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Lycopodium overdose? Page 2 of 2
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Dear nawazkhan,
I mean to go head with sameer means sameer prescription, if she's taken sameer advice she should atleast wait for his reply nothing else. Been a homeopathy myself I also myself think pulsatilla with cover that's why i replied in that manner. Nothing personal bro.
I mean to go head with sameer means sameer prescription, if she's taken sameer advice she should atleast wait for his reply nothing else. Been a homeopathy myself I also myself think pulsatilla with cover that's why i replied in that manner. Nothing personal bro.
Paki1 last decade
'I haven't taken the magnesia yet, but I am starting to feel better.
And in fact... the acne is back. '
---> The anti-doting process can take time, when the problems have begun with a deep acting remedy like Lycopodium. Now that the Pulsatilla has undid the harm of Lycopodium (through overdose and of-course the wrong sequence after Sulphur), you can start afresh.
And in fact... the acne is back. '
---> The anti-doting process can take time, when the problems have begun with a deep acting remedy like Lycopodium. Now that the Pulsatilla has undid the harm of Lycopodium (through overdose and of-course the wrong sequence after Sulphur), you can start afresh.
sameervermani last decade
So, in the end, why did the Lycopodium clear the acne?
Was it the right remedy or not?
Can we state this or not?
Thank you.
Was it the right remedy or not?
Can we state this or not?
Thank you.
acnevictim last decade
It was not the right dose certainly. And it was not correct to take it after Sulphur. Acne is a very superficial symptom, and clearing of it at the expense of other problems developing, was actually a bad sign.
Moreover, I do not think it's the right remedy going by how you are presenting your symptoms.
Moreover, I do not think it's the right remedy going by how you are presenting your symptoms.
sameervermani last decade
thank you very much.
My homeopath visited me on the Skype - he made an exception, because I am in another continent and I insisted - and gave me Crotalus Horridus.
He previously gave me Sepia (that worked for other problems, but didn't fix the acne) and Platina (which didn't really work and he admitted it was a wrong prescription).
Let's hope that this one works.
Thank you very much.
He said that
thank you very much.
My homeopath visited me on the Skype - he made an exception, because I am in another continent and I insisted - and gave me Crotalus Horridus.
He previously gave me Sepia (that worked for other problems, but didn't fix the acne) and Platina (which didn't really work and he admitted it was a wrong prescription).
Let's hope that this one works.
Thank you very much.
He said that
acnevictim last decade
i also overtook dose of lycopodium and have same symptoms. I took lycopodium around 3 months ago and i am still experiencing these problems. can anybody suggest some solution ?
baniya 9 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Can you please list down the symptoms which started after takng lyco. Also mention potency and frequency os usage. It would be helpful if you medicines you took before and after lyco.
mani_jee 9 years ago
i took 2 drops of lycopodium 200 for 4 consecutive days.
i realised then also that i have overdosed myself because i was experiencing heat and burning sensation on right side of lower ribs, but i thought these effects wiil go away eventually with time.
Due to overdose my anxiety levels raised, my hair began to fall fastly, i felt inferior to others, i started fearing with no reason and after every min i used to have anxiety attack like something went down from my right side brain nerve and from right side below the lower ribs. Now the situation has improved since it has been 3 months but all symptoms still persist including little pain in my lower ribs.
The reason i took lycopodium at that time because my brain was producing too much dopamine at that time and i could not concentrate on my studies and at that time i was having kidney stone also in right kidney measuring 3mm for which i am taking some home remedy which is not to be confused with homeopathic medicines.
I am 21 years old and ate eggs for the first time in my life because of which i developed kidney stone and since then my stone is not cured completely. Also since then, i have problems in digesting my breakfast. While having breakfast i had heat feeling in my stomach on the right side and had to immediately go to washroom. Since then this has also improved but still have to visit washroom sometimes during breakfast.
So this is my whole story.
thank you
i realised then also that i have overdosed myself because i was experiencing heat and burning sensation on right side of lower ribs, but i thought these effects wiil go away eventually with time.
Due to overdose my anxiety levels raised, my hair began to fall fastly, i felt inferior to others, i started fearing with no reason and after every min i used to have anxiety attack like something went down from my right side brain nerve and from right side below the lower ribs. Now the situation has improved since it has been 3 months but all symptoms still persist including little pain in my lower ribs.
The reason i took lycopodium at that time because my brain was producing too much dopamine at that time and i could not concentrate on my studies and at that time i was having kidney stone also in right kidney measuring 3mm for which i am taking some home remedy which is not to be confused with homeopathic medicines.
I am 21 years old and ate eggs for the first time in my life because of which i developed kidney stone and since then my stone is not cured completely. Also since then, i have problems in digesting my breakfast. While having breakfast i had heat feeling in my stomach on the right side and had to immediately go to washroom. Since then this has also improved but still have to visit washroom sometimes during breakfast.
So this is my whole story.
thank you
baniya 9 years ago
It seems from your post that you didnt ever took any other remedy and lyco 200 was the only remedy which you took for 4 consective days. Kindly confirm.
mani_jee 9 years ago
yes only lycopodium 200.
baniya 9 years ago
Please take lachesis 200, only 1 dose. Dosage is same as you did for lyco. You have to take only 1 dose and not repeated again. Report back after 1 week.
mani_jee 9 years ago
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