The ABC Homeopathy Forum
cat fungus
Assalamalakum. I have white Persian cats, the problem with them is that they have fungal infection. I have taken them to a number of vets and have used medicines like lamisal cream and lamisal tablets, but the infection is still there. One of my cats has lost hair, i asked a vet and he told me to apply dermovate nn cream on the skin twice a day. I did that but after two days her skin developed rashes and now watery substance comes out from a few places. Now i have started to apply olive oil. I don't know if this will help. can you please tell me is there any kind of homoeopathic medicine for this disease. Can u please tell me if homeopathic medicines for humans can cure our cat as well or not. if yes then can you please suggest me appropriate medicine. I will be waiting for ur reply.SADIA81 on 2011-12-31
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