The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Degenerative Disk Disease and Left Frozen shoulder
I took my Cervical spine x-ray and MRI in Aug 2010.There is a mild spondyltic riding between C4-C5 , C5-C6 and small disk protrusion C6-7.
At T2-T3 there is a small broad central disk protrusion.
My Right frozen shoulder is 95% better and left started few weeks ago but not bad as right.
I am taking Heel Arthritis and Causticum 30.
For Diabetic I am taking Actos 30 MG.
Please see my details below
Name: Nick Smith
Age: 49
Sex: M
Country USA
Describe fully what bothers you most? Each trouble should be detailed as under:
[You may grade the symptoms to stress on its intensity: 5 Maximum, 1 Minimum e.g. Headache (5), tingling sensation (2), etc.]
Right Arm frozen shoulder and its symptoms. It all started with a tennis injury in Feb/Mar 2010. Undergoing Chiropractic treatment which helped me 80% pain but it is still there. I am not able to lift arm completely upwards.
Neck pain was there in the beginning but now it is not there.
There was numbness in left index and thumb at the beginning which is normal now.
Left Arm frozen shoulder starting now.
Left arm weakness in triceps area
X-ray and MRI lead to Degenerative disc disease. See the attached document
a. Area affected: Location, extension, direction of spread, the march of events.
See above
b. Sensation experienced in the area of trouble.
Just the pain and mostly in the night and stiffness in the joints at night
c. Conditions that have brought on the trouble: Examine the circumstances that occurred before or at the time of onset, paying attention to physical as well as emotional factors.
It affects day to day activities like wearing shirt , belt and tucking the shirt.
d. Conditions that increase the trouble or those which afford relief.
Gets relief with the pain killers and holding both hands upward across the head helps
e. Other troubles experienced at the same time along with the main trouble, for example...perspiration/nausea /vomiting /gas/with pains.
If you have any other complaints describe them here. Each should be described fully as suggested above under numerically defined headings for the Chief Complaint under the different headings .
Just the Diabetes and taking Actos 30 Mg daily
Give a detailed description of the various illnesses you have had in the past, which may/may not have a bearing on the present condition. Also describe the type of treatment taken and the response of these illnesses to medication.
None other than Diabetes
Details concerning the health and diseases (if any) that appear to recur in other family members like Grand parents, Parents, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters. Also give details concerning the health of spouse and children.
Details of each family member should be under the following headings: Family Member, Relation with you, Age, Health Status / Illness suffered
I can say we are family of Diabetes which includes my father, mother and siblings. I am controlling with medicine, diet and exercise. My blood sugar is in control when compared to others.
Physical Description
Height: 6.0 ( there is a reduction due to disc compression)
Weight: 180 lbs
Complexion: fair
Body Type (Slim/Average/Heavy): Average
Physical Challenge if any: none
Ethnic origin: Indian
[You may grade the symptoms to stress on its intensity: Put 5 for Maximum, 1 for Minimum e.g. Cravings- sweets (5), spicy (3)]
Enjoy good quality food
a. Appetite
Is there any change in your appetite since the complaint started? If yes, what is the change?
b. Food allergies
Mention the food substances you are allergic to. Also mention what type of allergic reaction you develop.
c. Cravings
Name the type of food you like very much or a particular taste that you desire.
South Indian vegetarian food
d. Aversions
Which type of food item or taste you particularly detest?
e. Thirst
How much water do you consume in a day with thirst?
Min of 1 liter per day
How much at a time and at what intervals?
Do you prefer your water at room temperature or cold?
Room temperature
f. Stool
Regular bowel movements or constipated? How many times a day you pass a motion? Any difficulty or pain while passing stool? Do you pass any blood in stool?
Regular two times a day
g. Urine
How many times a day do you pass urine on an average ? Any difficulty while passing urine? Color of the urine. Any peculiar odor?
Normal and color is light yellow
h. Perspiration
How much do you perspire?
Only on physical activity like tennis or workout
On which parts of the body you sweat more?
Forehead, arm pits and chest
Does the perspiration stain your clothes?
What odor does the sweat have?
i. Thermals
When do you feel uncomfortable: In hot or cold climate?
Which season you like the best?
Spring and summer
In which season are your complaints generally worse?
Please list your reaction to various climatic conditions like sun etc.
How comfortable are you with various room temperatures (Air Conditioners, Fan, etc.)?
I am very comfortable with A/C , fan
j. Sleep
How many hours you sleep in 24 hours?
8-9 hours of sleep
Do you cover yourself when you sleep?
Not entirely just upto shoulder
If yes, how and with what? E.g. legs only or entire body.
Which position do you prefer to sleep in? E.g. on back, on stomach etc.
On back
Do you feel fresh on waking up?
k. Dreams
What type of dreams you usually get? Do you remember them on waking, or are they forgotten?
Any recurrent dreams?
7. Mention (ask your parents if they recollect / refer to your old records)
Your birth weight: 8 lbs
When you started walking: 1
When you started talking (first word): 1
When did your first tooth erupt: 2
Mothers mental state when she was pregnant with you. (Also include dreams, strong desires and aversion, etc)
8. Sexual History
Mention your complaints if any.
9. Additional information for Females only
a. Menstruation
Are your menses regular or irregular?
How many days does it last?
What is the color of discharge?
Does the discharge stain? Are the stains difficult to wash?
What problems you face before, during, or after your periods? E.g. Backache, headache, etc.
Do you have any white discharge before, during or after your periods? Is the white discharge scanty / profuse /offensive /staining if yes then what color?
b. History of pregnancies
Number of pregnancies:
Full term/ Normal/ Aborted / Miscarriage / Assisted (Cesarean, Forceps, others)
Sickness during the pregnancy.
This section deals with details of personal life and the emotional factors which influence it.
a. Habits
Do you indulge in any of the following (Please specify the quantity / number)
Smoking No
Chewing Tobacco / Pan Masala No
Alcohol No
Others Coffee two times a day
Any other peculiar habit e.g. washing hands very frequently, several times checking the door at night etc.
b. Occupation
Your occupation and what stresses are placed on you by this employment.
(e.g. Student there might be stress of studies, exams, etc.)
Type of work
Working hours/shift
Nature of Job Development and project management
c. Place of residence.
Describe the area. Very healthy
Is it exposed to any pollution? no
Is the environment suiting you? yes
If no, what is disturbing you there? none
Do you have pets? Please specify. I have two parakeets
d. Family/Social set up
(Description of the current family set-up, full details pertaining to all the members, their ages, location, work they are doing and your relationship with responsibilities for them, include in your those who have died, stating the age of death, the year and the cause of the same.)
Please mention your emotional equation with each of your family members
Position in the family
No. of persons living together 3 including me
No. of children 1
No. of friends a lot
e. Hobbies and Interests
Favorite music Indian and American
Reading interests Astrology books
Preferred interests Astrology
Sports/Fitness activities Tennis
f. Mention how was your childhood. Your relations with family, friends and teacher in childhood.
I am very friendly and helpful to others
g. What is your daily routine?
Work, home, cooking and recreation TV shows
h. How would you describe yourself as a person?
Friendly, helpful and hard working
i. Describe the following emotions and their relevance in your life:
Love, Hate, Anger, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Fright, Jealousy, and Suspicion. You may also describe any other emotion which is not listed here.
j. Any Unpleasant experiences
(Disagreements, Humiliation, Fights, Deaths, Separations, Divorce, Monetary Loss in business or losing a job, etc.)
k. Mention if any event, experience, emotion, etc may have precipitated your current state of mental or physical health.
l. Are you going through any tension about anything in particular at present? OR were you tensed and overstretched recently?
m. Mention 5 happy experiences
n. General comments
Also please note that you may have some complaints that initially seem as unrelated but from a homeopath's perspective each symptom is important, however obscure it may seem. Each disrupting symptom emotional or physical, located anywhere in the body, could well be the cause of the disease and should be informed to us.
Include here any items which have not been included above.
nsmith on 2011-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Arnica 30, 4 pellets every morning for 1 week
On the second week, stop taking Arnica, but take Spigelia 30, 4 pellets every morning.
Consider stopping Causticum 30. It is very deep acting and is not meant to continue.
Report back after 2 weeks
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
On the second week, stop taking Arnica, but take Spigelia 30, 4 pellets every morning.
Consider stopping Causticum 30. It is very deep acting and is not meant to continue.
Report back after 2 weeks
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
I completed my first week of Arnica 30 but my Spigelia 30 is back ordered. I may get it in a day or two. Can I start that after I get it. is it ok if there is a gap between the two.
One question. what does Spigelia do?
I completed my first week of Arnica 30 but my Spigelia 30 is back ordered. I may get it in a day or two. Can I start that after I get it. is it ok if there is a gap between the two.
One question. what does Spigelia do?
nsmith last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.