The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Swollen piles and IBS
Hi, I am 45 years old male working as IT manager. Work space is not hectic. Since 2009 Dec, I had small fissure which troubled me for an year and slowly the symptoms turned into IBS after being treated with antibiotics. Nearly 8 courses of Antibiotics were given by doctors (after stool culture tests,)but all are only a temporary solution.In 2010 Feb, went to qualified homeo physician treated with Aloes, Nux, Sulphur all in 30/200 potencies but no results in mucus filled black tarred stools with lots of burning sensation. Colonoscopy report in June 2010 says that - Fissure in Ano and Thrombosed Hamerroid. The Gastroenterologist recomended probiotics and some gels which gave relief. Now all those symptos had gone with the help of my family friend who suggested to take Pyrogenium 1 M which was repeated 3 times. 4th time, there were other issues notes, this urinary infection. Now I stopped all medication and having lots of pain after defecation of stools. There is mass out side anus hanging and giving severe pain. Aseculus Hip and Sulphur with Nux all in 200 potency being used irregularly. Kindly help me to come out this night mare. My lipid profiles test says I have high Tryglicerides at 490, for which I am taking Liposem an ayurvedic tablet twice daily and good results are there.Sreenivas
ysreddy_2k2 on 2011-01-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Doctors,
With great respect to this forum, I am seeking help to my problem. Appreciate the response.
With great respect to this forum, I am seeking help to my problem. Appreciate the response.
ysreddy_2k2 last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
Thank you. Today I met a Homeopathic physician. He has given some doses but names are not known to me. I will check with that first. Thank you for your kind response.
Thank you. Today I met a Homeopathic physician. He has given some doses but names are not known to me. I will check with that first. Thank you for your kind response.
ysreddy_2k2 last decade
Please use the homeopathic patient intake form and give us the appropriate information about your case, and hopefully someone here will help you begin correct homeoapthic treatment.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
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