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Tuberculinum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tuberculinum And Prof Kent.

The Lectures of Prof J.T. Kent.
It was necessary for me to refresh my memory of Kents elucidation of the remedy Tuberculinum.
There were a number of things I had , over a period of time overlooked or forgotten. Out of interest , and because others may also have forgotten them , I give a few quotes .

If Tuberculinum be given in 10m , 50m and Cm potencies two doses of each potency at long intervals , all children and young people who have inherited a tendency to tuberculosis may be immuned from their inheritance and their resiliency will be restored. It cures most cases of Adenoids and tuberculous glands of the neck.

It is true that phthisis [TB] and insanity are convertible conditions, that one falls into the other . Many cases that are treated and CURED , and phthisis of the lungs has just been turned aside , finally become insane . Persons who have been cured of insanity and go into phthisis and die, showing the deep seated character of their nature. The intellectual symptoms and the lung symptoms are interchangeable.

Screams in his sleep , Is very restless at night , sister died of tubercular meningitis . It has cured Hydrocephalus.

All know what a marked feature emaciation is in persons who are going into phthisis . The emaciation often begins before there is any sign of phthisis , gradually losing flesh . A gradually growing weakness, a gradually increasing fatigue. [ I have often felt that Tuberculinum has a place in the treatment of AIDS]

The uterus sags down and is heavy. At the menstrual period, a relaxation , as if the inner parts would come out. [ how many use Sepia and ignore this remedy?].

Another marked feature recorded by Burnett was ringworms. He thought it a sign of of those who have inherited phthisis and used Bacillinum 200 He used it as a remedy on every child with ringworm.

Aching drawing pain in limbs during rest and better by walking . A strong feature of this remedy is that its aches and pains are better by motion. I have seen this aching distress in the limbs many times where RHUS seemed to be the remedy but was not deep enough to hold its action . The chronic nature of the case prevents the action of RHUS and Tuberculinum cures these cases.
  passkey on 2005-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I am grateful for all of your postings, I keep up with them daily. I am very intrigued by miasms and any info. you post on them/remedies because I feel a bit in the dark about them.

All of this information is making sense now, and I welcome whatever you choose to share.

Namaste27 last decade
Thanks -- glad to know I'm not shouting into a black hole.
passkey last decade
Passkey, Funny you should post about this as I have been contemplating writing to you about my daughter. My daughter, now 13, benefitted from Tuberculinum Bovinum four years ago. Another homeopath wouldn't give it to her because he didn't think she fit the picture. She was very sweet and not at all a destructive headbanger but I knew she had the hair on her back at birth and the blue tinged eyes.

Anyway, she did get high potency Tuberculinum from another homeopath and thank goodness, because prior to it, she had at least three bouts of pneumonia, which took its toll on both of us.

My question is, in the absence of serious upper respiratory symptoms, do you think she would benefit from another dose (or two) of Tuberculinum? She also received Carcinosin from the same homeopath and I wonder if it too should be repeated.

She gets colds and coughs now and I give remedies based on the symptoms, but the coughs do take a while to clear. She still has blue tinged eyes. Does that symptom clear when they don't need Tub. anymore?

She's a great kid. Very driven. Straight A's. Gets all her homework done and likes to have her clothes laid out the night before. (not that I'm complaining!)but I do worry sometimes that maybe she's too driven!?

The thing I am most concerned about though is that her periods are heavy and come every three weeks.

Would appreciate your advice.

ruth45 last decade
Dear Passkey

Is Tuberculinum Bovinum used for hypothyroid patient

Please advice

thanks & regards

sazim1 last decade

The carcinosin picture covers more of the problems , but TB is high on the list .

So get some Carcinosin 10m and give a single dose , at night and wait to check how it affects her . A. on the chest and B the menses.

Suggest you get Bacillinum 10m [ a variety of tuberculinum which I prefer.]
Hold this in reserve and use if we dont clear the period problem.
passkey last decade

Yuberculinum should be used , as Prof Kent says ---

"On the indications "

It is probable that if the person is a bit hyperactive , likes to travel , has a heart shaped face , long eyelashes , fine skin -- poss red or auburn hair --- THEN use it.
passkey last decade
Gave one dose Carc. 10M last night.

Will order Bac.

Thanks Passkey. Ruth
ruth45 last decade

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