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Yes 12c is fine.
erika last decade
how are you?
erika last decade

Did not get the Hepar because finger started draining yesterday on it's own. I soaked it in epson salt. The thumb is still twice the size but I feel relief.

I've been taking the Staph again. It seems to be helping ever so slightly. I might need to succuss more, do you think, because of the antibiotic? Been on the couch the past couple of days. Spent most of the morning reading about Carc. Some things fit; some do not. I'm definately not anyone's doormat. I will speak up almost to a fault. I'm more selfish than giving. I'm extremely aggravated by the cold. Can it hurt taking it? Also, why is it prohibited in France? I'm eager for relief, however, I'm afraid of an aggravation especially since I missed work all week already.

I'm thinking of doing the liquid dosing on this. I have read instructions for the liquid dosing by two people for this nosode. One is in the book "Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum" by Luc DeSchepper. I know you would rather me take 3 doses of the 30C, but I'm afraid to aggravate because of work, and I've been doing good with liquid dosing. Also, do you think I should wait until off the antibiotics? I have another five days.
maryo last decade
Liquid dosing is fine with the carc but I would not recommend taking it for more than one day (1-3 doses during this day) and then wait a week or 2 to see the response.
it is prohibited in France as ALL nosodes are prohibited in France...even I am prohibited in France as I am only a lay homeopath and not a medical doctor homeopath!!
Carc. will not harm and like all nosodes is used either on its own completely or as an intercurrent remedy to help the body help other remedies work more effectively.
I am not sure you should take more Staph - if it caused the return of the present symptoms (the thumb) then you should wait for this to clear before taking more of the remedy or you are truly asking for more aggravations!!
erika last decade
Incidentally Hepar sulph is one of the main remedies for helping infection to drain that has found its outlet!!
erika last decade

Okay about the Staph. Will not take at this point. I thought about that, maybe it was causing the staph. I'm back into the chronic fatigue mode again. That's one of the reasons I was hesitant with the Hepar. I've tried Hepar 30C and Hepar 200C in the past with real bad aggravations. It even caused real bad depression and sticking in my throat that lasted for a couple of months, the sticking of which I've never had. Probably because 30C and 200C were too high.

I want to try the Carc but am afraid. I'm very worn down by this finger of mine which incidentally is looking much better but still has a ways to go. But I'm not feeling good because the fatigue has set in once again. I'm going to dinner with my father tonight who I am estranged from for years. Should I try it anyway today do you think? How bad could the aggravation get? I was thinking one teaspoon from the 30C split dose.
maryo last decade
Also, I was looking in the materia medica and Staph is listed under staphylococcus.
maryo last decade
staphisagria and staphylococcus are 2 different remedies. staphisagria comes from stavesacre plant and staphylococcus comes from staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

are you talking about the carc when you ask should you take a 30c today or the hepar sulph?
erika last decade
quite frankly I would deal with your finger before taking any other remedy.
the only emotional ones I would consider are for acute anxiety before events/appointments such as gels., arg.nit., lyc., and aconite (aconite only if petrified).
erika last decade
I am feeling confused today in general. Sorry to confuse you too. I was talking about taking the Carc today, but will wait. Because I'm feeling crappy emotionally, I'm going to hold off on Hepar.

In the Reporatory, not the materia medica (excuse me), under diseases under staphylococcus, one of the remedies is staph. This is in Robin Murphy's Repertory.
maryo last decade
aahhh I understand now, thanks! yes, staph is listed for staphylococcal infections in this rubric and patients who need stahisagria are prone to boils, styes etc.
if you wanted to see if it helped you in this instance (as yours could be a return of symptoms or a proving) then taking Staphisagria in a slightly higher potency would be more advisable - but I do not advise this.
I don't honestly think the staphisagria would be as effective and quick as the hepar (low potency should not make you depressed as it will be dealing so much with the 'energy' of the physical infection that it will not effect you emotionally) or the others listed in italics in this rubric at treating the infection.
Definitely hold off from the Carc for now as it would treat you too deeply at the moment. Also the Staphisagria will carry on treating you too deeply at the moment most probably. YOu need an acute remedy for an acute infection on your thumb!
erika last decade
Okay then. Thumb is looking much better but still not back to normal and slight infection still there. Will try and get Hepar 12C today. (6C needs to be ordered). Thanks for all your help.
maryo last decade
Let me know how you get on and good luck tonight at dinner with your father! :)
erika last decade
I have used bentonite clay to draw infections, splinters, pimples, etc. to the surface. It is very safe, non-toxic, can be diluted in water and ingested if need be. I buy it in powder form and mix it with filtered water to make a kind of thick 'paste' and apply it to the problem area. This might help continue to drain the infection now that it has found an outlet.
jadeshade last decade
Actually, I did use clay, and it helped draw it. Thanks.
maryo last decade

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