The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anemia due to testosterone deficiency due to Orchiectomy (testicle removal))
Hi,My father (74years old) was diagonised with Prostrate, we did surgery to remove Prostrate in April 2010, even after the surgery the PSA was not coming down, we tried Hormone injections, even that was not stopping PSA, the only choice left was to remove Testicles, which we did this month.
He is weak after this surgery and when i read online, i found the side effect of Orchiectomy is Anemia.
Request, i someone can suggest me a remedy for reducing Anemia in my father.
stephenblr on 2011-07-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Ferrum Phos.3x ( One tablespoon four times a day in a cup of milk) and Lecithene-3x (5 drops per dose every four hours in a little water) report after 4 weeks.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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