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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

reaction to silicea 1m

hello... i had been taking tuberculinum at the suggestion of a homeopath at a 1m dose for 6 months, every 10 days. my symptoms changed at the end of february and i self perscribed silicea. i began with silicea 200c and was taking it 3x a day because it both muscle tested well for me, and it seemed to be working, and then it's affects wearing out part way through the day. after that, i moved, with caution, to silicea 1m and have taken one dose. within in 24 hours i had a violent and intense emotional reaction and ended up in a frightening fight with my partner that seemed like a reaction connected to the remedy. (this was a first for this type of thing happening.) homeopathy seems to be the only thing working for an intense ear/gland problem i have been having. i am afraid to take another dose and am wondering if i should move on to flouric acid. i know silicea is an intense and slow remedy, and choose to honor it's action, while making safe choices for my health and well being. is this a healthy reaction to the remedy? should i discontinue use? should i continue on to another remedy? thank you for your opinions and responses.
  interplanet_janet on 2011-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello and good day:

If you want to antidote the ill effects of Silicea 1m and 200 also, I would suggest you to take a single dose of Silicea 30, no more dose and should wait for at least 3 days.

Moving on the the flouric acid, I would recommend to post your case, so some expert homeopath here at abc can take up your case. I am not in the favour of self prescribing, so you should avoid it.

You would find many expert classical homeopaths here at abc.

So its better, if you seek opinion of exepert homeopath instead of self prescribing.

If you need further assistance, I would be glad to provide it.

mani_jee last decade

is the silicea proving itself? should i just wait this one out or antidote it? having such a severe reaction to silicea, i feel some fear about taking anymore homeopathy. is it getting worse before it gets better?
interplanet_janet last decade
That was the strong reaction caused by the remedy. In fact homeopathic reaction could be very severe especially if taken without consultation with a Expert homeopath.

You may search the web for such cases, even on abc there are too many cases reported of homeopathic proving. So one should be very careful, when taking a remedy and when to repeat (only expert homeopath know), so I would advise you to seek Experts consultation.

mani_jee last decade

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