The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Side effects of my medications...
I am a spinal cord injury patient (Males , 40 years) with level of injury Td and am paralayzed from chest down. I have been in this condition for about 11 years.I was physically fit beofre the accident, but now have put on weight and am overweight due to my limited activity.
My main problems were:
1. frequent urinary tract infections
2. Gas, flatulance and bloated feeling in the stomatch.
3. Heartburn
4. Excessive sweating in the skin folds
5. Constipation due to lack of activity and exercise )even though I am on a high fibre diet)
6. Anal fissures and pilesdue to digital stimulation as I have lost my bowel control.
I take the following medicines:
1. Carbo Vegetabilis 200(for excessive sweating) once a day.
2. Graphites 200(for fissuers) 3 times a day
3. Lycopodium 200 (for gas, bloating and flatulance) after every meal.
4. Causticam 200(for constipation)once a day
Then I have sinusitis and when it is very severe I take Kali Bich 200 3 times a day.
All the medicines work and I get relief. I drink about 2 liters of water everyday.
Morning I take 3 glasses of lukewarm water before my bowel management program. Then I take a lots of water during the day so as to minimize the rsik of urinary infection.
I also take allopathic medicines to control my cholostrol (Atorvastatin 20 mg) and control my bladder spasms (oxybutaine 2.5mg three times a day).
My question is that is this treatment correct. Will taking so many different medicines at the same time create any problem.
As I said the medicines work. I regularly check by blood and urine and everything is normal. Kidney is also normal and creatinine and blood urea levels are well within the normal values.
BUt recently somebody told me that homeopathic medicines have side effects that will affect the kidney and I should avoid it. But that means taking more of Allopathic medicines which I don't want.
Since I have spinal cord injury and am on a wheelchair, I cannot do any exercise and remove many problems that could have been avoided for a normal person.
Any help, advice will be appreciated
oracle on 2005-05-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
That somebody didn't know homeopathy, not really.
Homeopathy is known to increase symptoms as it heals in many people. It doesn't always happen.
This is a good sign that the remedy is a correct choice.
This is NOT side effects.
With allopathic meds, it IS side effects. Many times they cause other conditions in the body and then the MDs think it is another illness and must be treated. Pretty soon we are like the artichoke, which leaf shall we treat today. All connected, but in what order?
Allopathic meds suppress conditions. Homeopathy releases it and many things surface to be healed.
In YOUR case, allopathic meds are balancing your body pretty good. If you take H. remedies, they, more than the allopathic, would be affected and work less.
There are several good things for the kidney, bladder conditions that arise from time to time.
A good symptom report would be first sign of problem. and how it developes. How do you know and how does it act. Is there pain......etc.
You did a very good job of reporting about yourself.
Have you studied, and have a remedy in mind?
Blessings, Sabra
Homeopathy is known to increase symptoms as it heals in many people. It doesn't always happen.
This is a good sign that the remedy is a correct choice.
This is NOT side effects.
With allopathic meds, it IS side effects. Many times they cause other conditions in the body and then the MDs think it is another illness and must be treated. Pretty soon we are like the artichoke, which leaf shall we treat today. All connected, but in what order?
Allopathic meds suppress conditions. Homeopathy releases it and many things surface to be healed.
In YOUR case, allopathic meds are balancing your body pretty good. If you take H. remedies, they, more than the allopathic, would be affected and work less.
There are several good things for the kidney, bladder conditions that arise from time to time.
A good symptom report would be first sign of problem. and how it developes. How do you know and how does it act. Is there pain......etc.
You did a very good job of reporting about yourself.
Have you studied, and have a remedy in mind?
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra last decade
Hi Sabra,
Thanks for your post. I was concerned about the "homeopathy have side effects that affect the kidneys" warning as it came from a Urologist.
Since I do not have bladder control, I use an indwelling catheter. Till I started the homeopathic medicines (I take STaphysagaria 200 2 times a day, I missed this in the earlier post) for the urinary infections. After starting this I had approximately 1 or two urinary infections in the past 4 years or so opposed two having infections every other week. In fact, by taking many allopathic medicines, I have become resisitent to almost all of them.
That was the time, I started on homeopathy. I am software engineer and have not studied homeopathy. But my late grandfather was a homeopath, and I used to assist him when I was a kid and I learned a few thing from. The rest I learned reading books and expert opinions from websites of homepaths and from forums like this.
But with the spinal cord injury, my options were limited. Either take a lot of allopathic medicines, and slowly get resistent to all medicines. Because as far as I have seen, in the case of allopathy, the doctors will prescribe a stronger medicine if the current one is not working and finally end up with no medicines to try.
But the homeopathic medicines that I take really worked and they don't have any side effects, like stomatch trobles, nauesea, headache, etc. that accompanies almost all allopathic medicines.
I have even the anal fissures completely under control with homeopathic medicine, where as my MD has suggested a surgery.
The MD who told me about the kidney side effect has argued me with "all medicines have side effects", but in the case of allopathy they know what the side effects are but in the case of homeopathy, they are unknown. As I have no formal trainig, I couldn't counter him at that time, but today I have send him your reply to the "Effects and Side effects" post.
But I still don't know whenther taking more than one medicine at a time is acceptable or not. I have seen experienced and qualified professionals doing that. But I just wanted to make sure that I am not doing anything that is drastically wrong. As a spinal cord injury patient, I know I will have to take some risk, but with allopathy, the risk is at an unacceptable level.
Also when homeopathy is working fine for me why rock the boat? The MD wants me to stop all homeopathic medicines and subsitute all with allopathic replacements, which I know is bad. I have been doing it during the initial years of my injury, but now have reached a comfortable state with homeopathy. I don't want to change that.
Your suggestions and advice are deeply appreciated.
Thanks for your post. I was concerned about the "homeopathy have side effects that affect the kidneys" warning as it came from a Urologist.
Since I do not have bladder control, I use an indwelling catheter. Till I started the homeopathic medicines (I take STaphysagaria 200 2 times a day, I missed this in the earlier post) for the urinary infections. After starting this I had approximately 1 or two urinary infections in the past 4 years or so opposed two having infections every other week. In fact, by taking many allopathic medicines, I have become resisitent to almost all of them.
That was the time, I started on homeopathy. I am software engineer and have not studied homeopathy. But my late grandfather was a homeopath, and I used to assist him when I was a kid and I learned a few thing from. The rest I learned reading books and expert opinions from websites of homepaths and from forums like this.
But with the spinal cord injury, my options were limited. Either take a lot of allopathic medicines, and slowly get resistent to all medicines. Because as far as I have seen, in the case of allopathy, the doctors will prescribe a stronger medicine if the current one is not working and finally end up with no medicines to try.
But the homeopathic medicines that I take really worked and they don't have any side effects, like stomatch trobles, nauesea, headache, etc. that accompanies almost all allopathic medicines.
I have even the anal fissures completely under control with homeopathic medicine, where as my MD has suggested a surgery.
The MD who told me about the kidney side effect has argued me with "all medicines have side effects", but in the case of allopathy they know what the side effects are but in the case of homeopathy, they are unknown. As I have no formal trainig, I couldn't counter him at that time, but today I have send him your reply to the "Effects and Side effects" post.
But I still don't know whenther taking more than one medicine at a time is acceptable or not. I have seen experienced and qualified professionals doing that. But I just wanted to make sure that I am not doing anything that is drastically wrong. As a spinal cord injury patient, I know I will have to take some risk, but with allopathy, the risk is at an unacceptable level.
Also when homeopathy is working fine for me why rock the boat? The MD wants me to stop all homeopathic medicines and subsitute all with allopathic replacements, which I know is bad. I have been doing it during the initial years of my injury, but now have reached a comfortable state with homeopathy. I don't want to change that.
Your suggestions and advice are deeply appreciated.
oracle last decade
I have used Nat Phos 6x exclusively to help with Acidity in the stomach and would like to suggest that you take 2 tablets after lunch and dinner and observe if it helps you. It also helps to keep the stools soft and easy to expel and is of importance to senior citizens some of whom are dependent on this remedy to help them on a daily basis.
For bladder control I have prescribed Arnica 30 taken twice daily as it has helped many who use it who suffer from incontinence especially after TURP (Trans urethral resection of the Prostate) surgery which in at least 50% of the cases leaves the patient after surgery dependent on frequent hourly visits to the loo.
I would strongly urge you to sever your connections with your present MD who obviously does not know anything about Homeopathy and what is worse is obviously prejudiced against its use as he does not understand this science which he was taught to suspect it in his studies.
I can reassure you that there is absolutely no question whatever that it cannot do you any harm. I am a living example of the efficacy of using Homeopathy exclusively for the last 35 years as at age 75 I am often mistaken for a person who is 20 years younger with a BP of 120/80 and pulse 65.
Please do not hesitate to post any problems you may have on this Forum as many of us are dedicated to help those, especially like you, who have no recourse otherwise than to abide by the dictates of their stupid MD's.
For bladder control I have prescribed Arnica 30 taken twice daily as it has helped many who use it who suffer from incontinence especially after TURP (Trans urethral resection of the Prostate) surgery which in at least 50% of the cases leaves the patient after surgery dependent on frequent hourly visits to the loo.
I would strongly urge you to sever your connections with your present MD who obviously does not know anything about Homeopathy and what is worse is obviously prejudiced against its use as he does not understand this science which he was taught to suspect it in his studies.
I can reassure you that there is absolutely no question whatever that it cannot do you any harm. I am a living example of the efficacy of using Homeopathy exclusively for the last 35 years as at age 75 I am often mistaken for a person who is 20 years younger with a BP of 120/80 and pulse 65.
Please do not hesitate to post any problems you may have on this Forum as many of us are dedicated to help those, especially like you, who have no recourse otherwise than to abide by the dictates of their stupid MD's.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
BELIEVE ME, That Allopathic doctor has got it backward, completely.
In 40+ years I have NEVER had any remedy affect the kidneys in an negative way.
How are you doing?
Blessings, Sabra
In 40+ years I have NEVER had any remedy affect the kidneys in an negative way.
How are you doing?
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra last decade
Rereading again. You really should keep your use of homeopathy to yourself. There is a chance that an MD that thinks he/she knows it all, will refuse to see you because of the Homeopathy. It happens all the time.
There are so many misconstrued ideas about homeopathy it would fill a book. The dr that wants you to disregard homeopathy is an idiot.
As I read I realize you have a good handle on the workings of homeopathy. In your particular case, I would not advise you to discontinue allopathic medicine to any great degree until you are positive that homeopathy is doing what you want and you are sure of your interpretation. This is not the time to "rock the boat" while you are searching.
It is not the best thing to be taking several remedies, but again, I feel you have different needs.
I am studying.
Blessings, Sabra
Blessings, Sabra
There are so many misconstrued ideas about homeopathy it would fill a book. The dr that wants you to disregard homeopathy is an idiot.
As I read I realize you have a good handle on the workings of homeopathy. In your particular case, I would not advise you to discontinue allopathic medicine to any great degree until you are positive that homeopathy is doing what you want and you are sure of your interpretation. This is not the time to "rock the boat" while you are searching.
It is not the best thing to be taking several remedies, but again, I feel you have different needs.
I am studying.
Blessings, Sabra
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra last decade
Hi Sabra,
Thank you very much for the reply. I will follow your advice.
As you have very correctly mentioned, the situation of a spinal cord injury patient is different.
I don't have neither sensation nor motor capabilities below chest level. So I cannot even answer, questions like "where do have pain?", "how is your pain?", etc.
I had trouble finding a homeopath who have some experience in treating SCI patients. That is why I started on my own.
My earlier experience with homeopathy and the knowledge that I gained from books during the time I was with my grandfather was a starting point. Then I started reading information on the Internet and found this fourm, which has helped me a lot and is still helping me.
Thanks once again to you and all the experts of the forum.
If you have any specific advice for a spinal cord injury patient, thing that I should keep in mind, please do let me know.
Thank you very much for the reply. I will follow your advice.
As you have very correctly mentioned, the situation of a spinal cord injury patient is different.
I don't have neither sensation nor motor capabilities below chest level. So I cannot even answer, questions like "where do have pain?", "how is your pain?", etc.
I had trouble finding a homeopath who have some experience in treating SCI patients. That is why I started on my own.
My earlier experience with homeopathy and the knowledge that I gained from books during the time I was with my grandfather was a starting point. Then I started reading information on the Internet and found this fourm, which has helped me a lot and is still helping me.
Thanks once again to you and all the experts of the forum.
If you have any specific advice for a spinal cord injury patient, thing that I should keep in mind, please do let me know.
oracle last decade
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