The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Can food intolerance be cured?
Female, 41 yo, 2 children (9 and 4 years old), realised during elimination diet this autumn that she has had food intolerance issues her whole life. Skin and behaviour are affected, but no stomach problems what so ever.I have had bad skin, pimples, various rashes, sometimes open weeping sores that would take weeks to heal, all over my body for as long as I can remember. Also often many tiny blisters on hands and feet, often these would itch badly and it would be easy to peel off big areas of surface skin, where many of these blisters were gathered, resulting in big red skinless patches on feet and hands. The itch would cease when the skin was picked off.
In addition to the skin issues, I have always had the following symptoms:
In spite of good academic results when I really apply myself/during good times, I have had quite debilitating mental dullness/heavy brain fog (which would clear once in a rare while), very poor memory, poor eyesight (-2.25), and a sensation of good days and bad days in terms of functioning, most of the time feeling numb and spaced out and unable to think clearly or concentrate or make good decisions. Its been like that for as long as I can remember. I started wearing glasses age 15 or 16. Since having my first child 9 years ago, Ive been extremely, extremely tired and almost unable to function most of the time. Partly due to babies not sleeping at night, but tiredness remained when they started sleeping through at age 3. I manage everyday life kind of fine, but its always a struggle, and until I did the elimination diet I would wake up each morning with lots of body pain and feeling like I had been run over by a freight train.
In spite of a less than perfect childhood, my current disposition is fundamentally very happy and positive, I love my kids and family life (although have ongoing relationship problems with hubby, he reacts to amines and becomes combative over nothing so theres a lot of wasted time arguing about problems he thinks we have. When he's detoxed, life is truly great, apart from my physical issues) , I dont worry about things much, and have a very can do and a confident lets try it all and try it now attitude.
I always had a rough idea that my diet affected my skin, but it was not until doing this elimination in autumn, that I realised how big an impact my diet has on my ability to think clearly, as well as causing in fact _all_ the physical ills I experience.
Since being on a restricted diet, the following things have gone away:
Extreme tiredness. It was extreme, I could not read a book to my kids without falling some sort of unconscious, I needed to stay on my feet to stay awake. Pains all over, myalgia. Under my footsoles. Could hardly get up to stand from sitting down, etc. All skin issues. Migraine type headaches. Feeling low without reason. Bloodsugar issues. Permanent phlegm om voicechords. Little asthmatic cough disappeared. Very old RSI strain in my wrist disappeared!! (If I have dairy again now, the RSI wrist comes back!). Only barely functioning, not very interesting conversations, would get stressed if the radio was on, as all energy was spent just trying to THINK etc.
Note: I was not negative with this, just kind of spaced out and not really living a life.
After eliminating the offending foods, an enormous energy returned, I jumped out of bed in the morning, no pains anywhere and my agile body returned, people I hadnt seen for a few weeks had a shock when they saw me again and said You look TEN years younger!!. etc.
If I could avoid the offending foods all would be well, but its quite hard to avoid wheat/gluten and dairy, and currently I am having a big problem with reactions to foods although I am being very dilligent in only eating things I know are safe.
eg. I had some of our usual spices on my dinner the other evening which made me react, and I now have a big outbreak of open, red, weeping sores on my face which are very painful.
It could be that I am currently extra sensitive as the body is trying to heal itself, and if I managed to stay away from all agressors for a long enough period (6 months? Shorter?longer?) I could manage a little bit of agressors without the big reaction I get now. But the number of food items I don't tolerate is growing, and I am on a quite limited diet already, so the current situation is not sustainable.
A homeopath once told me that if you fix all the underlying imbalances, then intolerances disappear.
And I understand that from a homeopaths point of view, even avoiding foods is a type of only managing the symptoms instead it would be better to treat that actual cause of the symptoms.
Any thoughts on all this?
Many thanks and warm regards,
Susanna_ on 2011-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I guess my question is:
Is it possible that a homeopath could cure my underlying/fundamental issues (ie, should I keep looking for someone who is good enough to be able to do this), or should I settle for just managing my diet and save myself the effort and monies looking for possible improvements?
Is it possible that a homeopath could cure my underlying/fundamental issues (ie, should I keep looking for someone who is good enough to be able to do this), or should I settle for just managing my diet and save myself the effort and monies looking for possible improvements?
Susanna_ last decade
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