The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Wet Dreams and Weak Body
Hi Im 25 year old MaleShort Discription of my problem :
Wet Dreams Once in a week
Weak Body just 52Kg Weight - lean muscle build
Want to cure :
I want to cure my wet dream problem
I want to increase my Body weight
Time since im suffering from the problem : More than 12 years
Food : Always Veg but some times Non Veg also
Alcohol : Occassionally (Only Bear)
Current MB : Currently im not masturbating
Medicines taken :
I have tried the following medicines for my cure
1 - Himalaya Confido
2 - Siddha Medicine for some 2 months of time which costed 3000 per month
Sex Life :
Never involved in any Sexual activity with anyone
Detailed explanation of the problem :
I Initially started MB in my age of 10, At that time i used to do it to get sleep at night times, And it continued all from there and then at the time of 16 i started getting sperm through it and at 20 only i know that it is wrrong and i should not do it, when i stopped it i started getting wet dreams, the wetdream effect was unbearable, it came once in a week, twice and even thrice a week, confido helped a lot but at the end it also become useless,
And the Most Important thing i should say here is that im a crossdresser also, yes it all started at the younger age and it is still continuing, i believe that due to MB a lot, i lost my Testosterome hormone effect also, which is actually leaded to my Crossdressing, im trying hard to stop it also,,,
Currently im working in a call center and working in night shift
Now my need is that i want to get cured from all my issues, I know that there is nothing to do about the crossdressing thing as it is purely depends on my Mind and my own willpower, but all i need is that to get cured from my MB issue and also from the Lean body issue
So kindly advice me how to Improve My body weight, which i lost due to Lot of MBing, and also a possible cure to resolve my MBing issue.
Im 25 years of age now, but as per looks i look like a Old Person and very lean build, Im unable to take decisions, and still my mind is childish and not matured enough, i have fear of speech and to be short i have no confident to face the life itself, now im staying alone in bangalore and i really like this new life away from my family, as i stopped MBing, I stopped Crossdressing, Im not free of all the daily pressure in my life, so i want to use this precious movement of my life to concentrate on my health which is actually on the weeker side. I need your ADvice
I know Natural treatment is the only way to stop my problem, so i need you advice on this, kindly help me sir.
thunder1986 on 2011-04-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
my english is poor.....but you must be understand...
I Have same to same that problem....
i have also wet dream problem..
i do masturbate 11 or 12 years old
that all problem related to masturbate.....
Currently i am also not masturbating
i also Never involved in any Sexual activity with anyone ........
First step to stop masturbate....
second step don't sleep on foam means sleep on earth or hard place...
third step don't take any
bear alcohol .........
fourth step must be take that your body feel calm....not take warm food ...that inspire you masturbate...
avoid pornography scenes...that inspire you masturbate...
Take Natural medicine that calm your body...
my english is poor.....but you must be understand...
I Have same to same that problem....
i have also wet dream problem..
i do masturbate 11 or 12 years old
that all problem related to masturbate.....
Currently i am also not masturbating
i also Never involved in any Sexual activity with anyone ........
First step to stop masturbate....
second step don't sleep on foam means sleep on earth or hard place...
third step don't take any
bear alcohol .........
fourth step must be take that your body feel calm....not take warm food ...that inspire you masturbate...
avoid pornography scenes...that inspire you masturbate...
Take Natural medicine that calm your body...
human being last decade
it is only method that you increase your body weight and also decrease wet dream problem.......
when these problem solve your confident build up....but dont disappointment.....
majority of the young people involve in this act....
i have same to same problem...
you feel pressure.....mentally....
i also feel pressure.....
its masturbate effect...
but when i play with child my mentally pressure release.
play with child and feel happy....
and speak with polite and soft method...
and also study Religion Islam.....
That Helps you....
[message edited by human being on Thu, 19 May 2011 22:39:54 BST]
when these problem solve your confident build up....but dont disappointment.....
majority of the young people involve in this act....
i have same to same problem...
you feel pressure.....mentally....
i also feel pressure.....
its masturbate effect...
but when i play with child my mentally pressure release.
play with child and feel happy....
and speak with polite and soft method...
and also study Religion Islam.....
That Helps you....
[message edited by human being on Thu, 19 May 2011 22:39:54 BST]
human being last decade
Read this full article.....
[message edited by human being on Thu, 19 May 2011 23:08:34 BST]
[message edited by human being on Thu, 19 May 2011 23:08:34 BST]
human being last decade
Sir I m 32 years old male married I got the habbit of masturbation in my early years of age I hav faced several problems from time to time but from long time I m suffering from night discharge without any dream or sexual exciting I feel very weak after discharge, and penis have pine also after discharge my penis is small and thin and, hair become less in head, thanks.
javed 1213 last decade
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