The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss for 3 years after taking Yasmin
I'm 20 years old and have been experiencing gradual hair thinning for the past 3 years. It all started when I began taking Yasmin 3 years ago. I noticed my hair thinning while on the pill (the pill contains spironolactone which is an anti-androgen). Also while on the pill, I noticed my hands were very dry, and I stopped sweating as much as I used to. (I sweat a lot before). The hair on my head has become lighter in color, and I have less body hair than I used to. I have low libido and my periods are less heavy than they used to be. I got my hormones checked at the doctors, and she said my FSH and progesterone were a little low. Nothing else stood out.What sort of hormonal issues could be causing all of my symptoms, and how can I resolve this issue with natural remedies?
shpammy on 2011-07-04
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