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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Joe, Arnica really works

Dear Dr.Joe,
I am a Homeo physician from India,& I have read some of your posts.

I have tried Arnica 6c {wet dose} HS ,in about 80% of the patients it worked really well for INSOMNIA.
For obesity I am trying Nat Phos6x,
TO increase the weight what should be prescribed according to JOEPATHY. Please suggest.
[message edited by DrGnandan on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 11:40:43 BST]
  DrGnandan on 2011-08-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Were those patients cured of all their problems by Arnica - mental emotional and physical?

Did any of their other complaints increase?

Did they get any new symptoms of any sort?

Do the patients have to continue taking the Arnica to stay well?

How long do they remain cured of their insomnia?

Is every aspect of their sleep problem better?

How do you feel about such therapy opposing the Law of Individualization?

Can I ask Dr Gnandan where you practice homoeopathy in India?

Are you a fully trained homoeopathic doctor (did you specialize in homoeopathy as part of your medical training)?

David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Very nice and interesting.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear DrGnandan,
Thank you very much For appreciating JOE's way of treatment. He has 1000+ case to his credit, which shows the level of expertise he has in Homeopathy.

I dont think there is a need to proove your qualifications and expertisim in Appreciation and Endorsement.

Have a healthy day,
Nikkie last decade
Dear Followers ,
The best suggestion for those with suspicious mentality is to try themself Arnica 6c wet dose and accept the JOEPATHY to clear there mental BLOCKAGES.

Nawaz Ge i dont see you putting your Professional Homeopath TAG attribute in your messages, the reason can be your work shows the required high level of professionalism, hence this patch work is not required :-).

Best of Luck,
[message edited by Nikkie on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 06:52:46 BST]
Nikkie last decade
Dear Dr. David.,Dr. I apologise for giving half information, actually I am professionally trained in Ayurveda, and I also practice Homeopathy after self study.As this is a homeo forum ,so not mentioned my ayurvedic background. I am practising in AndhraPradesh.Southern India.I am getting good results in various skin diseases like warts,corns,alopa areata etc.where Ayurvedic treatment is slow in action.,even in some psychosomatic disorders also. As a trial I used Arnica wet dose, and got fair results.I actually have no idea of modus operandi of wet dose; but it is giving results. If anybody knows please put some light on this.
[message edited by DrGnandan on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 11:46:57 BST]
DrGnandan last decade
Dear DrGnandan,

For all your queries, Joe will reply since all the credits goes to Joe for all his hardwork. Once he reads your message he will reply, uptil then please wait.

Nikkie last decade
Ah ok I was hoping to get a homoeopath's opinion of Arnica used in this way. Sorry for all the questions.

When this therapy is assessed by trained homoeopaths it is found to perform quite poorly when compared to traditional homoeopathic methods. This is mainly because our guidelines for cure are different to many other therapies, our standards for declaring cure very high and stringent.

This isn't to say other kinds of treatments are not effective of course.

I have a right to ask questions here. As a properly trained homoeopath I am in a position to judge the validity of any method of using our medicines. I don't see anyone objecting to Dr. Gnandan using his title of Doctor.

Dr. Gnandan as one professional to another, I am still interested in your observations though. Are you still able to answer some of the questions I posed?

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 09:51:10 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It seems to me as if Nikki is still reacting to Davids statements found in alhambras thread. I believe it would be of great benefit to you if you would take a wet dose of the miraculous remedy Arnica 6c to release your Blockages. And a good way to see for members of this forum whether it really works or not.

I havent seen a case of arnica cure mental blockages yet
[message edited by Silicea on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 12:17:29 BST]
Silicea last decade
Someone must respect and learn from the elders and senior people. Someone must never brag about a piece of paper he has without knowing the other people's qualifications and experience. Diplomas and degrees are nothing, what it matters is what do you know and what can you deliver. Someone's work and contribution speaks for itself, therefore, let the people speak. Someone always forgets that this is just a forum, not a clinic, not a hospital, not a classroom and not a homoeopathic college where someone has to show diploma and formal training certificates. Such demands must never be made on public forums.
nawazkhan last decade
Sir, I have registered myself on this forum, to learn some new things about Homeopathy ,which can not be learnt ,just by reading books and NOT to create any conflicts in existing members. So, kindly explain about Wet dose and can any homeo medicine be given in wet dose effectively. Thanking you. G.nandan
DrGnandan last decade
Dear DrGnandan,
I agree with what Nawaz said from my heart and soul, so should you. Please follow threads taken up for treatment by (Nawaz,Joe,daktersaab,kadwa). You can gain from there practical approach towards the treatment. Do not disturb the thread, if any queries do mark the message in the following thread:

Since you are new to forum, it becomes my prime responsibilty to guide you in every possible way.

In case you are feeling tired and require some light movment move inside this thread :-)

In case you want to share something with us please use the following thread :-)

For appreciation of particular member use the following thread :

For sny studies or learning sessions please use following thread:

Once you navigate thru all these threads you will have some knowledge which will be helpful to you on the Forum.

For me Joe and Nawaz are my mentor's , so you are the new entrant to our group. Hope your dream to be a experienced practiner gets fulfilled here.

Best of Luck and Welcome to forum.

Nikkie last decade
I shall copy below my default instructions to make the Wet dose which you can use to make it from any homeopathic remedy.

It is important however to abide by the instructions of those who have used and prescribed it as the abuse of any remedy taken Wet or Dry can be counterproductive especially if it is done on a regular daily basis.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

In your first post you have confirmed my own observations on the use of Arnica and Nat Phos 6x for the respective problems you have prescribed it for. I would suggest however that you use the Arnica 30c as a nightcap as I have used it myself for the last 16 years and have proved beyond doubt that it has helped me to achieve a quality of life at age 82 which many less than half my age would envy.

Your are invited to visit my website on:


Also visit Arnica the Miracle Remedy on:

Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Dr. DrGnandan, I would like to welcome you to ABC Forum. I am sure you have used Joe's wet dose method. Here is more info. on wet dose.


The wet dose is more effective with less chances of remedy aggravation. But, if the patient is already very cold, then, it is a good idea to avoid?

nawazkhan last decade
Actually this forum IS a classroom. One of its main purposes is to educate and to enlighten people about homoeopathy.

Dr. Gnandan the 'wet dose' is actually another name for Hahnemann's 'split dose' described in his later editions of the Organon of Medicine. Nawaz's link to Dr. Luc's site is appropriate, as it will describe in detail the history of the development of dosing in homoeopathy, and how important it is to use the split dose for patients.

I would also suggest following this link to another of Dr Luc's excellent lectures

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well David, if this forum is a classroom, then, why do you ask for diploma and formal training certificate from the students like me. I am still in your classroom, learning, as I have not graduated yet. Please love your students, say hi sometimes rather than making them feel inferior and miserable. We would like to see peace in your classroom. We would like to see more students in your classroom. If your students are constantly running away from your classroom, then, the classroom will be empty soon? The result will be no more classroom as it requires students. Only teacher sitting in the classroom will not make any sense to anyone.
nawazkhan last decade
Now now Nawaz, no need to be so mean.

My students are mostly all still my friends. We see each other every week, share cases, we attend seminars together. In fact, one of the great joys of having been a teacher, is to see my students making their way in the world, no longer my students but homoeopaths worthy of the name. They have all become peers now, diligently continuing their education, travelling the world to attend workshops and work in foreign clinics, and that makes me very proud.

You should try sitting in a homoeopathic classroom sometime Nawaz - you never know how much you might like it till you try. I loved it, my students loved it, my colleages loved it. Actually I never really left the classroom, as I continue to learn each day more and more about homoeopathy and about our ever-expanding materia medica. Nobody ever finishes their learning, not right up till the day they die.

And now before bed, time to peruse my latest Rajan Sankaran books - Survival the Reptile (2 juicy volumes!). I love learning more materia medica. And I love that homoeopathy continues to grow all the time.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David, It is indeed nice to know your accomplishments! We would love to see these in the ABC Forum classroom.

'Now now Nawaz, no need to be so mean.
There is absolutely no truth in the above statement. Sorry, if you felt that way? I must try hard to reach to your mental level to understand you accurately. But, unfortunately, I am not there yet. So, please help this student of yours in your ABC Forum classroom thru your educational techniques, skill and teaching experience, methods, guidelines, standards and procedures. I would love to learn from you.
Please I am not being mean at all. I am serious in learning. I am serious in making peace on the ABC Forum. There must be no arguments and fights among teachers and students. It will confuse, scare and make students run away from the classroom.

May God Bless You.

[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 15:03:39 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz Ge,
It is very nice to feel your thoughts on this forum. Time to LEAVE this thread :-)

[message edited by Nikkie on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 18:24:14 BST]
Nikkie last decade
Dear Nikkie, Since the ABC Forum has been defined as a classroom and someone has decided not to post anything in the ABC - Room, I would like to address the peace on this thread. I would like to sincerely seek peace on ABC Forum with respect, honor and dignity.

I look forward to learning from David whole heartedly.

Many prayers for you Nikkie.

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you all . See you soon with some new queries.
DrGnandan last decade

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