching and BAM!
Kept under control for years avoiding the 'guilty' foods. Not responding to anything during the last 15 months.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
IBS, sensation of bloating, bubbling and rumbling coming from the lower abdomen. Sometimes i can see the movements from outside. Even on an empty stomach, worse after eating.
Recently, a muscolar pain on the edge of the right scapula, worsened by sitting. I can't stand long either, I need to lie (especially on the floor, I love it, it makes me feel part of the world and therefore secure) or move, when i stand up.
Veins are showing up on the outer part of my limbs.
My right ear and the right side of my head feel numb, like stuffed with something, and that influences my hearing ability. Which is terrible for me, because I am a professional singer.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
I feel embarrassed, shameful, and worried, very worried about the future of my face. I feel desperate about it and I'm loosing the hope to recover.
I feel like I'm loosing myself.
Aside from this, I have a deep sense of inadequacy about the things I care about most in life: singing (my profession), being a woman. I feel like in a no-win situation, like I know I'm never going to make it.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Hopelessness, anxiety, confusion. I feel like a sick person. My face no longer looks healthy.
When I feel and look beautiful everything's ok. When I feel beautiful and when I sing.
I feel happy when I feel part of the nature and when this nature is free to go the right way.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
It started when i was 17-18 yr old, had my first real boyfriend, decided to sing professionally and left home.
Worsened in september 2009, when I have moved from Europe to the US and started a relationship with my present boyfriend. We live together and this is seeming to cause me some trouble. I have having to show myself so ugly to him when we're at home and I can use no make-up.
And I'm sorry, I used to be a really beautiful woman.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Doesn't matter.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Food used to aggravate, now I can't tell.
Nothing ameliorates.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
See answer above, but I don't think it depends from where I am.
Period always been extremely on time and extremely painful: I have to lie on the floor curling my legs and hugging them to relieve the pain in the low back.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
I hate cold, especially if humid. I like warmth.
But the acne stays the same on any weather, anyway.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I am extremely sensitive, optimistic, logical, intuitive, spiritual.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
the same, i generally like them although I remember them to scare me when a little girl.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
No, I like being supported, tolerated, not letf alone but not intruded.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Light, if artificial and white. I love sunlight. Noises if repetitive (clock ticking).
I hate everything artificial, predetermined, having a regular path, not natural.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
Nail biting, I haven't used anything to cut my nails since my parents did it for me.
I usually do it after 'food abuses'. I am very accurate at it: it sounds dirty, but it's part of m personal hygiene.
I don't like tools, if possbile I eat with my bare hands.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Family: I love them but I feel like they don't understand my love and efforts to care about them. They feel forgotten. I am not able to show my love. In response to this they are not kind to me and that is why I am not much in touch with them. I feel like I disappoint them, offend them, threaten them all the time. My father died 7 years ago and i have never been able to prove how much I miss him. Sometimes I don't believe it myself.
My relationship with my boyfriend is very competitive. He used to be envious and jealous.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
I fear to end up frustrated, not realized in my art potential, poor. I fear not to be able to face the grownups world, too full of given rules I don't understand and I am not able to follow.
I dream about big ships in sea canals in huge cities, big houses (often empty, where I can sing and have space for me), of being hunted while in need to have privacy for something (like peeing) in big empty buildings.
Recently I have often dreamed of saving and taking care of very unhappy newborns who were terribly mistreated by angry nazi mothers.
Last night I picked up and cured a newborn little girl that had been thrown donw the stairs and ended up broken like a plastic doll.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
aversion to any type of elaborated food (too many ingredients, too manipulated, when it's served to me and i cannot pick it personally) and to some parts of the bodies of the animals (liver, tongue ... heeeew...)
love fruit and vegetables, can't do without chocolate.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
I am able not to drink a drop of water for days. But I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
I am fond of orange juice.
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
always had the greatest appetite.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
see above.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
very very few. trunk, maybe. my feet are odorless.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
The stool is not compact (?), when I flush it disintegrates and i often find undigested food in it.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Usually yes, sleeping means a lot to me. And dreaming as well. And having a warm bed to lie in too.
When I sleep well I sleep on my back, usually with my arms above my head and one foot outside the covers.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I don't know. I have always been particularly intelligent, I think.
I can feel what people feel, I reject prejudice and academy, I simplify everything, see things the way they are. And people often hate me because of that. They feel uncovered (is that what you say?)
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
i am currently on accutane, but it's not working.
i have self-prescribed myself Sulphur, first 30c, one week, then 200ck, on e more week. 5 pellets twice a day. The itching has improved, but pimples keep coming out. Although I feela little more confident, more myself, maybe.
My homeopath gave me Sepia in drops to the highest potencies, everyday for 6 months. It improved some symptoms, but the acne is all there.
Then he made me switch to Platina, which made me more aggressive and self-defensive, but didn't take the acne away, so I quit it.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
my father died for pancreas cancer, but he also had a heart attack and his father died for one. my older sister died for leukemia when she was a few months old (I wasn't born yet)
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
6 feet tall and 150 pounds. Medium dark complexion, thick wavy hair (used to be straight up until 10 years ago), black eyebrows and long lashes.
the upper part of my body has always been thinner than the lower.
If you are not having normal menstrual cycles, please answer the following questions:
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
regular, 6-7 days till the last spot.
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
terrible mental pre menstrual sindrome, cramps start a few hours after the blood arrives.
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
thick bright red, quite dark
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
a lot, yes
acnevictim last decade
the pimples are filled with pus. when they hurt they are red and hard, some other times a very little ball o of pus just breaks out of the skin.
I have a light-olivaceous complexion, but never had oily skin (it's dry all over my body).
I say that I am intelligent meaning that I am sort of 'reknown' for that.
My mind makes me go beyond my genre, my age... people come to me when in need of big advice. Yes, I would say that I am different because i am somehow a simple mind, I see things and people for what they are and not for the reputation they have.
and I usually love everyone, becuase I understand them.
I feel like I am too much in many ways, and at the same time like I'm never enough.
the pimples are filled with pus. when they hurt they are red and hard, some other times a very little ball o of pus just breaks out of the skin.
I have a light-olivaceous complexion, but never had oily skin (it's dry all over my body).
I say that I am intelligent meaning that I am sort of 'reknown' for that.
My mind makes me go beyond my genre, my age... people come to me when in need of big advice. Yes, I would say that I am different because i am somehow a simple mind, I see things and people for what they are and not for the reputation they have.
and I usually love everyone, becuase I understand them.
I feel like I am too much in many ways, and at the same time like I'm never enough.
acnevictim last decade
one last thing:
the digestion actually seems to have improved a lot since Sulphur.
The itch on the skin while I eat is almost gone 8but not the pimples after it), I expel my dinner the day after, my tummy is flatter and the noises have been very occasional in these last two weeks, since I have started it!
and, just for the record, sepia and platina both made me more beautiful, I have to say, I felt so good that I cared less about the acne. which didn't go away, though.
I feel like a am lot of stuff together and both Sepia and Platina covered just the part of me that the homeopath could see.
Does this make sense?
Well... I hope that's it!
It's a miracle to me that I wrote all this: registering to a forum is one of those difficult bureaucracy things in font of which I give up and renounce to many many things.
Can you believe it???
Thank you very much for reading and helping.
the digestion actually seems to have improved a lot since Sulphur.
The itch on the skin while I eat is almost gone 8but not the pimples after it), I expel my dinner the day after, my tummy is flatter and the noises have been very occasional in these last two weeks, since I have started it!
and, just for the record, sepia and platina both made me more beautiful, I have to say, I felt so good that I cared less about the acne. which didn't go away, though.
I feel like a am lot of stuff together and both Sepia and Platina covered just the part of me that the homeopath could see.
Does this make sense?
Well... I hope that's it!
It's a miracle to me that I wrote all this: registering to a forum is one of those difficult bureaucracy things in font of which I give up and renounce to many many things.
Can you believe it???
Thank you very much for reading and helping.
acnevictim last decade
and I talk to myself when I am very happy or excited for having achieved a good result in my study, when I feel closer to a goal or to a discovery, when i feel that I'm on the right way.
and I talk to myself when I am very happy or excited for having achieved a good result in my study, when I feel closer to a goal or to a discovery, when i feel that I'm on the right way.
acnevictim last decade
How did you feel on the Sepia emotionally? Do you remember the doses he gave you? You said that they were high.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
he gave me 5 to 9 drops daily, starting with the XMK dilution to the DMK (I don't know if you have the same scale as in Europe). I've been on Sepia for 6 months, april to october.
I felt more open, 'softer', more willing to spend me after my family and my boyfriend. But that sort of hurt me, i tend to lose myself to make people happy and that's a huge damage to my mind and soul, considered how strong my personality is.
Then I was one month on Platina. Which sort of helped too. It made me more determined and aggressive and also made me realize even better how inadequate I felt at the matters I cared more about.
I am rules-intolerant and not because I am a rebel: things have to make sense to me. And they have to be natural.
I am sort of a visionary, but I see the divine in what's daily and common.
I love being a woman and I love men, but in my mind and in my spirit I have no sex, no age, no nationality.
Not easy to explain in a forum, uh?
What do you think? Any other questions I can answer to explain my case better?
I felt more open, 'softer', more willing to spend me after my family and my boyfriend. But that sort of hurt me, i tend to lose myself to make people happy and that's a huge damage to my mind and soul, considered how strong my personality is.
Then I was one month on Platina. Which sort of helped too. It made me more determined and aggressive and also made me realize even better how inadequate I felt at the matters I cared more about.
I am rules-intolerant and not because I am a rebel: things have to make sense to me. And they have to be natural.
I am sort of a visionary, but I see the divine in what's daily and common.
I love being a woman and I love men, but in my mind and in my spirit I have no sex, no age, no nationality.
Not easy to explain in a forum, uh?
What do you think? Any other questions I can answer to explain my case better?
acnevictim last decade
A couple of more things:
I have always had a huge phobia for rats (which are one of my recurrent dreams)
and I've had leuchorrea since the age of 12-13 yr old, which the Sepia improved a little. I had been diagnosed with an excoriation at the beginning of my uterus (PAP test always negative) - what's the english for it? - which improved after the Sepia too.
I have always had a huge phobia for rats (which are one of my recurrent dreams)
and I've had leuchorrea since the age of 12-13 yr old, which the Sepia improved a little. I had been diagnosed with an excoriation at the beginning of my uterus (PAP test always negative) - what's the english for it? - which improved after the Sepia too.
acnevictim last decade
Your symptoms are all extremely Sepia. Because the acne was suppressed by the drug, it will need some time for the Sepia to cure the acne completely.
Your best situation is the begin the Sepia again, and to use it ongoing until you are cured.
The LM format will cure you the fastest. But it is just a matter of using the Sepia until you are cured, unless in some case another remedy is called for at some point.
Your best situation is the begin the Sepia again, and to use it ongoing until you are cured.
The LM format will cure you the fastest. But it is just a matter of using the Sepia until you are cured, unless in some case another remedy is called for at some point.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
is my right ear semi-deafness Sepia as well?
I have to say that my tummy is doing great, Sulphur seems to be doing a lot fore me.
Also: do you mean LM as in pellets (and, in this case: single dose? daily or not?) or the LMK in the liquid form, as my homeopath gave me?
thank you very very much.
I have to say that my tummy is doing great, Sulphur seems to be doing a lot fore me.
Also: do you mean LM as in pellets (and, in this case: single dose? daily or not?) or the LMK in the liquid form, as my homeopath gave me?
thank you very very much.
acnevictim last decade
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