The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Correct dose of Sulfur 30C??
I am new to this forum pls. excuse me if anyone has already answered my Q..One of my Homeo Doc as prescribed me Sulfur 30c (3 doses a day ) for a week ...
my problem is related with chronic Insomia(last 2 yrs) ,hair greying ,hair fall ..weekness, anxiety ,sweating ,low confidence ,severe dandruffs (scalp badly affected),pre mature ejaculation ..masturbation frequency is 5-6 times a week ..but have been doing since i was 13 yrs age..mind unrest ,keep thinking something else every time ..hands,legs shakes some times ..get tired soon ..irritation ..eyes dull reddish ..dark circles ..etc
Pls. can anyone suggest me the dosages are O.k ..I have read sulfur has side effects(aggravation) also ...what ar the options of anitdote in case i face once i start taking ..
help would be appreciated thanks in advance ..
DasNeedHelp on 2011-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear DasNeedHelp,
The best way to prepare a dose will be to take 1/4 glass of mineral water, pour 2 drops or 2 pills using the remedy bottle cap (don't touch with your hands), stir it nicely with a spoon until the remedy is fully dissolved, then, take one spoonful out of that, throw the rest in sink. One must prepare a fresh dose each time.
Sulphur is antidoted by the following remedies.
Acon., Camph., Cham., Cinch., Merc., Puls. ; Rhus tox., Sep.
Many prayers for your good health.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 17:16:32 GMT]
The best way to prepare a dose will be to take 1/4 glass of mineral water, pour 2 drops or 2 pills using the remedy bottle cap (don't touch with your hands), stir it nicely with a spoon until the remedy is fully dissolved, then, take one spoonful out of that, throw the rest in sink. One must prepare a fresh dose each time.
Sulphur is antidoted by the following remedies.
Acon., Camph., Cham., Cinch., Merc., Puls. ; Rhus tox., Sep.
Many prayers for your good health.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 17:16:32 GMT]
♡ nawazkhan last decade
thanks nawazKhan ..
i have read in this forum that sulphur has some side effects .is it safe to take them as described by you earlier ? do you also see sulphur good by looking at my symptoms mentioned in my post earlier ? many thanks
i have read in this forum that sulphur has some side effects .is it safe to take them as described by you earlier ? do you also see sulphur good by looking at my symptoms mentioned in my post earlier ? many thanks
DasNeedHelp last decade
I don't see sulfur in your case.
You may look into Staphysigria, which relates to your masturbation habbit and its effects. You may take Staph 200 (two doses), 1 in the evening and 2nd in the next morning. No more repition thereafter and wait for a week.
If you prefer, you could write to me on my email or on this forum for further assistance.
You may look into Staphysigria, which relates to your masturbation habbit and its effects. You may take Staph 200 (two doses), 1 in the evening and 2nd in the next morning. No more repition thereafter and wait for a week.
If you prefer, you could write to me on my email or on this forum for further assistance.
mani_jee last decade
'do you also see sulphur good by looking at my symptoms mentioned in my post earlier '
What are we talking about over here as I don't have a clue?
Please refresh my memory, when did I suggest Sulphur to you? How can I do this as I don't know your problem and symptoms?
Are you self-prescribing? If yes, then, please stop immediately as this is very dangerous?
What are we talking about over here as I don't have a clue?
Please refresh my memory, when did I suggest Sulphur to you? How can I do this as I don't know your problem and symptoms?
Are you self-prescribing? If yes, then, please stop immediately as this is very dangerous?
♡ nawazkhan last decade
hi NawazKhan,
I did not mean you have prescribed sulfur 30 in my case ..what i was checking whether it suits in my case by looking at the symptoms or not...
I did not mean you have prescribed sulfur 30 in my case ..what i was checking whether it suits in my case by looking at the symptoms or not...
DasNeedHelp last decade
thanks mani_jee ,
my problem is more related with chronic insomia aided by pre mature greying ,hair loss and pre mature ejaculation ..i am only 28 yrs old ,weekness,anxiety disorder,severe Dandruffs(red scalpy bumbps),feel restlessness ,get tired soon ..mild joint pains,low self esteem ..what's your thoughts in this case ...
my problem is more related with chronic insomia aided by pre mature greying ,hair loss and pre mature ejaculation ..i am only 28 yrs old ,weekness,anxiety disorder,severe Dandruffs(red scalpy bumbps),feel restlessness ,get tired soon ..mild joint pains,low self esteem ..what's your thoughts in this case ...
DasNeedHelp last decade
All your current symptoms are due to the masturbation habbit and Staph is a good remedy for masturbation habbit and its ill-effects.
I am still convinced with Staph 200. Please read my earlier post for the dosage instruction.
If you require any futher assistance, please write me.
[message edited by mani_jee on Mon, 07 Mar 2011 09:21:32 GMT]
I am still convinced with Staph 200. Please read my earlier post for the dosage instruction.
If you require any futher assistance, please write me.
[message edited by mani_jee on Mon, 07 Mar 2011 09:21:32 GMT]
mani_jee last decade
Hi Man_jee,
i had already sent an email with subject 'Homeo remedy help needed' .pls. can you read through and advise me's very urgent now thanks
i had already sent an email with subject 'Homeo remedy help needed' .pls. can you read through and advise me's very urgent now thanks
DasNeedHelp last decade
mani_jee last decade
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