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Pilonidal Cyst After Few Surgeries ! Page 2 of 2
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i am ordering BV Q , is it ok if i also order Myristica Q that mother tinture form becaue last time i didn't order that, please reply me .Thanks
i am ordering BV Q , is it ok if i also order Myristica Q that mother tinture form becaue last time i didn't order that, please reply me .Thanks
Bravo31 last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
AoA !
i jus ordered BV Q and i am still waiting for that. since i started taking Calc sulph , my cyst is draining a lot of pus, and the skin around cyst became feels like there is pressure under the skin or heavy under the skin around cyst.tommorow is my last day for calc suplh 200c should i continue with it ? please reply .thanks you
i jus ordered BV Q and i am still waiting for that. since i started taking Calc sulph , my cyst is draining a lot of pus, and the skin around cyst became feels like there is pressure under the skin or heavy under the skin around cyst.tommorow is my last day for calc suplh 200c should i continue with it ? please reply .thanks you
Bravo31 last decade
i changed my gauze couple of times yesterday,but approx 15 or more,it is usually white or little bit of pink pus likw substace.should i cont with it ?
Bravo31 last decade
Please take Calendula 1X, 3 times a day.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
hi !
i dont have calendula 1x.i just received bv Q today.but should i continue with calc sulph 200c ,4 pellet ,2 times a day.
i dont have calendula 1x.i just received bv Q today.but should i continue with calc sulph 200c ,4 pellet ,2 times a day.
Bravo31 last decade
Bravo31 last decade
Please take Calc Sulph 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, only one dose per day in the morning, for 3 days.
Then, during the day, please take BV Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
More prayers for your speedy recovery.
Please take Calc Sulph 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, only one dose per day in the morning, for 3 days.
Then, during the day, please take BV Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
More prayers for your speedy recovery.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Waa !
i have calc sulph 200c in pellet form so, should i take Calc sulph 200c 4 pellets.BV Q is in liquid form.there was a lot of bleeding today,bright red.Thank you for your help.
i have calc sulph 200c in pellet form so, should i take Calc sulph 200c 4 pellets.BV Q is in liquid form.there was a lot of bleeding today,bright red.Thank you for your help.
Bravo31 last decade
AoA, then, please dissolve 4 pellets into 1/4 glass of mineral water before taking the dose.
Inshallah, BV Q will take care of your bleeding soon.
You are welcome. Thanks.
Inshallah, BV Q will take care of your bleeding soon.
You are welcome. Thanks.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
my bleeding has been slowed since i am taking bv last four days, it didnt bleed the way it used to when i use rest, there was some blood about 5-7 drops,on the tissue paper but it didn't cyst is still draining about 4-5 drops of pus like substance,what should i take now ? i have mysristica 200c,slilicia 200c,sulphur 200c,calc sulph 200c at home.
Thanks you
my bleeding has been slowed since i am taking bv last four days, it didnt bleed the way it used to when i use rest, there was some blood about 5-7 drops,on the tissue paper but it didn't cyst is still draining about 4-5 drops of pus like substance,what should i take now ? i have mysristica 200c,slilicia 200c,sulphur 200c,calc sulph 200c at home.
Thanks you
Bravo31 last decade
You need to continue with BV q until your bleeding stops. Also, please take Ginger tea, 2 times a day.
How is your thirst? Do you feel cold?
What is the color of pus?
Many prayers for you.
You need to continue with BV q until your bleeding stops. Also, please take Ginger tea, 2 times a day.
How is your thirst? Do you feel cold?
What is the color of pus?
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
ok,so, how to make ginger tea ? my thirst has been increased so, i am drinking a lot of water.the pus kind a white but today i saw like red kind of pus on the guaze instead of pus, i think there was little bit pus.should i take calc sulph ?
ok,so, how to make ginger tea ? my thirst has been increased so, i am drinking a lot of water.the pus kind a white but today i saw like red kind of pus on the guaze instead of pus, i think there was little bit pus.should i take calc sulph ?
Bravo31 last decade
Just take a small piece of Ginger (Adrak) and boil with water as you make a regular tea.
Stop all cold drinks, ice cream and other cold foods.
No need to take Calc Sulph 200C right now.
More prayers....
Just take a small piece of Ginger (Adrak) and boil with water as you make a regular tea.
Stop all cold drinks, ice cream and other cold foods.
No need to take Calc Sulph 200C right now.
More prayers....
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Asalam-o-Alaikum !
Nawazkhan,it has been long time since i talk to you.I just wanted to let you know that my cyst has been almost completely gone,it is dried up,no more blood and pus,it still uncomfortable to sit or put body pressure on right on that spot but there no pain like it used to be even i am sitting regularly.i just want to let you know that somebody suggested me to stop eating Beef and reduce goat to once a month,which i have been doing it for 1 year now and i didnt take any medication at all,nothing.I dont know if it is beef or red meat which makes it harder for pilonidal cyst to grow or stop from healing but i would suggest you to recommend this advice to all of your might help them.Thank you once again for your help,ALLAH HAFIZ
Nawazkhan,it has been long time since i talk to you.I just wanted to let you know that my cyst has been almost completely gone,it is dried up,no more blood and pus,it still uncomfortable to sit or put body pressure on right on that spot but there no pain like it used to be even i am sitting regularly.i just want to let you know that somebody suggested me to stop eating Beef and reduce goat to once a month,which i have been doing it for 1 year now and i didnt take any medication at all,nothing.I dont know if it is beef or red meat which makes it harder for pilonidal cyst to grow or stop from healing but i would suggest you to recommend this advice to all of your might help them.Thank you once again for your help,ALLAH HAFIZ
Bravo31 last decade
WAA, Neat!
I am very happy for you. You should leave some feedback at Abc - feedback to help others.
Yes, beef is not good at all in this condition.
You should continue with Silicea 1m, Hypericum 200c, Calendula 200C, Calc Phos 200C and Cinnamon 1x to completely heal and get rid of the slight pain and discomfort.
Please stay blessed!
More prayers for your good health.
I am very happy for you. You should leave some feedback at Abc - feedback to help others.
Yes, beef is not good at all in this condition.
You should continue with Silicea 1m, Hypericum 200c, Calendula 200C, Calc Phos 200C and Cinnamon 1x to completely heal and get rid of the slight pain and discomfort.
Please stay blessed!
More prayers for your good health.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
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