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23 yr. old , suffering from right side "hydrocele " problem with pain .. please i m dying day by day , due to this problem. please help me sir.. plzzz...

i am 23 year old guy. i am suffering from hydrocele problem
since last 1 year .

my right side testical size is twice than left. some times i felt
pain in my right side testical ( in initial monthes ) , but mostly it was
,but once again after few monthes (from last 4 days) i felt pain
in my right side, so last day, i went to consult with urogolist . he
checked my testicals ( by ultrasound) and confirmed for hydrocele.
and (my urine test report is in undertesting ,so till not
received yet ).

my ultrasound report......

{ b/l testes normal in size shape and echotexture
rt testis- 44*260*33 mm
lt testis- 39*21*30 mm
b/l epididymis are normal in size shape and

' e/o mild free fluid noted in rt
scrotal sac- s/o hydrocele'' .
on doppler normal flow noted in
intratesticular & extratesticular areas.

he asked if right testicle's size will further increses only than
surgery is obtion, otherwise live your life with this , bcaz its it
will not affect you. ) and he asked for a pain killer for 3 days.

i am very scared to hear about surgery in my testicals in future.

so that i didn't sleep due to hear this problem ...

sir please give answers of my some questions like...

1. in homopathy , is this hydrocele problem realy curable or not
..????? ( if yes than please please suggest me
for the best solution..).

2. will i face any 'fertility' problem in future , in both cases(
without surgery and with surgery)..???????? , please confirm it.

about my opinion.. ( there was no any accident or hit
on my testicals..
but i think last year
when i was in my college , i masturbatesd daily (in a perticular
monthe) and some time i didn't ejaculate also. so it may be possible
, due to this , my hydrocele problem generated. ) except this i
have no any idea for my hydrocele problem..

due to this highly mently pressure problem.
i m highly depressed..
sir, please suggest me for best solution .. for my life.

thank you !
  rohan89 on 2011-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 7 days (only 3 doses in 7 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

If the remedy works it will give relief. The questions you are asking are not relevant for choosing a remedy in homeopathy.
kadwa last decade

[message deleted by rohan89 on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 10:15:11 BST]
rohan89 last decade
helo sir..
i got my urin test report..

urin culture is NORMAL.

IN urin routine & microscopy :-


n doctors said that everything in report is normal.

but most of time i feel pain from right testical to lower abdomen. ( pain is internal).
n sometimes i also feel pain in left side .

( sir i want to tell one more thing that.. i feel wel after cold water bath.) after bath i feel painless and scrotum becomes normal for sometimes)
[message edited by rohan89 on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 10:24:38 BST]
rohan89 last decade
Thank you so much sir... i realy feel relief. now most of the time i feel PAINLESS. but only sometimes (specially sometimes after dinner ) i feel little pain internally( from right testiacl to right abdomen) .

i have taken my all 3 doses .

now sir please tell me for furthur steps.. ( also please mention the remedy for my right sided hydrocele )

thank you !
[message edited by rohan89 on Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:28:28 GMT]
rohan89 last decade
Please wait for another 7 days. Let the remedy work internally without disturbing it's action.
kadwa last decade
hello sir ,
i realy felt improvemnt in my pain when i started to take remedy (with homeo restrictions), before taking remedy my urin colour was also dark yellow , and after taking remedy i also felt a lot of improvment in colour of urin.

after taking my all doses , i waited for 1 week , BUT sir once again i felt same type of pain from last two days AND THIS TIME
most of time i feel pain from LEFT testical to lower abdomen. ( pain is internallY) and my colour of urin becomes yellow again .
n sometimes i also feel pain in RIGHT side .

i feel pain either on left side (mostly ) or in right side, at a time .

sir PLEASE suggest me.. what should i do now ..??
should i take 1 more time remedy..!!!
rohan89 last decade
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200 at a gap of 12 hours and report back after 10 days.
kadwa last decade
thank you kadwa sir..
now i got relief in my pain( around 98%) . after taking all doses.

sir, now main problem is that ..
the size of my 'right side testical' is twice than left sided due to hydrocele . most of time my scrotum hang. only after taking cold bath , it becomes normal .

sir please tell me the remedy for my this main problem .
once again i want to mention these :-
1. suffering from right sided hydrocele.
2. and , there was no any accident or hit
on my testicals..

sir please help bcaz i don't want any surgery for this problem.
i realy beleived that sir , only you can solve my problem .. so

thank you in advance.
rohan89 last decade
Please take three doses of Graphites 200 at a gap of 12 hours and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
respected sir,
i took all 3 doses of graphites 200 . and there is no any relief in my right sided hydrocele .

and sir ,there is no any skin related problem in my scrotum .
please guide me another remedy for right side hydrocele.
rohan89 last decade
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200 at a gap of 12 hours and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Berberis Vulgaris may also be considered over here. Lyco is an excellent selection.
nawazkhan last decade
sir , i took my all 3 doses of lycopodim 200 and now 14 days have passed.

i'm not fully confirmed but i think , my right sided hydrocele 's little size reduced( between around 5-10 %).

now please guide me for next step.
rohan89 last decade
Please take one dose of Lycopodium 200 every alternate day and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
sir what about No. of doses..??? total 3 dose in each alternate day OR 7 dose( on every alternet day) till next 15 days.

and sir, i felt only some 'very little reduction ( but i m not sure)' happen on my hydrocele.
so if possible than please also confirm about side effect if i take doses for in every alternate days.

it request please confirm it bcaz i realy want cure my hydrocele.
rohan89 last decade
Please take 7 doses in 15 days and report back.
You should take one dose every alternate day.
kadwa last decade
Pls take the following medicines,
1. Rhodondron-200,
Thrice daily in empty stomach,two drops with one spoon water.

2. silicis-30 once daily in the same fashion as above.
rcpsingh last decade
respected sir ,
i have took all my doses of Lycopodium 200 , but there is no any change on my hydrocele size .
please suggest for further steps..
rohan89 last decade
Please take three doses of Rhododendron 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade

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