The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Discussion, experiences, viewpoints related to homeopathy and other therapies.
Re: Dear Joe Devera From brisbanehomoeopath on 2011-02-28Actually Arnica is known to cause loss of hair. It is listed as a 3 value symptom (Very strong) for Baldness in our repertories. This means that it can both cause and cure the problem, but if the problem is not there in the first place, it is *possible* that it could cause hair loss.
Of course the question is, was your sister already losing her hair, and were you already getting grey hairs? If the answer is yes, it is difficult to know whether the Arnica could be causing it.
The best way to find out would be to stop the medicine and see if the symptoms stop. Any remedy, when used for too long, can cause side effects.
After some research, I was unable to find 'Grey hair' as a known symptom of Arnica.
Re: Dear Joe Devera From Joe De Livera on 2011-02-28
I was interested in your comments and would like to have chapter and verse on your statement:
'Actually Arnica is known to cause loss of hair. It is listed as a 3 value symptom (Very strong) for Baldness in our repertories.'
I have been using Arnica 30 in the Wet dose and also applying Arnica Q in a 20% emulsion on my hair which turned grey at age 30, from 1996 up to date and can boast of a good head of grey hair today. I notice that the density of my hair is about 50% of what it was, whilst each hair is also much thinner than it was originally, but the fact is that I still have hair at age 82. I wash my hair daily and massage the Arnica Q emulsion into the hair roots after a shower but I do not use any harsh shampoo and have used Johnsons Baby Shampoo exclusively for the last 40+ years.
Another point that occurs to me is that any remedy taken in the Wet dose cannot cause any aggravation in my experience. If this patient takes Arnica in the Wet dose it is very likely that he will not lose any hair which can be adduced to the Arnica.
Re: Dear Joe Devera From Joe De Livera on 2011-03-01
To David
I note that you have not given me the reference to your statement:
'Actually Arnica is known to cause loss of hair. It is listed as a 3 value symptom (Very strong) for Baldness in our repertories.'
Please do so as I wish to know from where you quoted it. This is for my own enlightenment.
I was interested to read your viewpoint as expressed in your post which I shall dissect below:
'Joe just because it didn't cause your hair to fall out, doesn't mean that it cannot do it to others. Each person is an individual and has very different susceptibilities and sensitivities to others.'
I have prescribed Arnica on the ABC and you can check for the responses of perhaps a hundred patients if you do a search for Hair Loss. In my limited practice here in SL I have never had any reports of any increased loss and as far as I know, there have never been any case of aggravation of this syndrome. Remember that I first started with Arnica on my own hair and discovered that it worked like a charm.
'Arnica is a 3 value for hair loss in the repertory - according to the Law of Similars, the basis of homoeopathy, a remedy can only cure what it can cause. Therefore, Arnica causes hair loss. '
My experience with Arnica dates back to over 25 years and I was virtually forced to use it after 1996 on a daily basis as a result of my Prostate not responding to the Hytrin prescribed to which I was allergic. Since that time I have used it originally in pellets but after 2005 in the Wet dose. I can categorically state that it has done me a world of good and it changed my life after I commenced to take it in 1996. I have recorded the changes I observed in my life on my website.
I question the precepts of the Law of Similars which you consider the 'basis of homeopathy' . This may sound heretical to you a classical homeopath but I put a BIG QUESTION MARK after it. I do not reject it in toto as I have not done sufficient research into the pros and cons to do so. I am more interested in using Homeopathic remedies for the good that they can do and I invariably prescribe them after I have either used them myself or have prior experience in their use in controlled experiments on patients. I do not use them merely because anyone says so and I am not interested in the classical 'one remedy to treat the symptoms' as I have ample proof that my Joepathy approach is by far more positive to help the patient.
'Taking too much of a medicine will cause a proving and the patient may get the symptoms of the remedy.
'The diluted dose does not prevent aggravations and provings, it merely moderates them. Over time, even a diluted dose will begin to create problems. '
I do not agree. I have never had occasion to encounter any aggravation or other situation as described by you and I believe that the reason is because I prescribe the Wet dose and invariably prescribe the lower potencies. If and when I encounter any problem I shall count on you and other homeopaths to bail me or the patient out ! I have never had any problem so far and if I do, I shall amend my Joepathy as necessary. Please note that I am always open to correction if you or anyone feels that my therapy is dangerous to the patient.
'Either you believe in the Law of Similars (a substance can only cure what it causes) or you don't - you cannot have it both ways. If you don't believe in it then you don't believe in homoeopathy. One has to wonder then what law of nature you think is at work when you give Arnica? '
Refer to my statement above. I have been in Homeopathy long enough and after a period of self study I believe that I have sufficient experience to treat the standard ailments. If I am not sure of my footing on a case I do not take it on. If the patient insists, I use Radar to help me to prescribe. As you know I am not in Homeopath for the money as it is the satisfaction of curing anyone that keeps me motivated and defending my Joepathy because I have ample evidence that it works. And this statement is testified to by many patients even here on this ABC.
I believe that the difference between you, a classical Homeopath and me, is the fact that I do not accept that any remedy will only work within the parameters defined in the MM's and Reps. I have recorded my discoveries in using remedies for many other ailments which are not listed in my website and on the ABC and they will hopefully be included in future editions of these works. Remember that Hahnemann and the other greats also discovered that certain remedies have the ability to help cure a given ailment. In my own way, I too have discovered the use of remedies especially Arnica and Nat Phos and a few others which work to help and even cure many other ailments not listed in the MM's.
Homeopathy to me is a challenge and I use it in a manner that you would not dare, and I believe that this is where we do not see eye to eye as you are governed by your classical rules while I am not. I am a free thinker and I have proved with my Joepathy that a remedy can be used for many other ailments not listed in the classical texts.
Re: Dear Joe Devera From brisbanehomoeopath on 2011-03-01
Arnica is listed in the repertory for Baldness - it is a keynote in fact.
I have repeatedly stated that I have looked for the thousands of cures you constantly refer to, and none of your links to the handful of improved cases shows such a number. You give no proof, but expect an acceptance of your method from those who work everyday in the field. I have also repeatedly pointed out the suppressions, aggravations, and provings that your careless method causes. As usual, you ignore anything that puts your 'discovery' in a bad light, as you have done for years when other knowledgable people do the same.
You are questioning the Law of Similars? Well, that certainly puts you in a completely different camp to almost everyone here.
So how do you believe Arnica/Nat-phos work then? What law or principle does it operate under? Considering you actually use information taken out of our literature, how did that information get there if not by observing provings and poisonings (and cures)?
I can see that if you do not believe in the Law of Similars you will not believe in provings either. This is a logical step - and a dangerous one. Prescribing without acceptance of responsibility can come from this. Since there can be no side effects, why not prescribe a remedy forever.
You can disagree all you like with it, but our literature is FULL of proving symptoms and aggravations from overdosing. This site itself has many postings from patients who experienced provings and prolonged aggravations, including some your prescriptions of Arnica and Nat-phos. Every homoeopath sees it. If you do not, you are deceiving yourself and anyone you treat. You are not alone in this, I see those kinds of practitioners sometimes, trying to sell what they do on a promise that it is completely without harm. Nothing that can cure, is incapable of harming - these two things go hand in hand, it is merely how we use them that determines which occurs.
Re: Dear Joe Devera From Joe De Livera on 2011-03-01
I can see that there will never be an end to our debate as you seem to be obsessed with your knowledge of Homeopathy which I likened some time ago to your inability 'to see the wood for the trees'. It is all well and good for you to trot out your classical arguments to imply that my Joepathy is just useless but I and the patients whom I have treated on this and other Homeopathic Forums I visit think otherwise and have confirmed that the majority were helped and many cured. As far as I am aware, there is none that has been aggravated.
It is not the Law of Similars that will cure the patient. It is the cure itself. The patient could not care less as long as his ailment is cured in the shortest possible time.
Remember the time when you first joined this Forum, you did not accept to treat any case and restricted yourself to criticizing my Joepathy merely because it differed from your classical philosophy ? When I goaded you to do so, you then requested the patient to visit your clinic in Brisbane.
I am glad to note that you do take a few cases today on this Forum and use your knowledge to help the suffering patient. You have always been of opinion that my Joepathy cannot heal and can cause some calamity to the patient later. You implied that your research into my therapy on this Forum did not yield any positive results.
I am satisfied with my efforts so far and shall continue to use them in the same manner in the future. In the end result it is the patient who will use my therapy and will hopefully be helped.
I would like to copy the post I have made on another thread as I feel that it relevant to this debate.
To David
I do admire your tenacity to defend classical homeopathy which even extends to speaking up for Dr Banerji to imply that he too uses the standard classical protocol with a minor difference, in a manner that seems to imply that you were closely associated with him.
My question to you is, on what grounds do you do so ?
Dr Banerji has laid down his own philosophy in using Homeopathic remedies which differs from the classical homeopathy that you have studied and prescribe today.
I have developed my own which today proudly bears the term 'Joepathy' thanks to Gavini who coined it. I do not have any compunction in using remedies in a manner that I feel will help the patient and thousands have been helped and many cured. In many cases the patients had first run the gauntlet of doctors and classical homeopaths who did not seem to be able to help them. When I took their case many of them were helped and the majority cured. I prescribed standard Homeopathic Remedies which are freely available worldwide, but with the difference that I prescribed them in a manner that may have seemed strange to you but which helped the patient towards a cure. And all this therapy was free of charge. In many cases I have sent the remedies (in pellets) to the patient by airmail at my expense. All I wished to do was to cure the ailment and in the large majority of cases I succeeded in doing so.
Quite frankly I do not see any reason why I should deviate from my therapy, merely because you and a few other 'classical' homeopaths demand that I do.
♥ Parakletos on 2011-03-02
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