The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Inflammatory Bowel disease i think
Hi All,I'm in dire need of help. I've been having bloody stool for more than half a year. It all started since last March, a few weeks before exams when i started to notice blood in the paper.
1) at first, i notice blood in the paper only. Then after exams, it got slightly worse, ie blood drip on floor after defecating.
2) Then somehow, it got better during summer holiday when i went back home to the warm climate and i dun notice that much blood even though there is still blood.
3) Then when i come back to UK for study, it got a bit worse again in Oct, ie, i can see more blood.
4) Then last four weeks before exams, blood starts to drip on floor again and this time, i notice there's a bit of dark red mucous with it too.
5) and two weeks ago, i started to have to run to toilet first thing in the morning and usually before 9am, i would already have done so at least 3 times. This time, i felt severe rectum pain like im getting diarrhoea but each time, there weren't much coming out and if i strain to clear my bowel more blood comes out.
6) These days, i notice im a bit lethargic, maybe starts to become anemic already.
Is there anything anyone can suggest that will help with this please? Your help is truly appreciated. Thanks! :)
hann8877 on 2010-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your Age? Sex?
Did u take any treatment for this?
If not, then why didnt you do so?
Also tell something abt you your nature / mood?
Dr. Yogesh
Your Age? Sex?
Did u take any treatment for this?
If not, then why didnt you do so?
Also tell something abt you your nature / mood?
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
oops, sorry that i miss out on important bits.
erm, i'm a male, 22 going to 23. I went to have CT colonoscopy for this but doc cant find anything wrong on the outside of the intestines ( but that doesnt rule out what's on the inside..). All that doc said was not to scratch my side ie have more vege and fruits. But i already am a vegetarian! :)
right now, all im doing is taking more honey and olive oil( with food ) coz i read it somewhere that it helps.
hmm, nature... i'm a rather moody person, i guess, tho been diagnosed with clinical depression and mild anxiety disorder 4 years back, i'm doing all i can ie yoga, vegetarian etc just to keep it at bay.
Hope that helps. Many thanks, Dr Yogesh!
erm, i'm a male, 22 going to 23. I went to have CT colonoscopy for this but doc cant find anything wrong on the outside of the intestines ( but that doesnt rule out what's on the inside..). All that doc said was not to scratch my side ie have more vege and fruits. But i already am a vegetarian! :)
right now, all im doing is taking more honey and olive oil( with food ) coz i read it somewhere that it helps.
hmm, nature... i'm a rather moody person, i guess, tho been diagnosed with clinical depression and mild anxiety disorder 4 years back, i'm doing all i can ie yoga, vegetarian etc just to keep it at bay.
Hope that helps. Many thanks, Dr Yogesh!
hann8877 last decade
oh, the doc never gave me any treatment. he just shrugged me off after the report from ct scan says nothing can be found. sorry for the confusion. :)
hann8877 last decade
Take Sulphur 30C single dose.
SINGLE DOSE: 3-5 drops of Sulphur 30C dilution in 10-15 ml of water to be taken on empty stomach in the morning.
Take such doses on 3 consecutive days then wait for 7 days. report thereafter.
Dr. Yogesh
Take Sulphur 30C single dose.
SINGLE DOSE: 3-5 drops of Sulphur 30C dilution in 10-15 ml of water to be taken on empty stomach in the morning.
Take such doses on 3 consecutive days then wait for 7 days. report thereafter.
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
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