The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fullness in throat
I have had a feeling as if my throat is full/tight for about two almost feels as if I was "choked" up at a wedding/funeral - lump-like feeling you get in those situations.....I went to the DR - he said it is an atypical form of acid reflux - atypical being that I don't have the normal symptons - no burning, no difficulty swallowing... he did say that my voice box was a little swollen.....
any suggestions, remedies. other ideas. questions
guest user on 2005-05-31
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If your voice sometimes , is odd, not normal , try looking at Arum Tryph.
passkey last decade
I have the same problem and the doctor said the same thing to me did you get any better and how if so? Thank you very much!!!
Marine4life22 last decade
i just joined and i'm desperately trying to find out what's going on with my throat. going on 4 days now and this fullness like something lodged in my throat is bugging me almost as if i have a choker around my neck. I have no pain but do have allergies. I thought maybe a postnasal drip but i'm kind of worried that it could be a thyroid problem not sure or related to pre-menapausal as i'm 36yrs old. I will get to see a doc on monday. But in the mean time i'm thinking will my throat close up on me or what? my voice is not affected, I do sing and thought maybe it could be do to me singing, i just don't know until hopefully monday. thanks for reading, any helpful replies would be greatly appreciated.
harmonizer last decade
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