The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Desperate for help for teething toddler
Hello AllI am new to this forum and have posted regarding my son below. (please see below)
I am just after some advice regarding his struggles with teething. I have tried chammomilla 200c for three days (twice a day) and stopped as he was responding to this with symptoms easing. he has however woken from his nap screaming, pulling BOTH ears with BOTH cheeks now red, he has lashed out at me, very angry. This fits his usual pattern of teething but after nearly two years of this am desperate esp as currently pregnant as well.
Can i restart the Chammomilla?
------------------------------Toddler with cough and chest infection
From sahds1 on 2011-01-13
7 replies 36 views
I am seeking help for my 21month old son who has always been a healthy child except for when teething, during this time he is in extreme pain, high fever, develops a cold etc. I have recently given him Chammomilla as he fits the picture to a T and he seems to be responding to this.
I would like some advice with regard to recent bouts of chest infections that he has had which he has been prescribed antiobiotics for. I am concerned that these are becoming recurrent and I do not want him to continue to be prescribed these. I am after a preventative homeopathic cure.
My son is still breastfed and i would describe him as an extremely independent child - has always been this way and has to do everything by himself. he is generally fit and well and has only become ill with chest infection following difficult bouts of teething where he runs high fevers - 39C+ and develops a bad cold with disturbed sleep. nothing consoles him during this time and he just wants to be held constantly and wants to nurse all the time day and night. Except for when teething he is a very happy child and sociable although he always likes to assess any situation before becoming involved. Even at this young age I would say he is a deep thinker and does not like people to invade his space, rather he prefers to assess them himself and then is either very friendly and sociable or he may decide that he does not wish to speak with them. when upset with me or his father, again usually when ill there is no consoling him until he comes forward on his own accord but his upset is usually short lived. he is a loveable and affectionate child.
his cough currently is dry at night and occurs briefly during the day. he has a runny nose but this is clear at the moment. temperature is normal but i worry that each time he has a cough this develops into a chest infection. his father is asthmatic with a family history of chronic asthma, father also suffers with hay fever. i have a nut allergy. i am currently pregnant and happy to continue breastfeeding but am concerned that once i stop my son will become more ill. i am frightened of him developing asthma
thanks in advance
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Re: Toddler with cough and chest infection From Niel Madhavan on 2011-01-14
Describe his appearance and build. Also let us know of any more details you may like to share.
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Re: Toddler with cough and chest infection From sahds1 on 2011-01-15
appearance: olive skinned with big brown eyes and dark black hair. Tall and lean in build. Low threshold for pain - mainly teething difficulties. As I said previously he is an extremely independent child and has to do everything himself, he never crawled and walked at 11 months. he is still breastfed - he is very reluctant to self wean despite my being pregnant and although I have reduced nursing sessions I cannot see him chosing to wean anytime soon.
in terms of birth he was 12 days overdue. I was induced and reacted to the medication given - hyperstimulated and suffered with multiple contractions, used no pain relief other than gas and air but I was in extreme pain and fainted throughout the labour. Overall labour was quick. he suffered with colic and reflux and i took him to a cranial oesteopath and both these conditions resolved after 4 sessions of treatment.
recent treatment: I have given chammomilla for teething 200c as he was in extreme pain and 6c not effective. responded well to this - much calmer, coping better with pain, sleeping better although first night of taking symptoms were worse than ever. other than this he has had medication for chest infection from doctor. Cough seems to be getting better but still has runny nose and still in some pain with teething (second set molars). we are due to go on holiday soon and I would like him to be fit and well and enjoy it.
many thanks in advance for any help
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Re: Toddler with cough and chest infection From Niel Madhavan on 2011-01-15
Let us get over this chest infection first.
Please give him three wet doses of Belladona 200 separated by three hours each on a single day only.
You will need to put 2 pills/drops of the remedy in some 150 ml of mineral water. Allow it to dissolve for some 15 minutes. Shake the bottle vigorously 10-15 times. One teaspoon from the bottle is one dose. Give 10 succussions to the stock bottle before each dose. Throw away the rest of the solution after the three doses have been given.
Let me know of the condition three days from taking the remedy.
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Re: Toddler with cough and chest infection From Niel Madhavan on 2011-01-15's Belladonna.
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Re: Toddler with cough and chest infection From sahds1 on 2011-01-15
thank you i will purschase and try, should i try even though chest infection appears to have cleared with just slight cough and runny nose left?
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Re: Toddler with cough and chest infection From Niel Madhavan on 2011-01-15
Don't give it if the infection has cleared. Let me know of his condition in 3-4 days from now.
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Re: Toddler with cough and chest infection From sahds1 on 2011-01-15
many thanks. I will report back later in the week.
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sahds1 on 2011-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
I would probably go back to using the Chamomilla since it clearly gave results - during an acute like this it is often necessary to use several doses. It might also be necessary to go up to 1M, which is something I often do with teething children.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you, I have tried the Chammomilla again and he is responding to it. I will continue with the 200c dose and will go up to 1m if needed
Thank you, I have tried the Chammomilla again and he is responding to it. I will continue with the 200c dose and will go up to 1m if needed
sahds1 last decade
How are you giving the Cham 200 - pillules or liquid? The way that you give the dose can affect its longevity in continuing improvement.
Any remedy should be given in liquid form, the liquid contained in a bottle that can be firmly hit against the palm of the hand. This process of hitting, called succussion, is a necessary step in redosing to get the best results.
Any remedy should be given in liquid form, the liquid contained in a bottle that can be firmly hit against the palm of the hand. This process of hitting, called succussion, is a necessary step in redosing to get the best results.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I was giving it in pillules form and it was helping him- certainly taking the edge off the pain. however the last two nights he has barely slept due to level of pain and the Cham 200 isnt touching it. I am going to try the 1M dose - which should I purchase if liquid form is better?
I was giving it in pillules form and it was helping him- certainly taking the edge off the pain. however the last two nights he has barely slept due to level of pain and the Cham 200 isnt touching it. I am going to try the 1M dose - which should I purchase if liquid form is better?
sahds1 last decade
Dissolve the pillules into water contained in a small bottle. Hit the bottle 4 times very firmly against the palm of the hand, and then place 1 drop in the mouth. A clean dropper is useful for this.
In an acute like this there would be no problem trying the 1M though if you have it.
In an acute like this there would be no problem trying the 1M though if you have it.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
sahds1 last decade
In addition to other advices here, I would suggest to stop cow's milk, if you are giving. Frequent Fever is frequently linked to indigestion from milk or other food. Mag Mur 6, given twice daily (in wet dose preferably) is very effective to keep Children's digestive system health and hence prevent from fever.
Alternating Ipeca 30 and Belladonna 30 is found to help frequently fever, esp for children.
Alternating Ipeca 30 and Belladonna 30 is found to help frequently fever, esp for children.
♡ Reva V last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I tried one dose and symptoms were worse than ever. I tried the next night and some improvement but to be honest when the pain is severe the Cham does not provide any relief.
I am still breastfeeding and do not offer any cows milk (husband has allergy to this as a child and when offered to my son he suffered with digestion issues so I never offered again). The only milk he has other than breast milk is rice milk when he is away from me and this is in small quantities, he has never had any adverse reaction to this.
I do not know why he has suffered so much with his teething. He has otherwise fit and well and was only ill once after first set of vaccination at two months of age (severe diarrhoea for a month and unsettled no hospitalisation but I breastfed around the clock to ensure fluid intake and doctors did not believe that it was related to his vaccination but i believe it was) - This was when I was ignorant and before I realised I should not have vaccinated and after the one set of injections I have chosen not to have any more vaccinations - is this likely to have impacted on his low pain threshold?
I am still breastfeeding and do not offer any cows milk (husband has allergy to this as a child and when offered to my son he suffered with digestion issues so I never offered again). The only milk he has other than breast milk is rice milk when he is away from me and this is in small quantities, he has never had any adverse reaction to this.
I do not know why he has suffered so much with his teething. He has otherwise fit and well and was only ill once after first set of vaccination at two months of age (severe diarrhoea for a month and unsettled no hospitalisation but I breastfed around the clock to ensure fluid intake and doctors did not believe that it was related to his vaccination but i believe it was) - This was when I was ignorant and before I realised I should not have vaccinated and after the one set of injections I have chosen not to have any more vaccinations - is this likely to have impacted on his low pain threshold?
sahds1 last decade
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