The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Multiple Food Intolerance
Hi,I'm 25 and I've been suffering from very severe and wide-ranging food intolerance for seven years now. I am convinced that this was caused by medication I received whilst in hospital having an operation as I never had problems with food prior to this and have never been well since. My diet has become very restricted and I can only tolerate potatoes, some green vegetables and white meats.
I have tried many different methods to counter these problems and have only succeeded in managing the problem through dietary exclusion, vitamin supplements and lifestyle changes. My quality of life is at best very average and I don't believe that it is healthy or sustainable way of living.
Recently I tried homeopathy and was very impressed by the power of the remedies as I had low expectations. Unfortunately my health did not improve and over the five months taking the remedies my health deteriorated quite badly to the point where I could no longer continue. Despite this I still feel that homeopathy offers me the best chance of increasing my tolerance.
I intend to try homeopathy again at some time in the future but my current homeopath has recommended getting a second opinion and I think it would be wise to find a homeopath with experience of treating chronic cases of food intolerance so as to increase my chances of success.
I would be grateful if anyone had any suggestions as to how I might find such a person. Thanks!
Norman on 2005-07-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Almost a certainty you have been treated with antibiotics and that these have interfered with the natural flora and fauna of the GIT[ gut]killing them off.
Suggest you get lactobacillus and use probiotic yoghurt.Keep up the vitamin supplements. Evening Primrose oil and Kelp have all helped in this type of case.
Food intolerance is essentially an allergic reaction , similar to asthma, hives etc.
To treat you one would need more info
Write a brief piece about your appearance, likes and dislikes- family history , medical history etc.
Suggest you get lactobacillus and use probiotic yoghurt.Keep up the vitamin supplements. Evening Primrose oil and Kelp have all helped in this type of case.
Food intolerance is essentially an allergic reaction , similar to asthma, hives etc.
To treat you one would need more info
Write a brief piece about your appearance, likes and dislikes- family history , medical history etc.
orumbe last decade
as brief as I can make it.
Appearance: I am 5ft 9in, white (pale skin), blue eyes, straight red hair (thinning/tendency towards greasy), lean small build, big ears and nose. Average in all other ways.
Likes: Music, Films, Art, Being Creative, Sport and Exercise (when I could still participate), Food (when I could still eat it), Politics, Current Affairs, Philosophy, Independence, Opportunity and having a laugh with friends.
Dislikes: Reading, Watching TV, Repetition, Anything that makes me ill (obviously).
Family History: Grandfather 1 Diabetic (type 1), Grandfather 2 died from hardening of the arteries in his 60s (smoker, poor diet), Grandmother 1 died from liver disease in her 40s, Grandmother 2 died of old age in 70s (some mental illness). 1 Uncle that is type 2 Diabetic (diagnosed in his 60s). Mum: very healthy. Dad: also very healthy. Brother: very similar to me in all physical aspects. Very good health. Family generally very healthy.
My Medical History.
Very healthy and energetic as a child. Never suffered from any food aversion and have always had a very healthy appetite.
Chickenpox aged 7.
Tonsilitis aged 13. Course of antibiotics. (I now see that some of my problems with fatigue started here although I had no issues with food).
Post viral aged 14.
Depression aged 15. (suffered with fatigue although not severe. Still managed to partake in sport at school. Generally quite unhappy throughout most of teenage years due to bad experience at school not being very academic) Prescribed anti-depressants.
Suffered an industrial accident aged 18 whilst working in a factory. Cut open eye that led to operation. Woke from the operation feeling extremely intoxicated and mentally very different/detached. Reacted badly to anaesthetic and vomited for 24 hours. Prescribed copious amounts of drugs in hospital to counter possibility of infection . Since then I have never really recovered. For me this was the defining moment in my life and everything since then has been influenced by my response to this operation/treatment.
Health was very poor for a year and deteriorated before I went to see a nutritionist. Symptoms included chronic fatigue, extreme mental fogginess, confusion, paranoia, constant sugar cravings, huge mood swings, insomnia, irritability, bowel complaints, reactions to all foods etcÂ….
Started experimenting with diet and lifestyle to try and alleviate symptoms. Over the past six years I have managed to develop a lifestyle that means that I can at least work and be independent although my quality of life is generally very poor and I have seen no sign that I am becoming either more or less tolerant with time. I do not drink and have never abused drugs.
I have persisted with conventional medicine and have seen several GPs and have been referred to several specialists. I have not been diagnosed.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for your help
as brief as I can make it.
Appearance: I am 5ft 9in, white (pale skin), blue eyes, straight red hair (thinning/tendency towards greasy), lean small build, big ears and nose. Average in all other ways.
Likes: Music, Films, Art, Being Creative, Sport and Exercise (when I could still participate), Food (when I could still eat it), Politics, Current Affairs, Philosophy, Independence, Opportunity and having a laugh with friends.
Dislikes: Reading, Watching TV, Repetition, Anything that makes me ill (obviously).
Family History: Grandfather 1 Diabetic (type 1), Grandfather 2 died from hardening of the arteries in his 60s (smoker, poor diet), Grandmother 1 died from liver disease in her 40s, Grandmother 2 died of old age in 70s (some mental illness). 1 Uncle that is type 2 Diabetic (diagnosed in his 60s). Mum: very healthy. Dad: also very healthy. Brother: very similar to me in all physical aspects. Very good health. Family generally very healthy.
My Medical History.
Very healthy and energetic as a child. Never suffered from any food aversion and have always had a very healthy appetite.
Chickenpox aged 7.
Tonsilitis aged 13. Course of antibiotics. (I now see that some of my problems with fatigue started here although I had no issues with food).
Post viral aged 14.
Depression aged 15. (suffered with fatigue although not severe. Still managed to partake in sport at school. Generally quite unhappy throughout most of teenage years due to bad experience at school not being very academic) Prescribed anti-depressants.
Suffered an industrial accident aged 18 whilst working in a factory. Cut open eye that led to operation. Woke from the operation feeling extremely intoxicated and mentally very different/detached. Reacted badly to anaesthetic and vomited for 24 hours. Prescribed copious amounts of drugs in hospital to counter possibility of infection . Since then I have never really recovered. For me this was the defining moment in my life and everything since then has been influenced by my response to this operation/treatment.
Health was very poor for a year and deteriorated before I went to see a nutritionist. Symptoms included chronic fatigue, extreme mental fogginess, confusion, paranoia, constant sugar cravings, huge mood swings, insomnia, irritability, bowel complaints, reactions to all foods etcÂ….
Started experimenting with diet and lifestyle to try and alleviate symptoms. Over the past six years I have managed to develop a lifestyle that means that I can at least work and be independent although my quality of life is generally very poor and I have seen no sign that I am becoming either more or less tolerant with time. I do not drink and have never abused drugs.
I have persisted with conventional medicine and have seen several GPs and have been referred to several specialists. I have not been diagnosed.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for your help
Norman last decade
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