The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hairloss and left vericocele
dear sir,i m suffering frontal hair receding from 7yr,some hair in my forehead,like w shape,last yr i saw in my scalp white sticky substance..then i shaved off my head ..sticky problem almost solve .but hair is going thin from forehead and top ,sides are smooth, i have minor left vericocele from 8yr. I have been cold since15yr but this time not too muchanujsingh on 2011-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear anujsingh,
for hairloss use wiesbaden.take 20drops twice daily in lukewarm water.
also use arnica shampoo once in four days.
for varicocele use haemmamillis mother tincture 20drops twice daily for 3months.
pls report back.
God bless
for hairloss use wiesbaden.take 20drops twice daily in lukewarm water.
also use arnica shampoo once in four days.
for varicocele use haemmamillis mother tincture 20drops twice daily for 3months.
pls report back.
God bless
drmspk last decade
dear sir , there is no harm in ths medicine ,shuld i use the any herbal oil or not .is vericocle cause for hairloss? Plz dont mind sir rply me
[message edited by anujsingh on Thu, 24 Feb 2011 14:24:59 CST]
[message edited by anujsingh on Thu, 24 Feb 2011 14:24:59 CST]
anujsingh last decade
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