The ABC Homeopathy Forum
recurring cold , cough &fever
My 5+ year old son is suffering from this since his age of 1 &1/2 year.Family history:
1.I,father of the child had suffered a lot from the same in my childhood,and the symptom has disappeared gradually as i grow. child's mother and none in the family have this type of history.
1: AT the age of 3 or 4 months there was a round eruption on his chick & a homeopath gave 4 dose of arsenic or phosphorus. in 3 to 4 weeks the eruption was increased by area without itching .though he warned me that if this skin disease is cured by alopathy it may bring bronchitis . then a paediatrics gave an ointment & in 2 to 3 days ,eruption disappeared .
2: at age of 1 year he suffered from malaria ( MP test was negative but responded to chloroquinine, 'LARIAGO').
3:After that his health deteriorates and became under weight.
4: From the age of 1 and half year, he is susceptible to recurring cold,cough & fever of 99 to 102-103 degree F(increases till 2 to 3 a.m and then stable).
5: THE condition worsen at every season change.The starting symptom is sneezing(sometime watery nose), then blocking of nose(worsen when sleeps) and then cough.
6:Even one extra mug of water at bath and spraying of water at the SALOON for cutting of hair are sufficient for the causes .
7: FOR the last one year one homeopath applies Cal Carb 30 to continue, ipecac 30, AT 30, Hyos 200, puls 30, RT 30 (for pain in leg muscle below the knee and ankle ), ARS 30, EUPAT 30 &Bell 30 (for fever though never responded). Result is not good.
8:tonsils and other glands nearby expands.
9:surrounding air is polluted by fly-ash from thermal power plant and house is damp and not airy.
10: Today watery nose and fever starts. I am applying ipecac 30 and eupat30&bell 30.
dkbhunia on 2011-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
After your fever gets better, give the following medicines and write back:
Calc Carb 30 - 1 dose
Phos 30 - 1 dose
Lyco 30 - 1 dose
All these three remedies should be taken on the same day, with 2 hours gap between the medicine. Dont repeat. This is to be taken for one day only.
This is a very promising protocol to prevent recurring cold in children and even elders. Seldom fails.
Please write back after a week
Reva V
Calc Carb 30 - 1 dose
Phos 30 - 1 dose
Lyco 30 - 1 dose
All these three remedies should be taken on the same day, with 2 hours gap between the medicine. Dont repeat. This is to be taken for one day only.
This is a very promising protocol to prevent recurring cold in children and even elders. Seldom fails.
Please write back after a week
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
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