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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
David Sir, Please discuss any issues and answers to our Q's over here. Please let's not confuse our patients anymore.

Your kind help and understanding will be greatly appreciated.
nawazkhan last decade
As I have stated on other threads, you may now contact my professional association to make your complaints and accusations. I will liase with them on how best to respond, and if your proposed threat of legal action has any validity.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear David, As you have experienced, the pseudo practitioners on this site do not like to be challenged. Several have tried before you to instill some respect for the principles of homeopathy, or at least stop calling their dubious advice 'homeopathy'. It is to no avail, as there is much shrill and self-righteous posturing which attempts to accuse anyone who threatens their nice, easy methods. Outright attacks, mealy-mouthed lets-all-respect-each-other-and-get-along kind of you pat my back and I'll not only pat yours, by die defending your right to do whatever you please. Talk is cheap. Advice is cheap, especially when it carries no responsibility. I doubt you have anything to fear in the way of legal action. The only reason I even visit this forum occasionally is to read what people like you and Sameer Vani say.
To give them their due, many people here mean well, but just do not understand what they're doing wrong. Only a few have monumental egos driving them.
homlee last decade
Yes indeed I am probably one of their main targets at the moment. I will try to avoid most of the trouble they cause for patients on this site when I can, but this time one of them has gone too far.

I am aware that that this threat was ludicrous - but I certainly want them to know that I won't be bullied like this, and that there are potential consequences to dirtying any genuine professional's reputation.

I also know that if Nawaz did make such a legal challenge, he would have to come out in the open, and this would mean his behaviour would become evident to the place where he works. If he really does work with qualified homoeopaths, I am sure he doesn't want the clinic and those doctors involved in his mischief on this site.

Like any bully, there is a point at which you need to draw the line. I have drawn mine - whether they try to cross it or not is up to them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
This Message is for Nawaz Ge:

Dear Nawaz,
Please navigate thru messages on this thread that appears on second page. You will be surprised to see, where the messages are deleted and our responses to the deleted messages are still on this thread. Some people use these tactics to gain mileage form the conversation and try to project themselves as very innocent human clones on this forum. There was point raised by you regarding the cloned id, s. Well, this need to be done else the new person moving on this forum will be surprised to see the length of the treatment and the results. These so called dubious new comers are in a habit of creating such nuisance on this forum by creating different ids having substantially identical content, for them it is just a fun. IGNORING such elements will save 10 percent of our time, which can be used for much critical calls from the genuine patient.

We all see your professional and experienced touch in dealing with so many critical cases on this forum. Your contribution on this forum is a testimony to itself and requires no confirmation from any quarter. I don’t think there is any need for you to take any learning lessons from a particular individual on any treatment procedures on this forum. We like the way you are.

Patient is intelligent enough to estimate what is good for him and what is not. We don’t have to very much worried, there won’t be any huge impact if we follow this simple technique. On to contrary you will be surprised to see that you will have enough cases in your plate to look into and gain a good learning scenario from these patients problem. But it will be more surprising to see on the other side were cloned ids will be getting tangled up in there own web.

Hope you take my observation and move ahead with your noble work on this forum. Appreciation for all your hard work. We like minded people will keep our self connected to gain and impart knowledge for betterment of the society.

Best Regards,
Nikkie last decade
Dear Group

Letter of apology

I apologise from the bottom of my heart for deleting posts. I believe I will not do so any more in the future as I have found a new stability. I do not believe I am an innocent person and do not feel the need to appear that way either.

Regarding my Id's I did not like the one I had anymore, I did not want to use my newly created iD Platina anymore either to not appear like I am identified with it - excuse my insecurities, but now I believe I found an ID I will stick with.

Feel free to ignore me, apologies for wasting computer resources explaining what I deem insignificant things, but since its brought up so many times I felt the need to do so.
vitamin.X last decade
Dear Nikkie, Thanks, I will honor your advice!

Many many sincere prayers for your well-being.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Vitamin.X,

I greatly appreciate your post. That is an intelligent and courageous young man:) I really mean it.

Please remember, prayer is a good remedy.

I would like to pray to our creator for your good health, happiness and a successful career.

Kind Regards
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz Ge,

Thanks for leaving that thread. Hope! i was polite in my request. You had done your best, rest leave it to GOD. I am still firm on my Judgement, there is nothing we can learn form threads which are of 'LOOP' nature. Move ahead and help the others waiting for your treatment. There is lot we can learn and share. Please promise me hence forth you wont follow such threads for any sought of LEARNING.

Appreciate all your hard work on this forum.

Nikkie last decade
Promised! Nawaz
nawazkhan last decade
Hello All,

It has been ages since my last visit. Just felt like connecting to you all again. Hope all are healthy and smiling.

With Lots of Love & Blessings
Nikkie 7 years ago
Welcome Back!
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz Khan Ge,

Thank you Very Much Sir .

Best Regards,
Nikkie 7 years ago
Hello All,

It has been ages since my last visit. Just felt like connecting to you all again. Hope all are healthy and smiling.

With Lots of Love & Blessings
Nikkie 6 years ago

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