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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

An Article on Hair Loss

Thinning of hair is known as hair loss or alopecia. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. It gradually occurs with age and occurs in both men and women. Typically it is seen in men. When your hair is falling out, thinning on the comb or brush it is referred as hair loss.

Our hair is made of a type of protein called keratin. Every single hair consists of a hair shaft, a root below the skin, and a follicle, from which the hair root grows. At the lower end of the follicle is the hair bulb, where the hair's color pigment, or melanin, is produced. In a day most people lose about 50 to 100 head hairs. This stage of hair loss is totally normal and nothing has to be worried about it. When anyone loses more than that it may seem to be an issue to worry.

When you experience hair loss in a large amount then you must take the advice of your doctor so that the cause of hair fall can be eliminated and necessary steps can be suggested to stop this problem. Hair loss can be localized or it can affect large areas on the whole scalp.


There are several types of hair loss. Some of them are as follows:-

☆ Traction alopecia

☆ Pressure Alopecia

☆ Nutritional alopecia

☆ Metabolic Alopecia

☆ Cicatricial alopecia

Alopecia areata

☆ Telogen effluvium

☆ Endocrinologic alopecia

☆ Alopecia marginalis

☆ Trichotillomania

☆ Drug induced alopecia

☆ Hypervitaminosis A

☆Genetic alopecia

☆Alopecia areata with auto-immunity

☆Cosmetic Alopecia

☆Androgenic Alopecia

Causes of Hair Loss:

There are many causes of hair loss. Generally most causes of hair loss are systemic or internal disease. Poor diet too can be the reason for alopecia. Thyroid disease too, leads to hair loss, but thyroid tests on people who have ordinary hair loss are usually normal. Many medications list 'hair loss' among their potential side effects, drugs are also the common cause of thinning or of hair loss. In cancer treatments and immune suppression too, hair loss proves to be a common feature.

Some of the causes of hair loss in teens are:

• Illnesses or medical conditions

• Medications

• Alopecia areata

• Trichotillomania

• Hair treatments and styling

• Poor nutrition

• Disruption of the hair growth cycle

• Androgenetic alopecia


Hair loss indicates that there is something wrong in your body. The hair fall occurs due to a local infection or systemic disorder. The treatment also varies accordingly. If you know a little about homeopathy, you’d know the logic behind homeopathy.

Homeopathy remained so prevalent because of its popularity. Homeopathy can treat hair fall safely and effectively without the production of any side effects. There are several medicines available in Homoeopathy which can treat hair fall. It can prevent hair loss. Homeopathy is an effective way of treating hair fall. Homeopathic remedies work effectively on the human body without adding any adverse effects. Homoeopathy helps in enhancing the overall health of an individual at the level of body and mind.

By Dr.Tahira
  Dr Tahira on 2010-12-18
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