The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Taking arsenic with nux - antidote question
Hi, I was wondering what the best way to take arsenicum album with nux vomica would be. I read that nux is the antidote for arsenic, and I don't want to negate the effects. I've also seen mixtures or sprays that contain several remedies, some which are antidotes of each other. How do the antidotes work, if they can be taken together?Also, I know you're only supposed to take 1 remedy at a time but I have worked with a homeopath for months and I've figured out that I benefit greatly from 2 or 3 remedies, because they each address an aspect of my chronic disease.
Thanks so much!
ddollar on 2011-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is no way to stop one remedy from antidoting another. If that is going to happen, it will happen. That is just one of the problems with taking multiple remedies.
I am sure you have been told about the risks, so if you wish to take them that is entirely up to you and I won't bore you with more lectures on it.
One point I always feel compelled to make though - there is only one Vital Force, therefore there is only one Disease. Needing more than one remedy at at time to deal with it, means they are all wrong.
I am sure you have been told about the risks, so if you wish to take them that is entirely up to you and I won't bore you with more lectures on it.
One point I always feel compelled to make though - there is only one Vital Force, therefore there is only one Disease. Needing more than one remedy at at time to deal with it, means they are all wrong.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks so much! Homeopathy is by far the greatest treatment in dealing with my chronic illness so far, but this is one area I've had to stray from the traditional philosophy. For me at least, I feel like my disease is very complex and layered, and the chances of there being 1 remedy that addresses all my needs seems faint, especially given all the ones I've tried.
BTW though, I think the episode you helped me with with my brother and his appendicitis, homeopathy may have saved his life. My brother has had a strong fear of vomiting his whole life. About 3 weeks before this event, he had stomach cramps for about a week and they went away. Looking back on it, the day he started vomiting was the same day I started giving him arsenicum album for his emetophobia. The surgeon said it was the worst burst appendix he had ever seen, they had to remove part of his colon. He said his appendix had been like that for weeks at least probably. If I hadn't given him that remedy and he hadn't started vomiting severely, I'm not sure we would have thought to take him to the E.R. until it was too late. This may be a perfect example in my mind of how allopathic and homeopathic medicine can work together agreeably and for the best results.
Thanks again -
BTW though, I think the episode you helped me with with my brother and his appendicitis, homeopathy may have saved his life. My brother has had a strong fear of vomiting his whole life. About 3 weeks before this event, he had stomach cramps for about a week and they went away. Looking back on it, the day he started vomiting was the same day I started giving him arsenicum album for his emetophobia. The surgeon said it was the worst burst appendix he had ever seen, they had to remove part of his colon. He said his appendix had been like that for weeks at least probably. If I hadn't given him that remedy and he hadn't started vomiting severely, I'm not sure we would have thought to take him to the E.R. until it was too late. This may be a perfect example in my mind of how allopathic and homeopathic medicine can work together agreeably and for the best results.
Thanks again -
ddollar last decade
Suddenly had severe acidity vomit sensation & two lose motion after eating a fruit green Indian berry which is very uncommon.
Had two doses of Nux 30 .....feeling better.
Any other medicine to be taken , please suggest.
Or Nux will fully cure it ?
I am male 65.
Had two doses of Nux 30 .....feeling better.
Any other medicine to be taken , please suggest.
Or Nux will fully cure it ?
I am male 65.
Thanks 7 years ago
Moderator: There seems to be much too baggage like this one on the Forum which can be masked or deleted.As you can see many of us in our desire to help forget to note that the last post by a sufferer was many years old( here 7 years). It becomes meaningless in my view. I suggest that if a last post is older than say one month that thread may be closed from view.There are so many of such posts.Please consider.
jawahar 7 years ago
Hi jawahar,
The moderator rarely reads posts. If people want to contact him, he wants people to click on the "store" at the top, and there is a place to message about orders- you can write in that space and he will answer you.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-01 17:43:40]
The moderator rarely reads posts. If people want to contact him, he wants people to click on the "store" at the top, and there is a place to message about orders- you can write in that space and he will answer you.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-01 17:43:40]
♡ simone717 7 years ago
Stay with the nux. See if you keep improving.
If you feel improvement has stopped - take another dose.
Each person has unique reactions and while things improve , you wait to see
How long it lasts- you are doing well with nux and it probably will solve the issue.
Stay with the nux. See if you keep improving.
If you feel improvement has stopped - take another dose.
Each person has unique reactions and while things improve , you wait to see
How long it lasts- you are doing well with nux and it probably will solve the issue.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
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