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Confused and need help with adopted child


I adopted a little girl from China about 1 1/2 years ago. Briefly, I will try to summarize our problems and hopefully someone here will have some advice.

1. Spent over a year in orphanage, where care was sporadic, but not overtly neglectful.
2. Currently she has very weak muscles, and can barely walk up a stair unassisted even though she recently turned 3 years old
3. Gains weight quickly, on small amount of food.
4. Constant fear. No matter how much I try to reassure her, she is always afraid. Of everything.
5. Was told by a naturopath that she has a high cortisol level, which is slowing down her metabolism, didn't allow her to build muscle, and comes from her fear and overly stressful first few years.
6. Stool is very soft, and frequently skips a day or two of having a bowel movement
7. Retains water for a period of time and becomes very bloated, then will almost overnight lose the water and bloating-although abdomen still distends severely after eating. Was told this may have to do with high cortisol levels also.
8. Very inhibited play, I'm assuming due to overwhelming feelings of fear.
9. Excessive thumb sucking
10. Have tried eliminating gluten and dairy, but to no avail. Has been receiving no gluten or dairy for 6 months.
11. Lethargic unless being stimulated by someone or something.

She is very intelligent, and spoke very early. She is very demanding and never content and calm. Her weight gain makes no sense compared to the amount of food she eats. She drinks no milk,no juice, (only water), no white flour, no sugar, no gluten, no processed foods, no junk food.

Any advice???

  nancyj on 2012-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Has a doctor examined her to make sure there is no underlying pathology?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Blood work done, and mostly normal except thyroid borderline (which they don't say to do anything about), parasite testing done (negative), liver enzyme were slightly elevated which they said was okay, many other blood tests done, all normal. Examined by many doctors and I was told she is probably just genetically programmed to be fat. The allopathic doctors are useless.
Thank you
nancyj last decade
Ok then no underlying pathology. That is good. What we have instead is some kind of functional disturbance. This is easier to fix with homoeopathy.

I will post some questions. Answer them in as much detail as you can - try to give long, verbose answers. I may have further questions for you after that.

How easily can you access homoeopathic remedies if I make a prescription for you?

. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape, symptoms, behaviour etc. What happens, when it happens etc.

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms.

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc.

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed.

5. Go through each symptom or problem he/she has, doing the same thing (answering questions 1-4), even if the problem does not seem connected to any others.

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?

7. What is his/her character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he/she have? What makes him/her irritable? Flesh out his/her personality.

8. What foods does he/she crave or hate? What drinks does he/she crave or hate? Is he/she sensitive to anything he/she eats or drinks?

9. How does the weather or season affect him/her?

10. How have all his/her milestones gone? Does he/she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc

11. How is he/she with socializing with others?

12. What is his/her bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes?

13. Where does he/she sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour?

14. History of illnesses in his/her life?

15. Has he/she reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs?

16. Problems with sleep? Position he/she sleeps in? Nightmares or any dreams he/she talks about?

17. How is he/she with animals?

18. How is he/she with adults or strangers?

19. What is the family history of illness and disease?

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he/she was born?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
How easily can you access homoeopathic remedies if I make a prescription for you? Very easily.

. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape, symptoms, behaviour etc. What happens, when it happens etc.

Main symptoms are: fear about everything (not going to be enough to eat, I will leave her, afraid to leave my side, afraid to go and happily play by herself) She can't stop eating unless I tell her to because she is afraid she will not get enough. She has NOT gained weight because of this, though, because I have kept her on a good diet with normal amounts for a child her age and size.
Extremely slow metabolism: even though she eats a modest amount of food (all healthy,no processed, no sugar, no dairy), she is gaining almost a pound a week on this amount of food. She is ONLY gaining fat, mostly around middle of her body. She is NOT building any muscle, and was told my physical therapist that her muscles are very weak, but they don't know why. She cannot climb stairs unassisted. Her body is very flabby, with no shape or muscle tone at all.
Abdominal distention after eating, quite severe. Even with a small amount of food (snack time, for example) she will then have her stomach distend quite extremely, looking like she is 9 months pregnant. This disappears to some extent by next morning, after sleeping all night. I have been told it could be the following: food allergy/parasites/weak muscles/low stomach acid/bad bacteria in intestines/leaky gut, etc.,etc. In the morning, her stomach is smaller, and continues to grow throughout the day. Cannot fit same diaper size in the evening as the one in the morning. Does not go around tummy.
CAnnot connect any particular food to this problem and am wondering if it is just from no muscles to hold stomach in, but occasionally she will have a day this does not happen. After a meal, it is difficult for her to bend over without losing her breath due to distention.

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms. She does not complain of any pains

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc. Nothing

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed. Nothing

5. Go through each symptom or problem he/she has, doing the same thing (answering questions 1-4), even if the problem does not seem connected to any others.

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?
Her stomach distention began at a few months old, as I could see pictures of it when she was still in the orphanage (they would send pictures to me).

7. What is his/her character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he/she have? What makes him/her irritable? Flesh out his/her personality. She is extremely loving and nurturing. Eager to please, but her anxiety gets in the way sometimes. She is afraid to even play, but LOVES to play with others. She just can't play by herself. She loves any kind of physical or emotional interaction with others, but cannot occupy herself. If she isn't being stimulated by someone, she acts bored and will lose attention and focus very quickly.

8. What foods does he/she crave or hate? What drinks does he/she crave or hate? Is he/she sensitive to anything he/she eats or drinks?
She will eat most foods, and drinks only water. She does not like chicken, unless mashed up or little chunks in soup. She doesn't like white potatoes and only eats sweet potatoes. Loves fruits, some vegetables like green peppers, cucumbers. Loves pasta, rice, almond butter, meatballs, and just about anything else.

9. How does the weather or season affect him/her? Cannot see change with weather.

10. How have all his/her milestones gone? Does he/she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc.
Spoke very early (first word 10 months, sentences by 18 months, very intelligent and can memorize things very quickly. Knows 7 continents, abc's, can count to 20, colors, etc. Very smart, very intuitive. She was very weak in orphanage and slept a lot. She could not sit up unassisted until 10 months, could not crawl until 13 months, and did not walk until 18 months. Still does not run correctly, and cannot climb well at all. Needs help with stairs still

11. How is he/she with socializing with others? Only problem is that she cannot leave people alone. If there is someone in the room, she has to be on top of that person, bothering them, asking questions, asking for something, interrupting, etc.

12. What is his/her bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes? Never has had solid bowel movement. Very soft, sometimes even watery, but only has bowel movement once a day, sometimes every other day. Very bad odor.

13. Where does he/she sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour? Have not really noticed much sweat, as she doesn't really exert herself. In summer when it is really hot, I don't think there is an odor

14. History of illnesses in his/her life? 2 ear infections while in orphanage (antibiotics given) before 4 months. Upper respiratory infections in orphanage. Diarrhea in orphanage. When we picked her up, she had ruptured ear drum with drainage, no fever, very lethargic for a few days. Stool was liquid for first month home, no explanation. (we did not change baby formula, were able to use same formula) She was weak, sickly looking, bloated, and quite overweight at that time. She was 8 months old when we brought her home.

15. Has he/she reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs? Not sure

16. Problems with sleep? Position he/she sleeps in? Nightmares or any dreams he/she talks about? Likes to sleep curled up in corner of crib, surrounded by dolls and stuffed animals. She sleeps well, and has always slept well.

17. How is he/she with animals? Extremely interested, gentle, loving. (We have several pets)

18. How is he/she with adults or strangers? VERY friendly, almost too friendly. She wants their attention, and won't leave friends alone when they come into our home.

19. What is the family history of illness and disease? There is no known family history

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he/she was born? No known history of this as she was abandoned and found at 2 weeks old. (approximately)

Re-reading this I noticed I wrote that she came home at 8 months, when she was nearly 18 months-sorry for the typo. She was just starting to walk independently at 18 months-all other milestones are from orphanage reports.
[message edited by nancyj on Tue, 01 May 2012 22:04:34 BST]
nancyj last decade
What exactly is the bad odour her stool has?

What is she like when she is by herself, when she has to play by herself? What does she do?

Can you run through any other fears she has? So far it is :

Fear to be alone
Fear of starving

Anything else?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
She just seems generally fearful, which inhibits her play and makes her seek constant contact. She is very difficult to please, and is not interested in playing unless she is with someone. It has to be either stimulation from a person, or loud music, or she will either ask for something, bother someone for something, complain, ask for help playing, constantly something. Alternatively, she will kind of just 'hang around' and suck her thumb or touch things but not really play with them.

It is as if she is just afraid in general and is always looking for something to make her feel secure. She isn't afraid of animals, water, new people, etc. It is a fear of abandonment I think. There has been a lot of trauma in her young life, beginning in utero probably, then she may have had a very difficult birth, then she was abandoned and did not have her needs met in the orphanage the way I mother would. Then she came home with complete strangers to another country and had to get used to strangers as her new family. I feel like this trauma has not left her and want her to feel safe.

She loves bath time, as playing with the water is very stimulating, and she will swim in the bath, splash, etc., but still not really PLAY with toys. She hates to get out.

Her bowel movements are just a very strong Bowel movement odor, and my whole family will clear out an entire floor of my house. Not sure if it is an odd odor or not.

I also forgot to mention that she almost seems to retain water at times, and that is the only reason I have to explain that some days she will wake up not as bloated in the abdomen. This may last a few days, and then she will begin to get bloated again. This is separate from the abdominal weight she is gaining. I have tried eliminating several foods and none seem to be causing the problem.

nancyj last decade
Ok there are two remedies I would like you to get - two ways of looking at this case.

The one I think is most relevent, is Calc-phos. This seems to suit her character, her fears, her disatisfaction, her physical complaints. Calc-phos children share the qualities of both Calcarea (timid, fearful, slow to talk, walk and develop generally, easily put on weight around the belly) and Phosphorous (Open, friendly, fears being alone, ravenous appetite, intelligent, communicative, affectionate). One of the main features of Calc-phos is their weakness, laxness of muscles, which makes it difficult for them to lift themselve up, walk, sometimes even hold their own head up. They appear malnourished in some way, and is a remedy for such complaints as rickets.

However on a smaller scale, the terrble odour of stool that permeates the house, the background of poverty and the fear of starving are well known symptoms of Psorinum.

Because I cannot see her, get a feel for her in person, I want you to get both of them. Get them in the 200th potency (200C, 200CH or 200CK). You will only use one at a time, and will be starting with Calc-phos. We will not move to Psor until it is clear that Calc-phos is not helping.


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2-4 granules or 2-4 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away. Wash this cup and spoon in hot water only, and place it to the side for further doses.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

Start with 1/2 cup of water (125 mls). Give one dose only. Let me know what has happened after about 5 days or so.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I appreciate you doing this for my daughter.
I'm a little unclear with some of the instructions, but I will obtain the remedies and ask further questions if I need to so that I may do this correctly. Am I only to give this ONE TIME and then wait 5 days?
Also, do I post my results on this thread or start a new one?

Thank you,

nancyj last decade
Yes that is correct. One dose only to begin with and wait.

Keep all replies in this thread. It is hard enough keeping track of them all as it is :)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
quick question-

When you say 'alcohol' what kind of alcohol that is safe for a 3 year old child?
Also, do you feel this should help her metabolism to work normally, too?


nancyj last decade
It is a tiny bit of alcohol. In a 30ml bottle it is only about 6 mls. Out of that a single drop is put in water and diluted. The amount of alcohol at that point is so small it can have no noticeable effect.

Any spiritous alcohol is fine - I typically use brandy because the taste is better. It needs to be ethanol based alcohol.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you so much for your time and advice. I will use brandy, no problem. Also, can I ask you a question, not that I don't trust your advice, but I'm quite concerned if this remedy is for someone like my daughter who is very inactive, yet wants to eat endlessly. Her food intake is regulated by me, and she takes in approx. 1000 calories daily (her doctor recommended this amount). She takes in no sugar, no refined carbohydrates, no milk, no juice, etc. Yet she continues to gain and it is fat only. She is not gaining ANY muscle, and not growing any taller. I thought when I read about Calcarea Phosphorous it mentioned children that were thin and malnourished. I hate to stop her from eating so much, but she would me much larger than she is now, and already the doctors are concerned about her weight, even though she doesn't overeat.
Thanks for your time again,

nancyj last decade
Calc-phos can be fat or thin. That single characteristic is not enough to decide a remedy.

Have you managed to get the remedies yet?
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Thu, 16 Feb 2012 22:12:07 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I had to order them from a company online-my local stores did not carry them. I should have them within a week or so. I am anxious to begin, and will definitely let you know what happens. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

nancyj last decade
Ok keep me informed.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I have finally been able to acquire and use the recommended Calc-Phos. It has been about 5 or 6 days since the first dose and only dose. My daughter seems a little different, in that she is playing a little more. But here are the issues I am still quite concerned about:

We had a stool test done, and it showed that she had many imbalances, such as overgrowth of yeast and a Streptoccocus strain of bacteria, lack of pancreatic enzyme output, several markers for intestinal inflammation.

She becomes very hyper (mostly verbally and some physical) when there is any stimulation going on, especially with there being people around. When she is alone with me, she is much calmer

She has gained more weight, and is severely bloated. Working with a nutritionist, we have been trying to find a balance of the right amound of food/nutrition/calories that will satisfy her yet slow down or stop the weight gain. I have been told to increase her caloric intake by 100 calories/day at a time, yet 100 extra calories a day can cause her to put on almost a pound a week. In addition, none of this weight comes in the form of growth in height or strength in her muslces, it seems to all just be an increase in body fat. Her pediatrician doesn't know why her metabolism is only storing calories and not able to build muscle. She is still very weak for a child her age. She needs assistance for any step up, and this hasn't improved for over a year.

She has symptoms of ADHD, of Sensory processing disorder, etc., but it seems like those are just names for things that no one know what the cause is. Maybe the yeast is doing this to her?

Let me know if you think I should continue with the Calc-Phos. She does seem much more interested in playing, but her disruptive talking and other behaviors have continued to get worse. She is NEVER quiet. EVER. She is loud, demanding, intrusive, needy constantly, pushy (won't play cooperatively, wants to be in control and direct everyone), and it is annoying to everyone in the family that we can't do anything without her taking over and ruining the activity.

On a side note, she is VERY physically affectionate, CRAVES physical touch and all sensations, and is very very loving. It is hard to be angry when all it seems like she wants is to be loved and carried around like a baby and be rocked, etc. But at 3 years old, it is getting a little much!

Thank you so much for your help

nancyj last decade
All that new information has changed my ideas for the case. I believe that the remedy she needs is Sacchrum album (officinale). Purchase that remedy in the 200c potency, but give one more dose of Calc-phos while you are waiting for it to arrive.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you. I have ordered the new remedy and will give it to her when I get it. Am I to prepare it the same exact way I prepared the Calc-Phos? And do I give her just the one dose again and wait 5 days?

Thank you so much for your time,

nancyj last decade

The remedy I purchased says 'saccharum oficinales 200' it does not say 'album'. Is this correct?

nancyj last decade
hi Nancy,
yes it is the same thing. If you look it
up on the abc store they list it the
same way you have it listed.
simone717 last decade
Yes it is just a different name for the same thing. And yes prepare and give it the same way as before.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

It has been about 10 days since the first and only dose of sacchurum album. There is a very TINY difference, perhaps, in her bloated belly, maybe a TINY difference in playing. But here is where I stand now:

I received one more test result, and it indicated that her cortisol level is EXTREMELY high, as well as her other neurotransmitters being very, very OFF.
She is scared of everything, and will frequently tell me of everything that she is scared of. She WILL NOT PLAY. She perhaps spends 10 minutes (total) per day actually playing, unless I take her outside to a playground or running around the yard. Inside, she does nothing but hang around, ask for things that she then does nothing with, or try to get to things that are NOT toys. For instance, right now, she is sitting on the living room floor, at my feet, surrounded by toys, books, activities she can do, but is just sucking her thumb and doing nothing. Any attempt by me to get her to play are fruitless and frustrating to both of us. I have other children that need my attention, as well as a house that needs to be cleaned and taken care of, meals that need to be cooked, etc. So unless I am doing something with her or for her, she will be doing nothing, or asking for something (that she then doesn't really play with). I have tried new toys, different music, etc., but it just shouldn't be THIS HARD to interest a child in playing.

And her eating problems continue. She is never satisfied at the end of any meal, and I believe she continues to want to eat and endlessly ask for food out of fear. I believe she is (and always has been) terrified, and I have not been able to provide enough to have her feel safe. I would love to be able to have her experience calm happiness, even artificially in the beginning!, so that she can feel safe inside and not be afraid of not getting enough to eat, etc.

Any advice is welcome. Should I continue with the sacchurum?

nancyj last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Sun, 04 May 2014 07:27:50 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hmmm that isn't much from a 200c. A tiny bit of difference in two symptoms?

Alright let me look at this again. This seems to need a difference perspective.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
What about Stramonium? Because of her fears and high cortisol levels?
vendla last decade

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