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extreme apprehension and suicidal ideation

I just turned 28 am female.

the symptoms are extreme apprehension about doing anything. apprehension about getting dressed, feels like my clothes are now forieghn to me for the past year. feel like I've lost parts of myself. I'm unmotivated unless it's by pain. for example I'd not eat all day because of feeling to depressed to do so, but hypoglycemia makes it too uncomfortable to skip meals. I get very upset when people call me and even text me. I judge myself harshly and might have body dysmorphic disorder. I obsess over my appearance, but my skin is my biggest concern. I get acne on the lower portion of my face, sometimes cystic when I might've eaten something I maybe shouldn't have, or too much stress. I have mild scarring on the cheeks that you can see in certain light. the way I feel about my skin makes me positively suicidal. 0 quality of life. I'm paranoid about everything I eat and am scared it will inflame my skin. digestion not good. can only eat very limited diet and sometimes that doesn't even agree with me. jealous of other people's eating habits, cravings for sweets and carbs, slightly extended tummy for the past 9 months or so, weight gain,but not too noticeable my eyesight has gotten a lot worse. everything very blurry without glasses. vivid dreams every night. nightmares aren't infrequent. uncomfortable emotionally draining dreams often that worsen the suicidal ideation. sleep paralysis sometimes, auditory hallucinations during sleep paralysis, chronic depression, anger, bitterness, fits of explosive rage. anxiety always just below the surface. unmotivated, scared to rock the boat, scared of life. scared to ever try for a relationship again, obsessive thoughts about last relationship, grief, loss, gets relief when researching ways to die. diet and energy therapies can be a bit helpful, but it's just not enough. I've been on antidepressants peppered with antipsychotics for the past 12 years just to end up with side affects and Hellish prolonged withdrawal where I had a nervous break down. feelings of being deflated sometimes, especially the past week or so. easily overwhelmed, stressed, cries somewhat everyday. sometimes unquellable crying spells, urge to hurt self like in the past (cutting) sometimes urges to burn self or worse, frequent urination, slight pain in lower abdominal area. caught between feeling there's a reason for all this and that life is just pointless and meaningless. irritable, can't sleep if warm in the room. does not tolerate humidity, being hot.

ok, I hope this was good enough. any more info needed lemme know.

thanks in advance
  youmightknowme on 2011-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height Â….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?

nawazkhan last decade
1. ID?
2. 28
3. f
4. single
5. 135 (gained 20 lbs in about 7 months or so after going off antidepressant)
6. 5'6
7. USA
8. summer months hot, winter cools down, but doesn't really start getting cold til late Nov and only at night.
9. listed in my 1st post, but forgot to list 'despair'
10 feeling depression from about age 11 or earlier. has worsened over the years to suicidal depression, which I feel to some degree almost every day. no motivation ever since starting meds at 15. slept excessively. during times of extreme stress would sleep about 18 hours a day, often no appetite or if I did have one ate nothing but junk, mostly sweets.
anxiety since I was about 5 although I didn't know what it was. vivid bad dreams as a child. sleep started becoming very disturbed at about 11 and has been that way ever since. reoccurring dreams on and off. acne since age 12 or 13, varies in severity. started noticing digestive issues at about age 25. hypoglycemic after stopping meds a year ago, extreme digestive distress, 20 lb weight gain, frequent urination with pressure and bloating. everything got so much worse after stopping meds, tried to go back on and it didn't help, but actually worsened symptoms.
11. hypoglycemic
12. desires sweets mostly, but I don't eat sugar or even fruit unless it's organic green apples or blueberries
13. thirst is ok. try to drink 8 glasses of water a day, even though I don't really have the desire to
14. acupuncturist says my tongue has white coating and has been clearing up after about 3 or 4 treatments. phantom tastes on tongue, sweet, and sometimes minty taste. started this year
15. bp normal

16. explained in first post. everything has gotten 10 x worse with protracted withdrawal. made it out of worst parts of withdrawal in about 9 months. since then no motivation, incredibly apprehensive about everything, low mood, irritable, thoughts of suicide not as intense, but still there. relief from researching ways to die or fantasizing about it.
17. I'm pretty unhappy and bitter. no quality of life. life feels not worth living
18. badly. any relationship I have left with friends is strained and now only by text. don't wanna see anyone or do anything
19. miserable. I'm just waiting to die
20. ending my life if this is the best it gets
21. other than murder of father when I was 9, was the man I was in love with who loved me, leaving me two days after assuring me I could never lose him unless I actively pushed him away, which I didn't.
22. like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't believe my worst nightmare came true and I was helpless to do anything about it. another loss of the one I loved most, like my father. it broke me
23. like I was drowning, desperation
24. don't understand what you mean
25. Depakote, Paxil, Effexor, Celexa, Lithium, Seraquel, Risperidol, Welbutrin, Zoloft. I believe there were more, but can't remember which ones. other remedies: fishoil, whole food diet, acupuncture, acupressure techniques, Bach remedies, magnesium, aromatherapy, energy techniques, meditation, prayer, affirmations, afformations, suntheanine, 5htp, positive thinking, innertalk programs, being out in nature, Healing Codes, therapy, life coaching, etc....

26. mother and father divorce when I'm 5, mother is Jehovah's witness as are my brother and I. lasts til I'm about 8. murder of father when I was 9. school has always been difficult due to undiagnosed math learning disability
27. dropped out of high school senior year
28. N/A
29. likes spicy, cheesy, sweet treats and odd things like escargot. dislikes mayonaise or anything that looks like it
30. pasteurized dairy, cold foods and beverages give me noticeable problems like earaches, mucus and sore throat. wheat now makes me extremely drowsy.
31. anger just below the surface, rage episodes. irritable, can be impatient. different from others as in too emotional/sensitive. withdrawn. public speaking doesn't seem to be a problem. apprehensive, anxious, unmotivated, often self loathing. judging myself harshly, compares myself to others, appearance obsessed to the point of refusing to see anyone unless I look right. when with partner very loving and affectionate by my actions, not as much verbally. can be codependent.
32. more upset during day. being hot makes things worse. better in evening and cooler tempertures.
34. brain?? mind, skin, stomach, eyes
35. middle and upper area of body
36. pus in pimples sometimes yellowish/ greenish. sometimes mixed with blood and sometimes has a plug or core. urine clear except when taking vitamins then it's hi liter yellow. sometimes yellow/amber colored. stool sometimes dark brown/black sometimes more caramel colored.
37. usually every 28 days due to birth control. this year it started changing up. sometimes 2 a month. one time none for the month.
38. no
youmightknowme last decade
What are your expectations of homoeopathy?

Do you understand how our treatments work?

Are you aware of the homoeopathic aggravation?

For someone who has suicidal ideation, you would need a support person who understands what the medicines may do as well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I decided to try it out after a woman suffering the same symptoms as me, some worse, through out her life and even worse during protracted withdrawal from Paxil said she got relief from many awful symptoms by using homeopathy. she touted stratimonium very highly for many of the symptoms. she too was suicidal.

I don't exactly understand how they work. I do know that offending subtances can be diluted down to make remedies that work on some level. energetic, maybe?

the woman said homeopathy is fairly safe, but people with nervous system upheaval like those in withdrawal should be a bit more cautious.
youmightknowme last decade
I wasn't offering to take this case (although I still might if the patient requested it). I was simply asking if they understood the risks, and if they had someone standing by to help them get through the aggravation.

Currently it is my own practice that is drawing my attention away, since I am quite busy before xmas.

On top of that, since I have instigated a proper system of assessment with cases I am handling on the forum, each one has now taken more time. I am having to go through every post again to list symptoms - if I can just teach the patients to do that properly it will free up a bit more time for me to do the analysis instead.

While the remedies are not toxic, many patients get aggravations on our remedies, as part of the cure. So your symptoms may get temporarily worse, or you may get old symptoms from the past suddenly returning. I treat many mental health cases in clinic - they require a lot of support and especially from family or friends who understand that such an aggravation will result in cure.

Homoeopathy is not easy. For mental health patients, it is actually quite difficult at times, but with an experienced and qualified practitioner the results can be remarkable.

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 26 Dec 2011 22:45:39 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear Dr. David,

This problem is immediately cure able by homeopathic medicines safely without high aggravation. Maintain ur selected medicines potency in perfection and quantity in medium level. It will aggravate less.

For suicidal tendency cases I would like to use Ignasia, Nat Mur, Acid Phos, Achonite, Hyoceamus, Antim Crud, Kali phos and Qpium according to patients total symptoms. But in emergency cases I use Ignasia, Aconite, Kali Phos, Acid phos and Nat Mur any one of them in 3 doses in 200c potency in three days. It aggravates unnoticeable little bit but starts working to change suicidal mood within 1 hour from taking first dose of medicine.

I provided those information to u if u feel this was useful for u in future as mine. It was my personal experience while working with those medicines in my personal clinic. U may not have similarities all the time with them with Boericke's or Kent's meteria medica.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
How do you tell the 'perfect' potency for a patient prior to giving it to them?

How do you judge a 'medium level' quanity for a particular patient?

How can you choose just one of several medicines without knowing the full case? Suicidal feelings are found in many of our remedies, and in fact is such a common human feeling that many more remedies would probably cure it (if the peculiars agree).

Applying a remedy to the totality of the case, requires a case be taken and the unique characteristics of that patient noted then matched to a remedy.

When a patient has been suicidal for years, or decades, are you saying that you could see improvement within the hour?

I have been treating mental health cases for 20 years. It has been my experience that they do not respond to simple solutions, but require much skill and dedication to unravelling the core problem.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I appreciate everyone's responses. quick too! I must admit though, I feel conflicted by them. on one hand Dr. Showrav says it can be fairly easy and start working immediately, but then there's brisbane who says the opposite and that support and understanding of friends and family is required. I do have such a person who can provide this, but have mostly isolated myself from others and when trying to talk about what I'm going through am often given well meaning, but pointless, sometimes inflammatory advice.

there's talk about the 'core problem' and as you can see, I've pursued many remedies and therapies already. were you referring to something other than homeopathy?
youmightknowme last decade
nawazkhan last decade

Please take Aurum Metallicum 200C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, One Daily Dose, for 4 days.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
It would be very nice to have Arsenicum Album 200C handy at home.
nawazkhan last decade
Dr. David,

Medicine proving on own body and feeling it so deeply the changes in body and mind and combining that with long experience I usually saw that in a adult person's body 200c potency of those medicines works on mind so swiftly and clearly it shows its own image of working rapidly. Medicine quantity selection will also depend on ur experience level. It is always better to prescribe medicines based on full case but u can prescribe also medicine for emergency case based on most strong and bothering symptoms matching with the most strong same symptom of a medicine. When a patient comes to a Dr. he tells his most strong symptom of his problem first, so it is not too difficult as u think the way it is. Strong suicidal tendency is not a usual common symptom as u said. Asking her just only one question may solve ur biggest problem of selecting perfect remedy that is WHY SHE WANTS TO SUICIDE? Based on her answer u can select ur medicine very easily. Perfect cure starts to happen so quickly, lightly and without creating another new symptoms- was told by Sir Hahnemann. So if u can choose perfect medicine in appropriate potency and quantity of dose I have seen starting improvement happening with homeopathic medicine within less that 15 min sometimes for there decades continuing problem, and u never seen anything like that more over asking me again this type of question is really funny.

I m only about 30 years old at now but I have started Homeopathic medicine study before 8 years from now. Do u want to know y I was so interested in homeopathy at so young age in spite of going through main stream treatment system as alopathy or surgery?
The answer is, I experienced my migraine pain for 3 years continuing reduced in 20 min, my own suicidal tendency reduced about 80% within 45 min and my genetically owned teeth decay problem fixed within 3 days only. The great Dr. who treated me thn gave me 3 books of homeopathy to read while I became so grateful to him. When I came to know that there was one man named Hahnemann who was more great than that Dr. who treated me thn at the moment I decided and choose his path for my life.

If u feel like difficult case in front of ur patient ur patient thn patient will really take it seriously and he or she will also get much worried to see ur sequence. This will make his problem larger a lot than it was before he came to u. I have also solved mental cases more over 500 patients for last couple of years but always behaving so cool, normal and jolly with them like their best frnds. In case I was successful almost all of those cases.

Taking every tough things in a easy way is a big potential quality for a successful Dr. I think. By the way, thanks for ur fruitful arguments.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
For the Unknown patient,

Be hopeful always even when u r in grave danger. Keep one thing always in mind that, there is always a other way to choose to escape from ur problem and nothing is impossible for u.

As far as I know as a Homeopathic Dr. and as Chemist of Alopathic medicine I was before, there is only one type of medicine in this world which can change even dreams of a person like magic work is named Homeopathic medicine. So b hopeful to get cured and I wish u will get well soon.

It always needs a little bit luck to get cured.

So Good luck my frnd.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
ok so I have suggestions of remedies from both Dr. Showrav and Nawazkhan. first suggestion was ignatia, 3 doses, through out the day I presume, 200c for 3 days, correct? there were other mentions by Dr. Showrav but I think I'll start with that one.

then Nawazkhan suggested aurum metallicum 200c, 4 drops in 1/4 mineral water, once a day for 4 days. so I guess I'll be trying that out if I see no benefit from ignatia? I would wait until I finished the trial of ignatia first and give it a few days before moving onto the aurum metallicum. is this a good strategy?

thank you for the advice and well wishes
youmightknowme last decade

Sorry, I would like to withdraw my prescription.
nawazkhan last decade
Mrs Unknown,

After reading all ur updated symptoms.I hope by the help of homeopathy ur problems will come to an end very soon but u have to understand one thing about homeopathy. our medicine can make same symptomatic diseases as they can cure so. If u wish to trial medicines like dresses thn pls leave homeopathy. U have to hold and very strict on one of these Dr.'s advice and follow him till he says u r cured n need no medication farther or he says he is failed to treat u in ur conditions. Thn u may find others to handle ur problems with.

If u wish u follow my lead than before starting treatment answer me 3 of my questions below.

Why u wanted or intended to suicide?

Why u feel that u r unhappy?

What was the most regular or common way u used to think to commit ur suicide??

Do u have frequent urination problem yet? It is a symptom of Acid phos to have suicidal tendency along with frequent urination problem.

Answer those questions to have ur Genuine and particular prescription or advice from me. Dont try to have self prescribing medicine ever in homeopathy while u r really confused and sick in mentally. U often will decide wrong medicine bcs it is hard for us Dr.s also to decide a appropriate medicine in homeopathy than Alopathy.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
ok, Nawazkhan. regardless thank you for responding throughout my thread.

Dr. Showrav. I apologize. I I don't wanna go through this in a frivolous manner. I just didn't know what to do with so many suggestions, though appreciated.

to answer your questions...

I want or feel like committing suicide often, because a lot of the time my situation feels hopeless. I'm scared that with all the effort I put into making myself better that I might be sabotaging myself. I'm scared that part of me has just given up and won't let the part that wants to get better, get better. I also feel like I may never love again due to my last relationship and feeling so uncomfortable in my skin. I see no true joy in my life if I can't have this.

I'm unhappy because I'm heartbroken, painfully self conscious and have no goals or motivation and because it feels like this will never change. I started getting intensely suicidal about a month after getting off my meds that didn't really help in the first place.

by hanging or gunshot either to the temple or through my mouth

yes, frequent urination started about a month and a half after stopping meds. it's gotten much better within the last two months maybe. this is when the worst symptoms of withdrawal started clearing up.
youmightknowme last decade
Take one dose of Acid phos 200c every day morning before 30 min from breakfast for 3 days. Than report me. I will tell u about ur next medicine. I hope I will b able to guide u to ur cure of problems within a short period.

Good luck

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr. Showrav, this may sound odd considering how upset my last posts were, but as of yesterday , I've been feeling much better. no suicidal urges and not too much feelings of grief. my self consciousness was there though and it almost made me not want to go to my acupuncture appointment. after my acupuncture appointment though, I felt even better. self consciousness still there, but not as loud, but still uncomfortable. today I woke up and felt good and even energetic. no suicidal urges whatsoever. no upset feelings, but still self conscious and uncomfortable in skin. I do acupressure techniques daily such as EFT (emotional freedom technique) and acupuncture every two weeks in which she give me herbs after the appt that last about 4 days.

I felt it necessary to inform you of all this before I take your remedy.. would you still recommend the acid phos?

youmightknowme last decade
Suicidal feels are not uncommon at all. I don't know how many mental health patients you work with Dr. Showrav but I see it expressed either currently or historically in many of the depression cases I see, and some of the anxiety cases as well.

In the Outcome of Depression International Network Study done in 2008, it was found that up to 20% of those people expressed suicidal ideation (which was rarely carried out of course, that being a different matter).

Unfortunately, you have not answered my question at all. How do you choose the 'perfect' potency. By always giving 200c there is not choice at all - and there is no explaination for why 200c would work on everyone.

A single rule for all patients, goes against the philosophy of homoeopathy, so I am automatically suspicious when someone tries to tell me they have one.

Not only that, my 20 years of experience has shown me many aggravations on 200c, so I do not think that this is a true statement. Aggravations on 200c are shown in our literature as well, from authors as famous as Kent.

I also do not believe that you can see improvement in chronic cases in 15 minutes in most cases. Perhaps occasionally, although I have not seen that myself. It appears to me that you are denying the existance of the aggravation, for some reason that I cannot understand considering it goes against the experience of other homoeopaths in the world.

In chronic cases, you would not expect to see improvement for days, or weeks. This has been borne out repeatedly in clinic by homoeopaths. In acute cases it can be quite different, and you may even see improvement almost instantaneously.

Chronic cases take time, this is the way of nature and the way of homoeopathy. You have said nothing here to explain how your results are so much better than the old masters, and of the great homoeopaths of today.

Hahnemann said that you could reduce aggravation by adjusting dosage. This has been reiterated by Dr. Luc Du Schepper and I have found it to be true. However, it is less likely you will get dosage correct first time, because of all the variables in any case. However careful assessment of the reaction will allow you to adjust that dosage to a more 'perfect' level for the patient.

I am also very suspicious of any homoeopath who makes claims of curing almost all their patients, especially someone who is still a relatively new practioner. I am not even sure from your post if you have finished your studies. Assuming you have, you may have been practicing - what, 5 years or so?

This is not only an unreasonable claim, but clearly a false one.

I cannot understand why you would make such a claim, unless it is to impress those people who do not know much about homoeopathy. To those who do, it seems outrageous.

Honesty is the most important quality of a successful homoeopath. As a student, you would be best to meditate on that - being dishonest about your results will not help your patients and certainly will never allow you to become a better homoeopath. You believe you have reached your pinnacle after a couple of years? You have much to learn yet.

I spent 7 years teaching homoeopathy to students at the Australian College of Natural Medicine. Most of them in the beginning were full of fire and passion for homoeopathy. Most of them thought they would just walk into their practices and start curing patients with little trouble.

All of those students were rudely awakened to the truth in student clinic. I keep in contact with most of my students, and they continue to express frustration and concern over the cases that do not cure. On the other hand the amazement at their cured cases balances this out for them.

One of the things I hope I did instill in them, which appears to be true for most, is honesty and humility. This has allowed them to continue learning, to make mistakes which do not cripple their confidence, and to be able to share and discuss problems with their peers.

On occasion I do see a new homoeopath in their first few years trying to impress me with all the cures they are making. I assume that with homoeopathy being one of the most difficult therapies in the world to practice, that once they realise how much they still don't know, their reaction is to overcompensate.

But this stops them from actually getting any better at prescribing. If they are lucky enough support from their peers allows them to be more truthful, and to acknowledge the problems they are having, they can turn this around. But if not, they end up stuck in a trap of their own devising, where they cannot make good prescriptions consistently, and where they cannot humble themsevles enough to ask for help.

Pride is the worse enemy of the homoeopath, and of any healer in fact. It has often been my enemy as well, and don't think for a second I cannot sometimes hear it in my words on this forum.

There is no shame in acknowledging that cure is difficult. At your level of experience it probably will happen only some of the time, but the strength of homoeopathy is that it will be more than the allopaths. Acknowledging your limitations will allow to transcend them.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Thu, 29 Dec 2011 23:49:19 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Mrs Unknown,

Pls take 5 doses in 5 days of Acid phos 200c as I told u before only for 3 days. Frequent urination may increase for first 3 days but it will calm down automatically soon. report me after 7 days. Dont take any too sour food or any medicinal herbs during these 7 days.

Mr David Kempson,

Y u wrote long post for me? Did I asked for that to u? Now tell me what is ur symptoms. Ur perceptions are mirror of u. I m a successful Dr. or not time will say to all but As long as I m here in this forum no other Dr. have any problem with me here till now except u. 3 or 4 patients under ur treatment came and knocked me for helping them leaving u till now. I dont know how many patients under my treatment went to u. I m very busy now a days with my research and studies. I dont have much leisure times like u to debate with others. Yes I m not a classical homeopath like u so we may have some contradiction between each others treatment process but u r not taking me easily as I m watching u here. I really think now that some how u r a mentally sick person to attack other people taking a light cause heavily and personally.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade

Please calm down dear professional homoeopaths for the good health of patients and this forum during 2012.

Happy New Year to both of you.
nawazkhan last decade
Still you refuse to explain why you do what you do and instead resort to insulting my mental health. This clearly shows that you either cannot support your claims, or that you simply don't know (probably mechanical prescribing you have been taught and you have no idea yourself why you do it).

Obviously debating philosophy with you will not happen as you prefer to see those who disagree with you as 'mentally sick' and then dismiss them.

This, however, will not stop me questioning any advice you give on this forum when it conflicts with homoeopathic guidelines.

I would appreciate it if you keep the discussion to practice and philosophy and not resorting to insults.

I have learned to recognise that as the refuge of the pseudohomoeopaths on this site.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sun, 01 Jan 2012 07:17:26 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank U Brother Dr. Newaz Khan!!

Wishing u a very happy new year and a successful life in this coming year 2012.
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr. David,

I m here to help others but not to waste my times by debating with u without any logic. I always just say that I believe by heart and also have reasons to achieve my claims. I can answer all ur questions point by point but that will waste lot of my time. In such time I will like to utilize it to give prescription to some other peoples who needs help.

Main thing I realise about u that U r a homeopath who is guided always by homeopathic guidelines and I m a homeopath who is always guided by Great Dr. Hahnemann's spirit of work and and principle of homeopathic ideal healing.

Now tell me that y Organon, and Homeopathic meteria medica books were developed, changed and renamed day by day but the principal of homeopathy 'Similia Similibus Curenture' never changed??

Ur not getting the massage of Dr. Hahnemann that come out from all boundaries made by traditional thinking and think and do something effective. Thus he left traditional Alopathic and antiopathic treatment system as he was also femous Dr. of alopathy at that time. He changed his Organon 6 times till his death and meteria medica is even changing after his death. All books of homeopathy is changing and developing day by day by great doctor's research till now. So tell me who made u or me bound to follow ancient books of homeopathy that u read before? I dont think ur thoughts r not as modern man. U think u r a university teacher and u r only man wise enough to know every medical knowledge of homeopathy. U r really living in fool's world.

Day by day genetic codes of human, climate of earth, Herbs genetic codes and nature of virus and bacterias of diseases are changing. So we need to develop our homeopathic treatment as it can march smartly as time and need of human by researching all sectors of our possibilities. U never feels like me and wish to practice previous guide lines of homeopathy. So I cannot make u understand as u r day dreaming, and day dreamer never achieves their goal and blames others. Thats y u never believe that a Dr. may have more success thn u. That is the reason for ur jealous ness.

I utilize my brain as a reader of a book to earn knowledge and u r like a guide book which have no brain of its own.

When Dr. Hahnemann started practicing homeopathy 1st time thn many people insulted and provoked against him in every steps and u r behaving like those peoples. I will also assure u that I will keep breaking all records like Hahnemann and ignore u like he did to them in future.

One last free advice for u that pls dont get yourself insulted by conflicting with me. U may be got shocked to know that how may have a Dr. of third world country may have more success thn u in a short time. We have to make prescription for lots of patients in a short time as here is population is bursting out day by day. So it is usual to not getting success like me bcs u may have not seen that much patient in 20 years that I cured here in last 5 years.
As far as I know that in whole Australian continent there are maximum 80 million people lives in but in Bangladesh more than 80 million people lives in a single city like Dhaka.

So Pls Don't Waste my valuable time in future. I m not bound to u to give u tuition here.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.