The ABC Homeopathy Forum
aggravation or something else?
About 4 weeks ago i took a dose of lyco 30, just one dose. I've had a chronic right sided tonsil issue, with other issues. I felt great that week, without any of the accompanying pms symptoms, mentals were good, sleep was good, no pain or throat issues, period came bang on time. About a week ago, i started feeling down, like i caught something. Feverish, but thermometer not really reading a fever. Chills, a lot of chills, and my throat hurt when i swallowed. Right sided. 2 days later, i look, and saw white spots on the right tonsil, which has been swollen for years now.The taste in the mouth was putrid, excess saliva produced, and tongue became thickly coated. Today's day 4 of this, and I notice less white spots on the tonsils, taste has improved, but still there. Saliva is still excess. And i'm spitting out mucus with streaks of blood, mainly in the morning.
Is this signaling a different remedy? or Is this lyco trying to heal the tonsil? Or has the disease gotten more stronger and powerful?
I don't feel feverish anymore, energy is back, i dont have pain in the throat anymore. White patches are still there, but reduced in size, and some have now radiated a bit to the left side. The size of the tonsil looks less swollen, but i'm not 100% sure of that.
The other issues that went away (like the bloatedness, flatulence) has not returned since that one dose of lyco.
Any suggestions? Continue to wait? Or should i seek another remedy?
karinamom on 2011-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is hard to say. It sort of sounds like a palliative effect to me. You probably won't know for sure until you repeat the remedy. Palliation becomes less effective the more you do it.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
karinamom last decade
Rules for repeating are:
1. Whenever the symptoms noticeably relapse
2. When the symptoms are improved but have not continued to improve. How long you wait depends on whether it is chronic or acute, and how urgent the situation is. In a true acute I would normally wait at least 24 hours to be sure the symptoms are not continuing to improve, unless the patient is in danger.
1. Whenever the symptoms noticeably relapse
2. When the symptoms are improved but have not continued to improve. How long you wait depends on whether it is chronic or acute, and how urgent the situation is. In a true acute I would normally wait at least 24 hours to be sure the symptoms are not continuing to improve, unless the patient is in danger.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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