The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Graphites 30-wet dose
Hello,I have started a homeopathic treatment since December and was hoping for some feedback from more experienced individuals who practice homeopathy. Here is my story:
I have had skin problems like eczema and dry skin for years. Especially on my face. I had been seeing a dermatologist who looked at me every 6 weeks and would adjust the strengths of steroid creams and hydrocortisones. These were applied mostly above my lip under my nose where I have a dry cracking patch of skin that sometime had a water like liquid secrete. I noticed I would get hives of my face as well. The doctor said it was pimples but I knew it wasnt because they would disappear overnight. I had dry patches on my scalp as well. I used the creams almost everyday but if I stopped, the problem was back.
Last summer, I was in a lot of stress for personal reasons and my skin flared up like never before. I had inflamed skin and my scalp was itching and burning. I knew that the condition of my skin was related to other internal discomforts.
I started to see a homeopath for a more holistic treatment. I was consulted and given a few different remedies that I changed every 3 days until I found a remedy that sparked a significant change to find a fit. I took couple of different remedies. The remedies all seemed to aggravate my condition and I was in pain. Finally, I was given a remedy that made me feel better right away. It was graphites 30. Now, After the first few doses taken about every 3 weeks I have been advised to take wet doses. Here is my concern. I am a little confused about when to take the doses. I am told only to take them when needed. When my condition gets worse I should take a dose. With the wet doses I am placing 3 granules in a bottle of spring water bottle and I have to tap it, increasing the taps each time I take a dose. I take only one sip.
What is your opinion about wet doses and tapping and should I be taking doses more frequently? From my understanding people take doses a few times a day! My skin has not been back to perfect still. It has improved from the worst it has been but has not fully recovered. It gets better then more aggravated. I am 20 yrs old, most of my discomfort is on my scalp and face.
Any thoughts? Some advice would be greatly appreciated :)
imstree on 2011-07-22
There are a couple of things that I would normally need to know before advising on dosage.
1. How much improvement do you have?
2. Where has the improvment taken place?
3. Has improvement occurred in symptoms and areas other than the skin (sleep, energy, emotional, mental, appetite etc)?
4. How long does improvement last?
5. Does the improvement vanish completely after awhile (complete relapse) or do see the symptoms fall back to a level that is still better than they were originally (some things are better, some are the same, or everything is better in some way)?
6. Does the improvement disappear suddenly, or is it a slow return?
7. Is anything worse than it was (other symptoms you have other than the skin), either when you stop using the remedy or while you are using it?
8. Have any new symptoms appeared, in any location or area of your health?
David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2-4 granules into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.
Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).
Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.
This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.
Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dr. Kempson,
1. How much improvement do you have?
There is improvement from the worst condition I was in when I had first stopped all the medications and creams. I must add that I was in school at that time, more stressed, and it was winter .so I think my skin was naturally more dry. I would say over 50% improvement now.
2. Where has the improvement taken place?
The improvement is on my scalp. Before it was more red and scaly, and more sticky, I lost hair from itching. Now it is dry and flaky but less painful. My upperlip, burns and is red with a little flaking but much better than before. The rest of my face has cleared up Ill get randon hives rarely.
3. Has improvement occurred in symptoms and areas other than the skin (sleep, energy, emotional, mental, appetite etc)?
Yes,greatly! I work out everyday now, my diet has improved, I have much more energy aswell. I am on summer holidays so I have more time for myself which makes this easier and less stressful though.
4. How long does improvement last?
Improvement of the skin lasts a few weeks 2-3 then I feel the need to take another dose..but I always try and wait.
5. Does the improvement vanish completely after awhile (complete relapse) or do see the symptoms fall back to a level that is still better than they were originally (some things are better, some are the same, or everything is better in some way)?
Symptoms fall back to a level that is still better- some things better others the same. For example, my upper lip may get worse, scalp the same and vice versa. To tell you the truth it is my irritability that changes as well. I itch more and am more uneasy when I feel like I need another dose.
6. Does the improvement disappear suddenly, or is it a slow return?
Slow return I have to think and track my condition
7. Is anything worse than it was (other symptoms you have other than the skin), either when you stop using the remedy or while you are using it?
No, overall better.
8. Have any new symptoms appeared, in any location or area of your health?
No other symptoms have appeared but there is one thing I should add. I have had a lump in my neck that is visible when I swallow or when I am still. This has been for years now. I got thyroid tests which were fine, but I am being sent to a specialist to check the size of the nodule. I dont plan on taking meds because my homeopath says graphites should help with this as well. She said I should drink spring water as tap water has too much fluoride. Some times I feel my neck lump more than other days. I noticed that the spring water has helped.
As for the bottle I have been using a fresh plastic waterbottle and dumping it once I hit it a certain number of times for my dose. I did not know you could save the mixture for later use. In the start I was hitting it 5 times and that is when I saw more improvement. I kept it at that, but I started seeing less improvement so I was told that I had to increase hitting because 5 was not strong enough. I did 20 hits last time and the next will be 25. My homeopath says that if I dont see improvement I should switch to graphites 200 wet doses.
My homeopath is a family friend who isnt charging me for advice though I insist to pay. Though I have had face to face consultations most of my communication is by e-mail and I usually e-mail with a question. There are no follow-ups on her part. I dont know if I should switch to another homeopath, as a student my expenses are high so I am hoping to keep her.
imstree last decade
It sounds like your friend hasn't propertly studied the part of the Organon on dosage. I would suggest taking my advice and making the dose bottle and following the instructions I gave.
You can go to this site to read up more on the importance of the Split Dose (and of doing it properly).
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Just a few more questions to consider for future doses.
1. How often should I take a dose? Do you suggest I take it the same way I have been (waiting to notice aggravation of symptoms?)
2. Will I always have to increase hitting...or will it be stablized at a certain number at some point. If so, how will I know when to do this? ( will I have to increase to 200c?)
3.Is it normal to see improvement in one area but not in another?
4. If I had been using topical creams(hydrocortisones)before for it likely that my treatment with homeopathy will take years?
Thanks Dr. Kempson :)
imstree last decade
Dosage has to be tailored to the patient and the situation. Each time you repeat doses it really should be reassessed to see if you need it, to see if the case has changed, and to see if the dosage is effective.
Generally you would repeat only if one of three things has happened.
1. you were better then your symptoms began to return OR
2. you are better but there has been no further progress (you are stuck partway towards cure) PLUS
3. your symptoms have not changed into anything new (looking right across the board at mentals, emotionals, sleep, energy etc) PLUS
4. your symptoms have not become worse in any way.
You only increase the number of hits if the remedy has started to become less effective, or perhaps didn't work at all in the first instance. Hitting the bottle will not increase the remedy even to 31c without the liquid in the bottle being diluted into another bottle (potency increase comes from both the hitting and dilution). So the bottle will reach a saturation point.
When a potency becomes ineffective, you will either move no further forward despite repeat doses, or you will begin to relapse and be unable to stop it.
It is not normal for homoeopathic treatment to see improvement in one area and not another, if the remedy is correct. It is normal when the remedy is not well chosen however. When one area improves and another doesn't it means one of two things
1. the remedy is acting to palliate or suppress, and you will damage your health the longer this goes on (possibly permanently)
2. the potency is not correct, and it is unable to affect certain levels of the disease.
The use of cortisone in the past can indeed make it harder to cure you, or make it take more time. However the real aspect of the patient's disease that determines how long it takes is the degree of tissue change in the body. Suppression does tend to create more pathology in the body, and this will definitely affect how long it will take to get back to optimum health. Will it take years - that is hard to know. Prognosis becomes easier when you observe the changes from remedies, how stable they are, how deep they go.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The wet dose is suggested to reduce remedy aggravation.
However, in order to satisfy your request that was thru email, the following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.
1. ID:Imstree
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height .
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
16. What exactly is happening?
17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?
19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
[message edited by nawazkhan on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 03:23:05 BST]
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Wasalam Mr. Khan,
1. ID:
2. 20
3. female
4. Single
5. 120 lbs
6. 5'8
7. Canada
8. humid continental
9. List of your complaints: I have discomfort and irritation of the skin. My scalp is dry and flaking. The skin above my lips is also dry and flaking. The dryness and peeling has spread on other parts of my face as well. My eyelids, the bridge of my nose, jaw line, etc. When serious,my scalp would burn and become sticky and very itchy. It would plaque. I had lost a small patch of hair from the severe itching. It used to be difficult to rest my head on a pillow. My upper lip, the skin under my nose has cracked and released a water-like liquid. It can be painful to stretch the skin.
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint: I had been seeing a dermatologist for my upper lip for years and he was giving me hydrocortisone. It has been well over 5 years. My scalp was bad a few years back, it healed completely ( I did use medication) and the symptoms reappeared last year. This was a time when the skin on my face was the worst it has been as well. More details are listed in the 1st post on this thread.
11. non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets
13. Usually not too thirsty
14. Tongue and Taste? Not sure what you mean here. Taste buds are fine :) ?
15. Current BP- blood pressure is normal and what it should be
16. What exactly is happening?I have explained above. I feel irritated and itchy mostly and my body feels unease because of the condition of my skin.
17. I usually feel discomfort and unrest.
18. My attention is diverted to my symptoms and it is difficult for me to concentrate on other things.
19. Itchy, burning, dry
20. I think about weather my condition that I have had for so long can be cured or not.
21. My nephew was diagnosed with a rare life-threatening illness.
22. It had a great effect on my health and overall peace of mind.
23. I was very much stressed. Developed stomach problems (inflammation of the stomach lining, and feelings of anxiety).
24. I can say I am a type A personality. I am very active and self motivated.
25. (pasted from previous post) Last summer, I was in a lot of stress for personal reasons/nephew and my skin flared up like never before. I had inflamed skin and my scalp was itching and burning. I knew that the condition of my skin was related to other internal discomforts.
I was consulted by a homeopath in dec. and given a few different remedies that I changed every 3 days until I found a remedy that sparked a significant change to find a fit. I took couple of different remedies. The remedies all seemed to aggravate my condition and I was in pain. Finally, I was given a remedy that made me feel better right away. It was graphites 30. Now, After the first few doses taken about every 3 weeks I have been advised to take wet doses. Here is my concern. I am a little confused about when to take the doses. I am told only to take them when needed. When my condition gets worse I should take a dose. With the wet doses I am placing 3 granules in a bottle of spring water bottle and I have to hit it, increasing the taps each time I take a dose. I take only one sip.
In the past I have used hydrocortisones and medicated oils for the scalp and last year took medication Tecta a PPI for my stomach for 8 weeks
26. South Asian
27. completing university
28. currently a student
29. chocolate and sweets mostly. I love fruits
30. I have been told that citrus is not good for problems like eczema, but I have not experimented enough to identify which foods aggravate my condition.
31. I am always pushing myself towards improvement and like I mentioned I am self motivated. I do think a lot and am easily stressed. I do not get too angry and do not have too much of a temper. I do get irritated easily and can be impatient but I don't share my problems with others. I do not have trouble meeting new people and speaking in public. I am very friendly. I have taking on my leadership roles. I do not cry easily and am strong headed. I don't like to show my emotions and don't share feelings with others openly. I am family loving and mature.
32. Aggravation increases at times of stress. Exams, sudden bad news, upset mood. The worst it has been was during the winter when I tend to feel the lowest emotionally and the air is very dry and impacts the moisture in my skin. I feel better in the summer, the weather is more humid and stress is lower. I have seen over 50% improvement slowly while using my remedy.
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34.Scalp and face
35. upper. Mostly the left side of my face and scalp. Above the ears and the rim of the hairline. I have experienced itchy dry, inflamed skin on eyelids and eyebrows. The sides of my face have had patches of dry skin. The middle of my upperlip, right under the nose is where I have had the problem the longest.
36. Clear like water. The secretions from the scalp are sticky and the upperlip when it cracks releases clear, colourless and odourless liquid.
For Females Only
37. Early in the month. Normal and on time. No major issues or concerns.
38. Are you pregnant? no
(pasted from above) I have had a lump in my neck that is visible when I swallow or when I am still. This has been for years now. I got thyroid tests which were fine, but I am being sent to a specialist to check the size of the nodule. I dont plan on taking meds because my homeopath says graphites should help with this as well. She said I should drink spring water as tap water has too much fluoride. Some times I feel my neck lump more than other days. I noticed that the spring water has helped.
Thank you :)
[message edited by imstree on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 03:02:22 BST]
imstree last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Thankfully, it is nothing as severe as the issue discussed on that web link, but it looks kind of like that. My sister has a similar lump/nodule too. We both do not have thyroid problems.
As for the graphites, I took the last dose yesterday. 25 hits, 1 sip from a bottle of spring water. I have to still read how to make a split dose properly before I try what like David suggested.
(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)
imstree last decade
Thanks for the addl. info.
Please take Bacillinum 200C, 4 drops in 1/4 glass of spring water, stir nicely with a spoon, only one dose please. We will be requring to take a weekly dose of this remedy, around 4 doses in a month.
Also, please go ahead and purchase Arsenicum Album 200C asap.
Please stop all other remedies.
Please give feedback in a couple of days.
Many many prayers for your good health and happiness.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
I do hope the image gave you a better understanding.
Before I purchase what you suggested, I just wanted to make one thing clear....not sure if you read my earlier posts, but since I have been taking graphites beginning in Dec.2011 it is not that I haven't seen improvement of my skin, that I have noticed for sure ( I noticed change for the dose I took 2 days ago). What I was a little skeptical about was not the remedy but the dosage. It is unclear to me when I should be taking the dose...there is no consistent timings suggested. It was recommended I take it 'when needed' when signs return. This was aprrox. every 3 weeks and to add to that, I don't know when to stop increasing the hits. I was guessing that the remedy was correct, it was a change in dosage you would suggest.
I hope that is clear.
If you still think I should start bacillinum, does 4 drops mean 4 granules, and does 1 dose mean one sip?
Also, what are the directions for the arsenicum album?
Peace and blessings! :)
[message edited by imstree on Fri, 29 Jul 2011 04:18:37 BST]
imstree last decade
Please relax, inshallah you will be cured soon!
'not sure if you read my earlier posts'
Yes, I read all of your posts and emails. After the careful analysis of your case, it was found that graphites is not your curative remedy, only palliative.
Your correct remedy is Ars. album, but we will have to use Bacillinum as an intercurrent remedy to move your stuck case forward.
Please take Bacillinum 200C, 4 pills/drops in 1/4 glass of spring water, dissolve/stir nicely with a spoon, only one dose please. Drink the whole thing. We will repeat this remedy after 8 days. No other remedy must be taken on the day you will take Baciliiinum.
Then, the next day you will start on Arsenicum Album 200C, 4 drops/pills in 1/4 glass of spring water, dissolve/stir nicely with a spoon, take the whole thing, only one dose daily, for 7 days.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
It is also not standard practice in homoeopathy to prescribe two remedies close together without first assessing the action of one of them.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The post by brisbanehomoeopath is only to take revenge with a rage. It has nothing to do with your treatment. Please be cautious and pro-active. You have been using Graphites for over 7 months now. If it was a correct remedy, then, you must have been cured by now?
Arsenicum Album 200C is the only one remedy that has been suggested to you.
Please read my previous report. 'Your correct remedy is Ars. album, but we will have to use Bacillinum as an intercurrent remedy to move your stuck case forward.'
As you have been taking Graphites 30C, we must take Bacillinum as an intercurrent to start your case. I hope and pray that Brisbanehomoeopath knows what an intercurrent remedy is and why it is used????
There is a Lyssin proving going on right now, so, please be careful.
Many prayers for your good health and a wonderful career.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
It is indeed nice and comforting to see your name on this thread.
By God willing, we will be learning a lot over here.
As always, many many prayers for your long and happy life.
Kind regards
♡ nawazkhan last decade
I will leave it up to the poster whose advice to take. I am sure they can see the logic of it one way or the other.
You have no idea what the 'correct' remedy is until the patient takes it and responds, none of us do. What we do know is that Graphites has helped this patient, but that the dosage has not been correct. Direction of Cure seems correct, and so changing remedies suddenly would be detrimental until it is clear that Graphites no longer is helping, or until the state changes dramatically enough to call for a new remedy.
I see by looking at the threads where you treat people that you are prone to changing remedies very frequently, sometimes even when the remedy has helped them. This is a mistake that students are taught not to make. I leave most of your threads alone but since you are suddenly being very critical of my skills and knowledge, we can start discussing yours.
Even if this is a prescription I did not make, I would be very hesitant about changing it while there is improvement. What are your justifications for changing a remedy that is working? Your treatment plans generally seem chaotic, impatient, and lacking confidence.
Always gather as much information as you can, choose one remedy to match as much of the case as possible, and stick to it when there is improvement until the symptoms call for a new remedy, or the remedy no longer creates improvement. I wouldn't care whose prescription it is - as long as there is a postive change, wait patiently, look for obstacles to cure, and adjust dosage to get maximum benefit.
Again in terms of your use of miasmatic prescribing, Baccillinum is a tubercular remedy, Arsenicum belongs to the C-ancer miasm (syco-syphilitic) - the reason for using both of them seems esoteric.
You do not need an 'intercurrent' in a case that you have not yet made a prescription for. An intercurrent is used when the first remedy does not have the desired effect, or the state changes after the first remedy. Without knowing that Arsenicum has had a problem in changing the case, automatically starting someone on an intercurrent makes no sense at all. I am guessing you don't understand the use of intercurrents. When I taught students intercurrent prescribing was considered advanced enough to teach it in the 2nd to 3rd year.
I welcome any poster to peruse my threads to see how I manage, educate and help people in the forum. Since they are public, I am also happy for people to see that I do not make 100% correct decisions all the time, but that my reasons for making them are consistent, are guided by the Organon of Medicine, and that I take responsibility for each one.
They are free to look at your threads for the same purpose.
If your plan is to go through all of the threads I am giving advice on, that is fine. I am always up for the debate on philosophy and method.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 30 Jul 2011 00:13:25 BST]
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
What I would personally appreciate is less talk of being nice, and more responses to my questions and arguments, if you are going to engage me at all.
Debating does not have to be angry, it can be educational to both sides. Debating is about learning. Just don't get personal, and it can all stay in the realm of learning. Are you able to debate about homoeopathy? Can you support any assertions you make? If not, why are you starting these discussions?
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 30 Jul 2011 03:00:02 BST]
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am glad to note that you have succeeded in bringing David down from his high pedestal by a few pegs and hope that he will take the advice that you have given him in respect of his supercilious attitude on the ABC up to now. It is just that he is so used to throwing his weight around his students whom he states he has taught, that impels his belligerent attitude here. As you are aware, many are the times that I too have had to bring him down to earth and on more than one occasion I have prescribed Lycopodium to him and even quoted directly from Boericke, to help him make up his mind that this is indeed the obvious single remedy to quell his sadistic reflex of attacking me for the therapy I prescribe to my patients aka 'Joepathy', which I notice has not been under attack from him, in the recent past.
I cannot help but to quote from David's own statement:
'I see by looking at the threads where you treat people that you are prone to changing remedies very frequently, sometimes even when the remedy has helped them. This is a mistake that students are taught not to make. I leave most of your threads alone but since you are suddenly being very critical of my skills and knowledge, we can start discussing yours.
Even if this is a prescription I did not make, I would be very hesitant about changing it while there is improvement. What are your justifications for changing a remedy that is working? Your treatment plans generally seem chaotic, impatient, and lacking confidence.
Always gather as much information as you can, choose one remedy to match as much of the case as possible, and stick to it when there is improvement until the symptoms call for a new remedy, or the remedy no longer creates improvement. I wouldn't care whose prescription it is - as long as there is a postive change, wait patiently, look for obstacles to cure, and adjust dosage to get maximum benefit.
Again in terms of your use of miasmatic prescribing, Baccillinum is a tubercular remedy, Arsenicum belongs to the C-ancer miasm (syco-syphilitic) - the reason for using both of them seems esoteric.
You do not need an 'intercurrent' in a case that you have not yet made a prescription for. An intercurrent is used when the first remedy does not have the desired effect, or the state changes after the first remedy. Without knowing that Arsenicum has had a problem in changing the case, automatically starting someone on an intercurrent makes no sense at all. I am guessing you don't understand the use of intercurrents. When I taught students intercurrent prescribing was considered advanced enough to teach it in the 2nd to 3rd year.
I welcome any poster to peruse my threads to see how I manage, educate and help people in the forum. Since they are public, I am also happy for people to see that I do not make 100% correct decisions all the time, but that my reasons for making them are consistent, are guided by the Organon of Medicine, and that I take responsibility for each one.
They are free to look at your threads for the same purpose.
If your plan is to go through all of the threads I am giving advice on, that is fine. I am always up for the debate on philosophy and method.'
Then again:
'I am not angry at you Nawaz I don't even know you. I am debating with you. I love debating, especially about homoeopathy. We had a debating team in college that I was a member of - we not only debated within the homoeopathy faculty but with other schools of medicine too (chinese, acupuncture, western herbal). I remember those very fondly.
What I would appreciate is less talk of being nice, and more responses to my questions and arguments, if you are going to engage me at all.
Debating does not have to be angry, it can be educational to both sides. Debating is about learning. Just don't get personal, and it can all stay in the realm of learning.'
All this is so different from his belligerent and condescending attitude towards me and the therapy I had prescribed in the past to my patients where even after the patient has confirmed that s/he was cured he would still persist in questioning my therapy. It is only after the patient orders him to shut up as he is interfering in a manner that was becoming offensive, that he would reluctantly do so. He is the classic example that Boericke quoted in his notes on Lycopodium:
'Mind.--Melancholy; afraid to be alone. Little things annoy, Extremely sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things. Head strong and haughty when sick. Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Apprehensive. Weak memory, confused thoughts; spells or writes wrong words and syllables. Failing brain-power (Anac; Phos; Baryt). Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he writes. Sadness in morning on awaking.'
I do hope that David will eventually understand and accept that he must respect the therapy of others who may not be as qualified academically as he is, but have the background of many years of study and practice in the use of remedies which invariably CURE the patient without the discussion on the rationale in using them for an ailment. The patient is not interested in the reasons for prescribing the remedy. He is more interested in being cured. It is only when David pipes in and attacks me that even I at my advanced age of 82 get annoyed and am compelled to spend some time on countering his attacks which I have always done as I refuse to stand aside when anyone attacks me unfairly. And this does not only include on the ABC. It has always been my hallmark in life to be fair to every one I meet and I believe that I have made my mark as one who cannot tolerate any injustice to myself or others.
I would like to conclude by stating that I believe that the remedies that both of you have prescribed are not in my opinion the one that would make the greatest difference towards the patient's cure.
I believe that Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice and also applied directly on her lesions will produce results within the week.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Request - Can we use ABC-Room thread ( )for all important discussions/debate. Hope Patients thread is discussion/debate FREE :-)
♡ Nikkie last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Before I say anything more, I want to begin with saying that I was unable to reply earlier and was overwhelmed with all that I had to catch up on, on this thread (not saying that that is a bad thing, but now I have so much to digest).
brisbanehomoepath: I see that you recognize that graphites is working, which was making me think that the remedy was right, the dosage wrong. I am no pro homeopath myself, I have no experience, but I was going to assume that someone on the forum would change/ alter my dosage.
nawazkhan: You are right in that I was wondering why it is taking so long even though I have been told that with homeopathy treatment can be very long.
Joe De Livera: thank you for joining the discussion, and considering my case.
Now, I am just a stranger on this forum who has neither met or seen any of you. It is patients like me that put our trust and faith in people like you and I hope you understand...which I am sure you do. I have no idea what your own experiences and/or qualifications are but I have hope that I can get help! I have already been going through treatment that lead me to this forum because I was not getting any follow-ups and I began to question the dosage ( even though the remedy seems to be working). Coming here was comforting, and it was nice to know that there are people out there willing to help, getting nothing in return other than blessings. It was also nice to get different perspectives...but I am sure that you would agree that it is a bit overwhelming and confusing for patients like me who don't know what do when so much is suggested. What makes Joe's thoughts superior over nawazkhan's over David's and so on.
As for nawazkhan's suggestion, I will not be able to get a hold of the new remedies for a couple of days. Right now I am better since the last dose I took of graphites a few days ago.
I want to respect all of your opinions to the best of my abilities but I do have a few questions before I do anything different, because naturally after all that has been said MORE questions have been raised.
If I were to change my remedy and go with nawazkhan's suggestions....what are the dangers if any. Let's say I give it a try, a few days and recognize that I am worse or that it is not working...could I go back to using graphites or would that be harmful/pointless? Are there really any 'dangers' to my health of taking a remedy not suited for me other than the downfall of letting go of one that was working somewhat??? But hey, on the other hand it may work. Like I said I am not a homeopath so these questions might have very easy answers or really convoluted ones, but I would like to know my options because this is my health being dealt with.
Now ANOTHER remedy has joined the team Arnica6c! Once again I am not upset that there are so many thoughts ( I would like to read the debate if it relates to my case and not your personal histories...because I am interested in homeopathy and learning a lot from you all) but I think you would be a little skeptical/confused if you were in my shoes right now too.
Anyway, I wouldn't be able to get new remedies for a few days, thankfully I am better for now. Til than your thoughts will be welcomed and I truly hope you can settle your differences in a respectful manner in this case and in the future.
You all are wonderful, talented people in your own way and I only hope for the best!
Nikki, thanks for monitoring the thread ;)
[message edited by imstree on Sun, 31 Jul 2011 03:17:30 BST]
imstree last decade
I am sorry for any inconvenience and distaste. Please forgive. May Allah SWT bless you with more wisdom, more courage, more sustenance and more patience to deal with your health issues.
Please make your own decisions.
Again, a bundle of more prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 31 Jul 2011 05:13:36 BST]
♡ nawazkhan last decade
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