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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Problem after urination

Hi, i am 21 years old lad and i have a problem in urinating. I am a deep addicted of masturbation and my problem is after urinating,i leak a bit of watery and slightly sticky pre-cum liquid. i try to pass it away and my penis grows a bit bigger and i cant pass it away.After sometime i feel that i need to go to toilet again and use tissues. when i go to toilet i see that some watery and bit sticky liquid roll over.My penis also has some white rash. When i wash it properly, it emerges even after a day.The problem is started from 2 to 3 years ago.Should i stop masturbating forever to solve this problem?Is that the only solution? I want to give up this bad. I want to solve my urine problem as early as possible from a doctor. My family is a bit restricted and i am unable to tell this to my family. Please help me solve my problem easily so that i can take care of me by my self. Waiting for the answer........
  imran1260 on 2011-01-03
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Homeopathy International 1 last decade

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