The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Woman with high testosterone / losing hair
Hello,my wife was diagnose with PCOS and she has high levels of Testosterone (it's 96... and should be in the 40s)
She has been losing a lot of hair for many years... but now it's becoming apparent that the hair is not growing back. I can't stand seeing her suffer....
Any information on how to help her would be appreciated!
error404 on 2011-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I found the form and had my wife help me filled it out:
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Body Type: slim
Height: 5'-6'
Weight: 125 lbs
General appearance: Most beautiful woman, that I have ever seen
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The main problem(s) that I have with it, is my hair is falling out, hair growing on my face, and the worry of infertility.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
I have no other health issues, except hypoglycemia or insulin resistance, which may be the underlying health condition with my PCOS. I also have some weird, undiagnosed problem, where my legs will itch like crazy with certain exercise. Ill itch so badly that I cant help but to scratch, and have scratched myself bloody a few times. The only thing that stops it a lot, is getting into cold water. . .which, I cant tell which is worse, being in cold water, or the itching. It feels like millions of mosquito bites covering every millimeter of my body at the peak of the itching, simultaneously. It will spread to my thighs and buttocks, sometimes my trunk, and sometimes my hands, where my fingers will swell up, itch, and hurt.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
I dont feel like a woman. I feel like Im worthless in a society that seems to base a womans worth/value on her appearance. I feel a little bitter at how shallow people can be to base a persons worth on their appearance, and cause people who have no control over certain things (appearance, race, etc.) to hate themselves and feel so horrible, self-conscious, and too embarrassed to show their faces. I have a lot of depression associated with it, but my depression is also related to other events that have happened in my past as well though. I feel stressed, desperate, hurt, and I have questioned the existence of God. I feel like Im broken, and when my hair falls out too much more, I dont even plan to leave my house. I dont want people to see me. Im not a shallow person or judge others by things they cannot control, but I know how people in society view masculine and/or bald looking women. Ive heard the jokes, the comments, the apathy others expressed about other women suffering from PCOS (or something similar), and hated it. I never took part in the comments or joking, and I never revealed my health issue. . .but based on what Ive seen, I know what to expect when it becomes more obvious in me. I expect the jokes, comments, etc. to be directed at me, or about me. . .which hurts, because I didnt do anything to anyone to deserve such a thing. Ive felt helpless, hopeless, etc. I feel like love, worth, and social acceptance seem only to be for the perfect, and it shouldnt be that way.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
Mentally? Suicidal thoughts at times because of the fear of social isolation and feelings of being worthless. Most of what I feel when Im at my worst is mental, which Ive described above.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
Ive had it as long as I can remember. I remember it as soon as I went through puberty. . .I got my cycle twice, maybe three times a year, and with that came excruciatingly painful cramps. This places the beginning around 11 or 12 years old for me, but I didnt go to a doctor until around 15 years old. The doctor did a blood test, and my testosterone came back at around 86.2. The doctor didnt give me a diagnosis or explain anything to me, or run further tests. He only stuck me on birth control pills to regulate me. I eventually went off the birth control pills. . .I forget why, but possibly because I didnt have health insurance anymore. Since the doctor didnt really think much of it, I didnt know I actually had something serious (PCOS), so I didnt know to get it treated. When I came off the birth control pills though, I lost my period again and went back to the way I was before. In March of 2002, I passed out or had some seizure for the first time in my life, and had urinated. I was passed from doctor to doctor and given many tests that didnt show results. . .they were checking my blood and sent me to a cardiologist, thinking I may have had a heart problem. Everything was negative. I passed out again in October of 2004, or not exactly passed out, but had some really dangerous episode (lost my vision, most of my hearing, couldnt walk, blood pressure dropped really low, sweated, palpitations, etc.). I went to the ER, and they gave me fluids and ran tests on me. They couldnt find anything, and strongly suggested that I had an eating disorder, however, I was 124 pounds, and 55, and was in a karate class twice a week. I was normal, and always believed in maintaining a healthy diet and weight. It came down to that they didnt know what was wrong with me. Both of these episodes happened after I had done exercise, so I felt those were somehow linked. The first was after walking four miles, and the second was during a karate class. . .I tried to continue the karate class, but I had what felt like mini-episodes each time and had the instructor even tell me to sit out. I passed out in July of 2008, but that may have been due to panicking after being cut, though I never passed out at the sight of blood before. I always felt on the borderline or brink of passing out or like something was wrong. . .palpitations, flutters, shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness, nausea (I always became extremely nauseous just before I passed out), etc., so I stopped exercising almost completely. In 2009, I discovered the Low-Glycemic Index diet, which worked wonders for me. I noticed a pattern over the years that diet was somehow linked to whether Id get my cycle or not, so Id try to eat those foods. I would still have trouble. . .I didnt cut foods out because I didnt know what the diet was at the time. When I found out what the diet was, and that it was used for diabetics, hypoglycemic people, etc., I decided to try it out. I also read that it was successful with people who had PCOS. My mothers entire side has hypoglycemia. . .my mother, her three sisters, and my late grandfather, but I have no information about his immediate family. Theres suspicion that my cousin on that side has it as well. I would experience getting the shakes throughout my life, and knew it was probably hypoglycemia, but I had no idea it was related to my other problems. When I finally found out about the Low-Glycemic Index diet and went on it, I got my cycle consecutively. When I went off of it, such as for a few months at my in-laws because it was difficult to get them to understand my dietary needs, I lost my cycle. When I stayed with my mother and got back on the diet, I got my cycle back again, two or three months in a row. I eventually moved back to my in-laws, and this time there was cooperation for the most part of my dietary needs, and I continued to get my cycle. Im now at my grandparents, and I have, in total, been getting my cycle for six or seven months consecutively now. . .something that has NEVER happened in my life before. The diet is working and suggests to me, that my problem has to do with hypoglycemia or insulin-resistance. However, right before I was going to get my blood work done for my endocrinologist, I went off the diet, because I wanted him to know what my body was like when it wasnt under control. . .big mistake. I had a seizure, but didnt lose consciousness. I felt I was going into another one, or may have been starting to get the signs, another time when my husband and I went to a restaurant. We were able to prevent it by catching it just in time. . .I had soda there to drink, and ordered an appetizer immediately. Then dinner came, then dessert. It took about an hour to feel mostly normal again, just like the seizure I had before, which left the calf of my leg in pain for a week and unable to bear complete body weight on it for that time because the muscles contorted or something. . my legs kicked on their own, involuntarily, and my feet and ankles turned totally inward, like something out of an Exorcist movie. In 2010, when I was at my in-laws but not able to continue my diet, I was having what felt like major sugar crashes several times a day, each day. Their diet was almost completely the opposite to what my body needed. I would feel weak, get the cardiac symptoms, fatigue, weakness, dizzy, lightheaded, nausea, confusion, shake/tremble, suddenly feel starved, and break out in a sweat for no reason (no exercise, etc.). My blood tests come back showing my blood sugar to be normal, but I KNOW that something is wrong, just by the pattern Ive had for years now, and how strongly linked everything is to my diet. My body can almost be normal on the diet, but is full of chaos off of it. The diet is the only way I get my cycle, which is a diet that is associated with helping PCOS and Hypoglycemia, etc its been too much for coincidence, too many times. I feel like trying to throw myself into a seizure and then go to the hospital, and try to request or demand certain tests be done. . .such as that glucose test that takes several hours. I was finally diagnosed with PCOS in May of 2008 by a doctor in Miami the doctors where I lived before I moved to Miami, and where I moved back to in 2009, never diagnosed me or really treated me in all the time I was here. I lost complete faith in the medical community, because theyd accuse me of things that I wasnt (anorexic), or would tell me it was in my head. My husband got laid off in 2008, so I didnt have a chance to get treated by the doctor in Miami, however, he was really good. He was aggressively testing me, etc. I felt alone in what was a catastrophe when I moved back here, because I had no medical insurance. I took to reading about herbal medicine, etc. When I got insurance, I went to a cardiologist to find there is nothing wrong with my heart. I requested to go to an endocrinologist after explaining to the cardiologist the symptoms and patterns I had seen in my body over the years. I went to an endocrinologist, who listened and did blood work. . .my testosterone was 96 (I forget the decimal). He hasnt suggested doing the glucose test that lasts several hours, but I want to request it. . .just because the pattern and correlation between my cycle and this diet, and what feels to be sugar crashes, are just too obvious and impossible to ignore or dismiss. During the time I had no insurance, I found a book in Barnes & Noble about PCOS and how to manage the symptoms, etc. I read it, related, and put myself on the Low-Glycemic Index Diet. . .its working in many ways. Im on 1500mg of Metformin per day, and have been since September. I cant tell if its doing anything for me or not though. My testosterone has fallen about 30 points in that time, and my dose has been increased from 1000mg per day to 1500 per day in that time. I know that hair loss can be some side effect of Metformin, but I dont feel thats the case for me. Ive been losing a lot of hair for years. . .my husband, family, etc. noticed it for years. . .before going on Metformin. I used to have so much hair when I was younger that I had no clue what to do with it. . .it was extremely thick, heavy, unmanageable, etc. In 2007, my hair suddenly turned curly after getting my hair trimmed (I didnt get much cut off). I thought it was weird, but didnt think much of it at the time, because it was gorgeous, easy to manage, and I loved it! I should have seen this as a sign that something was really starting to go wrong, since my hair made such a dramatic change. Now, I can see my scalp starting to show through my hair, male pattern hair loss. . .above my ears, the sides of my forehead are reaching back, my hairline is sort of choppy and looks like my hair is reaching, rather than just one solid hairline like before. Im starting to see through to my scalp in other parts of my head now as well, on the sides a bit. It was mostly at my center part, so I changed my part. It only spread. Im panicking because Ive heard that when the hair loss is caused by testosterone, it doesnt grow back. How true is this? Im trying everything, and am getting ready to try acupuncture, and/or Chinese Herbology. I have Nioxin, I take green tea pills, jojoba oil, drink green tea, etc. Green tea is supposed to have a chemical in it (ECG. . .I forget) that is supposed to prevent the testosterone from converting to DHT and attaching to the hair follicle. Its also supposed to help to regrow hair. Im also getting ready to get some Inositol, because it is linked to lowering testosterone. Im afraid Im going to lose too much hair before the testosterone is brought fully under control, and Ive already even begun to look at wigs online. But, the PCOS book that I bought REALLY helped me to connect the dots between my symptoms, patterns, etc.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
All the time.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
Testosterone. . .makes my hair fall out. I stopped wearing my hair up, but my hair still falls out. Ive been really stressed for the past year or so, but Ive gotten that under control. . .my only real stress now is my hair falling out. A normal diet will aggravate my health problem. . . so Im on the Low-Glycemic Index diet, which has at least given me my cycle back. Whether Im actually ovulating or not, is another concern.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Yes and no. Since Ive moved back to this region, my scalp has been becoming noticeable, but, at the same time, this could have been years in the making and just not been caught early enough.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
I feel better when I have a menstrual cycle (mentally), when the blood work comes back saying my testosterone is lower, and when I have a day when my hair doesnt fall out as much.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Im a people-pleaser, passive, but feel angry, depressed, etc. as a result of that. . .I allow people to treat me badly, take advantage of me, disrespect me, etc. . .Im changing that part of myself though. Im uncomfortable and nervous around some people, have trouble trusting more than I think, and have trouble getting over sexual, physical, and emotional abuse in my past. Im very stressed out, but mostly now because of my health. Ive been seeing a marriage therapist since September, I think. My marriage has improved, and now Im starting therapy for my past. However, my friends describe me as easy-going, happy, humorous, practical joker, strong, creative, loyal, kind, dependable, intelligent, determined, sane, etc. . .though, I dont really talk to them about my past, etc. I try to think positive, but have trouble doing that at times, especially in the recent year. Im keeping a journal to vent in now, and using a workbook to help me with my past, and become more positive. Im keeping anyone I feel is negative, a bad influence for me, or anyone who would make me feel bad about myself, tear me down, etc. out of my life right now, because I feel I have to get myself in order. I need to accept myself, learn to love myself, not take on more than able, take time to enjoy myself, become assertive, become more secure with myself, etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
If they arent really severe, I like them. I even like hurricanes, under a category three.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Yes! Very much!
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
Yes. I used to suck my thumb, for more years than appropriate, but got over it in 2009. I bite my nails like crazy. I cry a lot, but not causelessly. . .its related to my past, and other stress, and feel its a healthy cry that needed to come out.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I love my friends, I love my husband, I love parts of my family, but working things out with other parts of my family.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
I fear of more sexual abuse. I have a phobia of bees, wasps, and hornets. I fear of losing my hair. I fear of close ones or people I care about dying. I fear of my marriage ending in divorce. I fear of never having control over my life.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I crave the things I shouldnt eat with my diet. . .white potatoes and rice, etc. Im a carbo-holic, but resist eating as many as I can. I eat mostly healthy, because my drive is to get my cycle, get my PCOS under total control, keep my hair, and be healthy. I give in to some McDonalds fries when Im with my husband though. Im wondering if my diet is as strict as it should be, and if Im eating things I dont know arent healthy for me, or dont eat foods that I dont realize are good for my diet.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Normal, but was excessive around the time I had the seizure in September of 2010.
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Varies. I can be constantly hungry, or hardly hungry at all.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Considering that the Low-Glycemic Index diet works for my monthly cycle, white bread, white potatoes, white rice, and anything else thats high-glycemic.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Under normal circumstances, I dont sweat much. When I do sweat, I sweat more on my trunk, especially during what feels like a sugar crash.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Normal until my Metformin was increased.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I sleep pretty well, and tend to sleep in fetal position.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
Yes, the itchy leg problem that I described in a question above. As for feelings, I just feel like I dont fit in anywhere, but want to.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Birth control pills. . .no symptoms surfaced.
Metformin 1500mg. . .got really sick when I first went on it, but they went away. Now that my dose was increased, the diarrhea has been staying around much longer than before.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Hypoglycemia, Type II Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, heart disease, glaucoma.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
People tell me Im really pretty, but I dont feel like I am most of the time. Now that my hair is falling out like it is, I feel even worse about myself. Id be happy just to stop my hair from falling out, and grow back what fell out. . .even though it may not be as noticeable to people I first meet. Those who know me, as well as myself, know that my hair isnt the same or normal anymore.
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
I used to get my period two or three times a year until 2010, when I went on the Low-Glycemic Index diet. I had excruciating, almost debilitating cramps with my cycles. I felt nauseous, sweaty, weak, and like I was going to pass out/collapse if I sat up or walked. I would get pain in my rear, my vaginal area/lips, and abdomen. I would flow very heavily for the first two or three days (two tampons and a thick pad at the same time, every few hours), and then it would lessen, but least for seven days. I would shake, crave things, felt drained. My cycle seems to be normal now, with manageable cramps though, but I have no idea if Im actually ovulating, as a doctor has told me that just because I bleed, that doesnt mean I ovulated.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Undiagnosed Hypoglycemia/Reactive-Hypoglycemia/or insulin-resistance.
Low blood pressure
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian (or ovary) Syndrome
Precancerous melanoma mole (removed in January 2011).
All except the last one are related.
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Body Type: slim
Height: 5'-6'
Weight: 125 lbs
General appearance: Most beautiful woman, that I have ever seen
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The main problem(s) that I have with it, is my hair is falling out, hair growing on my face, and the worry of infertility.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
I have no other health issues, except hypoglycemia or insulin resistance, which may be the underlying health condition with my PCOS. I also have some weird, undiagnosed problem, where my legs will itch like crazy with certain exercise. Ill itch so badly that I cant help but to scratch, and have scratched myself bloody a few times. The only thing that stops it a lot, is getting into cold water. . .which, I cant tell which is worse, being in cold water, or the itching. It feels like millions of mosquito bites covering every millimeter of my body at the peak of the itching, simultaneously. It will spread to my thighs and buttocks, sometimes my trunk, and sometimes my hands, where my fingers will swell up, itch, and hurt.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
I dont feel like a woman. I feel like Im worthless in a society that seems to base a womans worth/value on her appearance. I feel a little bitter at how shallow people can be to base a persons worth on their appearance, and cause people who have no control over certain things (appearance, race, etc.) to hate themselves and feel so horrible, self-conscious, and too embarrassed to show their faces. I have a lot of depression associated with it, but my depression is also related to other events that have happened in my past as well though. I feel stressed, desperate, hurt, and I have questioned the existence of God. I feel like Im broken, and when my hair falls out too much more, I dont even plan to leave my house. I dont want people to see me. Im not a shallow person or judge others by things they cannot control, but I know how people in society view masculine and/or bald looking women. Ive heard the jokes, the comments, the apathy others expressed about other women suffering from PCOS (or something similar), and hated it. I never took part in the comments or joking, and I never revealed my health issue. . .but based on what Ive seen, I know what to expect when it becomes more obvious in me. I expect the jokes, comments, etc. to be directed at me, or about me. . .which hurts, because I didnt do anything to anyone to deserve such a thing. Ive felt helpless, hopeless, etc. I feel like love, worth, and social acceptance seem only to be for the perfect, and it shouldnt be that way.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
Mentally? Suicidal thoughts at times because of the fear of social isolation and feelings of being worthless. Most of what I feel when Im at my worst is mental, which Ive described above.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
Ive had it as long as I can remember. I remember it as soon as I went through puberty. . .I got my cycle twice, maybe three times a year, and with that came excruciatingly painful cramps. This places the beginning around 11 or 12 years old for me, but I didnt go to a doctor until around 15 years old. The doctor did a blood test, and my testosterone came back at around 86.2. The doctor didnt give me a diagnosis or explain anything to me, or run further tests. He only stuck me on birth control pills to regulate me. I eventually went off the birth control pills. . .I forget why, but possibly because I didnt have health insurance anymore. Since the doctor didnt really think much of it, I didnt know I actually had something serious (PCOS), so I didnt know to get it treated. When I came off the birth control pills though, I lost my period again and went back to the way I was before. In March of 2002, I passed out or had some seizure for the first time in my life, and had urinated. I was passed from doctor to doctor and given many tests that didnt show results. . .they were checking my blood and sent me to a cardiologist, thinking I may have had a heart problem. Everything was negative. I passed out again in October of 2004, or not exactly passed out, but had some really dangerous episode (lost my vision, most of my hearing, couldnt walk, blood pressure dropped really low, sweated, palpitations, etc.). I went to the ER, and they gave me fluids and ran tests on me. They couldnt find anything, and strongly suggested that I had an eating disorder, however, I was 124 pounds, and 55, and was in a karate class twice a week. I was normal, and always believed in maintaining a healthy diet and weight. It came down to that they didnt know what was wrong with me. Both of these episodes happened after I had done exercise, so I felt those were somehow linked. The first was after walking four miles, and the second was during a karate class. . .I tried to continue the karate class, but I had what felt like mini-episodes each time and had the instructor even tell me to sit out. I passed out in July of 2008, but that may have been due to panicking after being cut, though I never passed out at the sight of blood before. I always felt on the borderline or brink of passing out or like something was wrong. . .palpitations, flutters, shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness, nausea (I always became extremely nauseous just before I passed out), etc., so I stopped exercising almost completely. In 2009, I discovered the Low-Glycemic Index diet, which worked wonders for me. I noticed a pattern over the years that diet was somehow linked to whether Id get my cycle or not, so Id try to eat those foods. I would still have trouble. . .I didnt cut foods out because I didnt know what the diet was at the time. When I found out what the diet was, and that it was used for diabetics, hypoglycemic people, etc., I decided to try it out. I also read that it was successful with people who had PCOS. My mothers entire side has hypoglycemia. . .my mother, her three sisters, and my late grandfather, but I have no information about his immediate family. Theres suspicion that my cousin on that side has it as well. I would experience getting the shakes throughout my life, and knew it was probably hypoglycemia, but I had no idea it was related to my other problems. When I finally found out about the Low-Glycemic Index diet and went on it, I got my cycle consecutively. When I went off of it, such as for a few months at my in-laws because it was difficult to get them to understand my dietary needs, I lost my cycle. When I stayed with my mother and got back on the diet, I got my cycle back again, two or three months in a row. I eventually moved back to my in-laws, and this time there was cooperation for the most part of my dietary needs, and I continued to get my cycle. Im now at my grandparents, and I have, in total, been getting my cycle for six or seven months consecutively now. . .something that has NEVER happened in my life before. The diet is working and suggests to me, that my problem has to do with hypoglycemia or insulin-resistance. However, right before I was going to get my blood work done for my endocrinologist, I went off the diet, because I wanted him to know what my body was like when it wasnt under control. . .big mistake. I had a seizure, but didnt lose consciousness. I felt I was going into another one, or may have been starting to get the signs, another time when my husband and I went to a restaurant. We were able to prevent it by catching it just in time. . .I had soda there to drink, and ordered an appetizer immediately. Then dinner came, then dessert. It took about an hour to feel mostly normal again, just like the seizure I had before, which left the calf of my leg in pain for a week and unable to bear complete body weight on it for that time because the muscles contorted or something. . my legs kicked on their own, involuntarily, and my feet and ankles turned totally inward, like something out of an Exorcist movie. In 2010, when I was at my in-laws but not able to continue my diet, I was having what felt like major sugar crashes several times a day, each day. Their diet was almost completely the opposite to what my body needed. I would feel weak, get the cardiac symptoms, fatigue, weakness, dizzy, lightheaded, nausea, confusion, shake/tremble, suddenly feel starved, and break out in a sweat for no reason (no exercise, etc.). My blood tests come back showing my blood sugar to be normal, but I KNOW that something is wrong, just by the pattern Ive had for years now, and how strongly linked everything is to my diet. My body can almost be normal on the diet, but is full of chaos off of it. The diet is the only way I get my cycle, which is a diet that is associated with helping PCOS and Hypoglycemia, etc its been too much for coincidence, too many times. I feel like trying to throw myself into a seizure and then go to the hospital, and try to request or demand certain tests be done. . .such as that glucose test that takes several hours. I was finally diagnosed with PCOS in May of 2008 by a doctor in Miami the doctors where I lived before I moved to Miami, and where I moved back to in 2009, never diagnosed me or really treated me in all the time I was here. I lost complete faith in the medical community, because theyd accuse me of things that I wasnt (anorexic), or would tell me it was in my head. My husband got laid off in 2008, so I didnt have a chance to get treated by the doctor in Miami, however, he was really good. He was aggressively testing me, etc. I felt alone in what was a catastrophe when I moved back here, because I had no medical insurance. I took to reading about herbal medicine, etc. When I got insurance, I went to a cardiologist to find there is nothing wrong with my heart. I requested to go to an endocrinologist after explaining to the cardiologist the symptoms and patterns I had seen in my body over the years. I went to an endocrinologist, who listened and did blood work. . .my testosterone was 96 (I forget the decimal). He hasnt suggested doing the glucose test that lasts several hours, but I want to request it. . .just because the pattern and correlation between my cycle and this diet, and what feels to be sugar crashes, are just too obvious and impossible to ignore or dismiss. During the time I had no insurance, I found a book in Barnes & Noble about PCOS and how to manage the symptoms, etc. I read it, related, and put myself on the Low-Glycemic Index Diet. . .its working in many ways. Im on 1500mg of Metformin per day, and have been since September. I cant tell if its doing anything for me or not though. My testosterone has fallen about 30 points in that time, and my dose has been increased from 1000mg per day to 1500 per day in that time. I know that hair loss can be some side effect of Metformin, but I dont feel thats the case for me. Ive been losing a lot of hair for years. . .my husband, family, etc. noticed it for years. . .before going on Metformin. I used to have so much hair when I was younger that I had no clue what to do with it. . .it was extremely thick, heavy, unmanageable, etc. In 2007, my hair suddenly turned curly after getting my hair trimmed (I didnt get much cut off). I thought it was weird, but didnt think much of it at the time, because it was gorgeous, easy to manage, and I loved it! I should have seen this as a sign that something was really starting to go wrong, since my hair made such a dramatic change. Now, I can see my scalp starting to show through my hair, male pattern hair loss. . .above my ears, the sides of my forehead are reaching back, my hairline is sort of choppy and looks like my hair is reaching, rather than just one solid hairline like before. Im starting to see through to my scalp in other parts of my head now as well, on the sides a bit. It was mostly at my center part, so I changed my part. It only spread. Im panicking because Ive heard that when the hair loss is caused by testosterone, it doesnt grow back. How true is this? Im trying everything, and am getting ready to try acupuncture, and/or Chinese Herbology. I have Nioxin, I take green tea pills, jojoba oil, drink green tea, etc. Green tea is supposed to have a chemical in it (ECG. . .I forget) that is supposed to prevent the testosterone from converting to DHT and attaching to the hair follicle. Its also supposed to help to regrow hair. Im also getting ready to get some Inositol, because it is linked to lowering testosterone. Im afraid Im going to lose too much hair before the testosterone is brought fully under control, and Ive already even begun to look at wigs online. But, the PCOS book that I bought REALLY helped me to connect the dots between my symptoms, patterns, etc.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
All the time.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
Testosterone. . .makes my hair fall out. I stopped wearing my hair up, but my hair still falls out. Ive been really stressed for the past year or so, but Ive gotten that under control. . .my only real stress now is my hair falling out. A normal diet will aggravate my health problem. . . so Im on the Low-Glycemic Index diet, which has at least given me my cycle back. Whether Im actually ovulating or not, is another concern.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Yes and no. Since Ive moved back to this region, my scalp has been becoming noticeable, but, at the same time, this could have been years in the making and just not been caught early enough.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
I feel better when I have a menstrual cycle (mentally), when the blood work comes back saying my testosterone is lower, and when I have a day when my hair doesnt fall out as much.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Im a people-pleaser, passive, but feel angry, depressed, etc. as a result of that. . .I allow people to treat me badly, take advantage of me, disrespect me, etc. . .Im changing that part of myself though. Im uncomfortable and nervous around some people, have trouble trusting more than I think, and have trouble getting over sexual, physical, and emotional abuse in my past. Im very stressed out, but mostly now because of my health. Ive been seeing a marriage therapist since September, I think. My marriage has improved, and now Im starting therapy for my past. However, my friends describe me as easy-going, happy, humorous, practical joker, strong, creative, loyal, kind, dependable, intelligent, determined, sane, etc. . .though, I dont really talk to them about my past, etc. I try to think positive, but have trouble doing that at times, especially in the recent year. Im keeping a journal to vent in now, and using a workbook to help me with my past, and become more positive. Im keeping anyone I feel is negative, a bad influence for me, or anyone who would make me feel bad about myself, tear me down, etc. out of my life right now, because I feel I have to get myself in order. I need to accept myself, learn to love myself, not take on more than able, take time to enjoy myself, become assertive, become more secure with myself, etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
If they arent really severe, I like them. I even like hurricanes, under a category three.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Yes! Very much!
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
Yes. I used to suck my thumb, for more years than appropriate, but got over it in 2009. I bite my nails like crazy. I cry a lot, but not causelessly. . .its related to my past, and other stress, and feel its a healthy cry that needed to come out.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I love my friends, I love my husband, I love parts of my family, but working things out with other parts of my family.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
I fear of more sexual abuse. I have a phobia of bees, wasps, and hornets. I fear of losing my hair. I fear of close ones or people I care about dying. I fear of my marriage ending in divorce. I fear of never having control over my life.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I crave the things I shouldnt eat with my diet. . .white potatoes and rice, etc. Im a carbo-holic, but resist eating as many as I can. I eat mostly healthy, because my drive is to get my cycle, get my PCOS under total control, keep my hair, and be healthy. I give in to some McDonalds fries when Im with my husband though. Im wondering if my diet is as strict as it should be, and if Im eating things I dont know arent healthy for me, or dont eat foods that I dont realize are good for my diet.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Normal, but was excessive around the time I had the seizure in September of 2010.
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Varies. I can be constantly hungry, or hardly hungry at all.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Considering that the Low-Glycemic Index diet works for my monthly cycle, white bread, white potatoes, white rice, and anything else thats high-glycemic.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Under normal circumstances, I dont sweat much. When I do sweat, I sweat more on my trunk, especially during what feels like a sugar crash.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Normal until my Metformin was increased.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I sleep pretty well, and tend to sleep in fetal position.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
Yes, the itchy leg problem that I described in a question above. As for feelings, I just feel like I dont fit in anywhere, but want to.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Birth control pills. . .no symptoms surfaced.
Metformin 1500mg. . .got really sick when I first went on it, but they went away. Now that my dose was increased, the diarrhea has been staying around much longer than before.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Hypoglycemia, Type II Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, heart disease, glaucoma.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
People tell me Im really pretty, but I dont feel like I am most of the time. Now that my hair is falling out like it is, I feel even worse about myself. Id be happy just to stop my hair from falling out, and grow back what fell out. . .even though it may not be as noticeable to people I first meet. Those who know me, as well as myself, know that my hair isnt the same or normal anymore.
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
I used to get my period two or three times a year until 2010, when I went on the Low-Glycemic Index diet. I had excruciating, almost debilitating cramps with my cycles. I felt nauseous, sweaty, weak, and like I was going to pass out/collapse if I sat up or walked. I would get pain in my rear, my vaginal area/lips, and abdomen. I would flow very heavily for the first two or three days (two tampons and a thick pad at the same time, every few hours), and then it would lessen, but least for seven days. I would shake, crave things, felt drained. My cycle seems to be normal now, with manageable cramps though, but I have no idea if Im actually ovulating, as a doctor has told me that just because I bleed, that doesnt mean I ovulated.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Undiagnosed Hypoglycemia/Reactive-Hypoglycemia/or insulin-resistance.
Low blood pressure
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian (or ovary) Syndrome
Precancerous melanoma mole (removed in January 2011).
All except the last one are related.
error404 last decade
Please take Bellis Per 30, in wet dose, 3 times a day. This will need to be continue for several months.
In addition, take Aurum Met 200, in the morning, every 4 days, for 2 weeks only (total of 4 days only). Then stop. This will help to improve your mental condition. This is diluted gold. This is why women are asked to wear gold in nose and body. Diluted gold slowly goes in and make thier mind strong to withstand the common stress.
Every night, take 4 drops of CACTUS Q, in 15ml of water. This you should continue for several months. This will improve the blood circulation to female organts and also improve your low bp condition.
Report back after 2 weeks.
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
[message edited by Reva V on Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:22:24 CST]
In addition, take Aurum Met 200, in the morning, every 4 days, for 2 weeks only (total of 4 days only). Then stop. This will help to improve your mental condition. This is diluted gold. This is why women are asked to wear gold in nose and body. Diluted gold slowly goes in and make thier mind strong to withstand the common stress.
Every night, take 4 drops of CACTUS Q, in 15ml of water. This you should continue for several months. This will improve the blood circulation to female organts and also improve your low bp condition.
Report back after 2 weeks.
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
[message edited by Reva V on Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:22:24 CST]
♡ Reva V last decade
They are different. Aur Mur Nat is good to dissolving PCOS, but I dont see the mental symptoms documented it in. Aurum Met 200 is very well proven to work for the mind and dont know about Aur Mur Nat.
Please dont feel sorry. This is a forum and we are here to share our knowledge.
Reva V
They are different. Aur Mur Nat is good to dissolving PCOS, but I dont see the mental symptoms documented it in. Aurum Met 200 is very well proven to work for the mind and dont know about Aur Mur Nat.
Please dont feel sorry. This is a forum and we are here to share our knowledge.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
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