The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Greetings. I would like to use collodial minerals instead of ethanol. Is this acceptable and if so what % of the container should I fill with collodial mineral, or would 5 drops be sufficient ?Thank you
freeman9007 on 2011-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Alcohol is used in remedies because of its ability to preserve the water. I do not think that colloidal minerals preserve like alcohol does (at least as far as I could see in my research).
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you for such a quick response. Ethanol or alcohol is not an option unfortunately. Was the collodial minerals really bad as an alternative preservative, as I will not be able to use at all if this is the case.
freeman9007 last decade
Do they preserve? When I went searching for the qualities, I didn't see that given as one of them.
Without alcohol, the remedies will not last very long. A resourceful homoeopath can probably get around this limitation, by working with potency I think, and by making sure the simillimum is given, which by its nature does not need repeating very often (so you wont need to keep the remedy around for long).
If you need frequent doses however, then you might run into problems. The water will lose its association with the remedy dissolved into it after awhile, usually a few weeks. If you need to keep remaking the remedy (and there is no way to tell when it has lost its power without observing the effect on the patient, or lack of), by dissolving new pillules into it, you will need to keep track of the number of hits of the bottle up to that point, and start at that number, so it can be a little more complicated from a record-keeping perspective.
Without alcohol, the remedies will not last very long. A resourceful homoeopath can probably get around this limitation, by working with potency I think, and by making sure the simillimum is given, which by its nature does not need repeating very often (so you wont need to keep the remedy around for long).
If you need frequent doses however, then you might run into problems. The water will lose its association with the remedy dissolved into it after awhile, usually a few weeks. If you need to keep remaking the remedy (and there is no way to tell when it has lost its power without observing the effect on the patient, or lack of), by dissolving new pillules into it, you will need to keep track of the number of hits of the bottle up to that point, and start at that number, so it can be a little more complicated from a record-keeping perspective.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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