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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss due to parasites under the scalp

I began gradually experiencing hair issues since 2006. I had felt I contracted a parasite infection &after taking parasite cleanse herbs in 2005 I felt a parasite crawling underneath my skin up into my head region, so I had parasite testing done which turned out negative. Then in 2006 while waiting for an appointment I purchased & applied a hair solution on my scalp to slick it into a ponytail & experienced a strange crawling /burning sensation but had no place to go rinse it out. Soon afterwards I had another odd experience where I tried on a wig just to change up my hair style ¬iced after visiting the place several times afterwards a woman with a severe scalp infection trying on the wigs w/o a head covering. Another factor was getting a root canal from a dentist in 2007 which was supposed to only be reconstruction of a chipped tooth. Then in 2008 I got a cat scan to determine if I had parasites in my head & also took parasite medications during which blood come out of my ears. The blood didn’t appear to be my blood but the parasites blood. And I felt the parasites moved from my head area into my ear canal area &later returned to the head once danger was over. In 2009 at the same time I moved into a new house I noticed my hair starting to grow back despite everything &the continued feel of worms crawling under my scalp which was very disturbing. So I then tried an over the counter drug called Reeses for parasites & admittedly exceeded the recommended dosage. I also took a metal celation remedy about that time which I understand also depletes minerals in addition to taking a supplement used to deplete copper since I thought I had in overdose due to skin discolorations. This is when things got worse and my hair broke off very short &stopped growing again although it later became stable &seemed to be regrowing a little. Then in June of 2010 I took long baths with my head under the water in hopes of getting rid of the parasites that way. One night after spending about an hour in the tub with an ozonator when I got out my hair broke off and fell on the floor. The next day I found out that an emergency contamination of the water supply had been in effect w/o my knowledge &we were not supposed to be using the water for drinking, bathing or cooking at all. Since then there has been no progress, and things have gotten worse. All I have now is basically stubble that is shorter in some spots then others, particularly in the areas where I feel most of the worms crawling. Ive tried everything in the way of parasite cleanses.
  shoronda on 2011-11-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Sulphur 200 as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thanks very much for your response. I probably will have to order the sulphur remedy since the homeopathic dosages I run across locally all seem pretty low. A few days ago I started taking arsenicum album 6c 5 pellets 3x per day according to the bottle & it seems like it might be of some help but it’s too soon to really tell how. It feels like some of the parasites might be coming out or dying. I also brought some silicea, calcarea carbonica & mezereum which I intended to take separately one after completion of the other according to instructions on each bottle until done. Would I be able to resume taking them once done with the sulphur or am I able to take any of these at the same time? Do I have to wait 15 days from talking the sulphur to take anything else or could I start another remedy right after taking the 3days dosages, or could I take any of them simultaneously. Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for you help.
[message edited by shoronda on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 02:03:12 GMT]
shoronda last decade
take one dose medorhinum-10M
Dr.Abhay kumar jha last decade

Please take three doses of Sulphur 200 and nothing else for next 15 days. Please report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade

If I dont have the sulphur 200 can I substitute 6c x 33 or 30c x 6 pellets for each dosage instead?
shoronda last decade
Well I took the sulphur as I described above starting on 11/27/11 and have felt tremendously better, its a great remedy. But I still have the worms in my head. I could feel them seeming to be coming out for a while but Im not sure if a herbal tonic I took called safi a few days ago helped or not. I plan on taking calceria carbonica next unless someone knows a better route or thinks I sould just take more sulphur. I was planning on taking silicea with the calceria carbonica. Any suggestions on how I should do this? Is it okay to take arnica at the same time?
shoronda last decade
If the improvement continues under the influence of the earlier doses of Sulphur, there is no need to take more doses. If the improvement has come to an end you should repeat the remedy in the earlier manner.
Later you may take calc carb. There is no need to take silicea at the same time. That may be considered later.
kadwa last decade
The sulphur seemed to be good for me overall but I would like to focus on getting rid of the worms since my head has felt worse in the past day or two. Before they were under the scalp &during the treatment seemed to be oozing out but in the past day it sometimes feels like they may be going into the brain which coincides with taking the safi herb detox. And Ive read that Calceria carbonica is the best remedy for getting rid of worms. What do you think? I read that 30c in water should be taken once a day for 3mos. Do you think I should do that then take sulphur again later on at some point? I did read not to take sulphur after taking Calceria carbonica but perhaps I could wait a fews mos after taking the cal car to retry sulphur? Thanks for your advice.
shoronda last decade
Can there ever be parasites inside under the scalp?
Nandri last decade
The remedy is not suggested on the basis of what the patient thinks as the cause for the kind of sensation she has. It is suggested for the sensations she has reported.
i think that it is better to repeat Sulphur before moving to Calc Carb.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

Okay, I think I will go with your suggestion. Thanks thanks again for the input
shoronda last decade
Hi Nandri,

Worms can get anywhere in the body and its organs. Just go to curezone & there are tons of people in the parasite section with them in the skull, they get in the heart brain, etc. Some are very small. Some doctors claim theres no such thing but they know better, believe me. Most people have them &many in the head as well, anyone with floaters for exa. But most dont know since they only make themselves known if you desturb them with various anti parasitic herbs, &a diet w/no meat or dairy, etc. Thats when they may start to move around
shoronda last decade

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