The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help: Nat-Mur patient profile with Staphisagria Partner
My girlfriend is Nat-Mur profile and I am Staphisagria profile.Due to some misunderstanding she stopped talking to me.
She doesnt know she is a Nat-Mur personality.
We separated due to minor misunderstanding. And now she doesnt even speak to me since last 15 days.
How do I win her trust and tell her she needs to take Nat - Mur 1M to cure of her ailments.
hemant77 on 2011-12-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are you a homoeopath? How do you know she needs Nat-mur?
Even if you were a homoeopath, you should not be treating your partner, and certainly should not be using homoeopathy to try and change her.
When you are in a realationship with someone, your judgement and objectivity is very suspect, and you cannot be relied upon to see your partner in the right light (free from your own desires and expectations).
You must get he to see a homoeopath who has no vested interest here. That is the correct thing to do. Trying to use homoeopathy to make her come back to you is not ethical at all.
Even if you were a homoeopath, you should not be treating your partner, and certainly should not be using homoeopathy to try and change her.
When you are in a realationship with someone, your judgement and objectivity is very suspect, and you cannot be relied upon to see your partner in the right light (free from your own desires and expectations).
You must get he to see a homoeopath who has no vested interest here. That is the correct thing to do. Trying to use homoeopathy to make her come back to you is not ethical at all.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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