The ABC Homeopathy Forum
teething in children
sir, my daughter is 4 months,and around 6 kgs. she is having running nose from last two days.she is also drooling and putting her hands in mouth if trying to bite,though she sucks her thumb but this is different....may a symptom for starting of teething.
please tell me what should i get for her running stuffy nose...and sometimes i hear heavy breaths.
and secondly what should b my course of action for teething .thank u.
awareness on 2011-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Cham is a great teething remedy for babies who have one cheek red and other pale. babies will drool when teething so don't worry about it also mag phos is a great teething remedy too! what is her character like? and has it changed? share as much as u can so we can tell you the right remedy for you.
anna_jenkins last decade
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