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Sulphur dosage in chronic cases Page 2 of 3
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If the remedy has done all this, you need to show patience for another 30 days. An overall recovery may follow.
♡ kadwa last decade
Today again i have a pain in right shoulder blade and also when i sit for a sit my feet becomes numb due to debility and one more thing my marriage is commencing in Next month i have a tiny two eruption in penis shaft it is there from last 10 year.these tiny eruptions are just like small warts and there is also white heads beneath penis skin which when pressed secretes white matter and i have also erectile dysfunction.plz prescribe me remedy which will cure these symptoms as i have a marriage next month.thanks for helping.
faheem_bhat41 last decade
Please take a single dose of Argentum Nitricum 200 and see how it goes in next 15 days. i think you are having anticipation anxiety due to marriage. Don't worry everyone gets married and carries on.
♡ kadwa last decade
Please start a new thread and give all your symptoms there. There are many people here who may help you.
♡ kadwa last decade
Kadwa sir i am greatly depressed with the problem of impotency as i have no morning erection and my penis and testis has been shrunken as time passes my anxiety increases day by day due to no sexual desire as i already told u i am getting married in a next month.plz dr tell me how i get rid of lycopodium reaction.these problems are caused due to lycopodium also my beard is greying day by day it is all due to lyco overuse.
faheem_bhat41 last decade
There is no reason to believe that you are suffering due to Lycopodium overdose. Still you may take few doses of Aconite 30. Aconite antidotes Lycopodium and it seems to be indicated in your case. Please take a single dose of Aconite 30 and wait for it's response.
♡ kadwa last decade
There is a link for creating new thread at the forums homepage. You should use that link instead of disturbing threads belonging to others.
There is a link for creating new thread at the forums homepage. You should use that link instead of disturbing threads belonging to others.
♡ kadwa last decade
From yesterday i have frontal headache especially in the eyes and i have taken a rest at home but today morning my eyes are yellowish just like jaundiced eyes and i have a pain in lower back mostly above in left hip with burning sensation while passing stool and remains whole day with discomfort in sitting also my hair is falling and beard is greying i am in great anxiety these days.i have no erection at all and no desire.what will i do please help me.
faheem_bhat41 last decade
day 1 and day 2
Please take three doses of Causticum 200 as follows ...
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 1 drop in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
day 3 to day 10
Please take 3 pellets of chelidonium 6x in the morning.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
Please take three doses of Causticum 200 as follows ...
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 1 drop in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
day 3 to day 10
Please take 3 pellets of chelidonium 6x in the morning.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
Today i passes blood in stool and i have burning in anus i cannot sit in chair i feel uncomfortable after passing also i have burning sensation in abdomen and acid reflux with gasses. I have severe gas problem in night also i passes mucous and undigested food particle in stool also have extreme pain in left ear with itching.i also have infection with rawness in throat .i loses a prostatic fluid while straining at penis is small retracted. I think it all is happening due to taken too much homeopathic remedies which heatens me internally .now i am feeling dizziness. Plz kadwa sir
faheem_bhat41 last decade
Please take Nux Vomica 30 at bed time on alternate days, just 3 doses in 6 days.
Please take 30 ml amla juice in the morning and evening with water.
Please take 30 ml amla juice in the morning and evening with water.
♡ kadwa last decade
I have now bloating abdomen pain in left kidney region just as nail piercing in back rib.i have gas problem when i woke early morning in eyes there are tears with burning swollen right penis does not erect with best efforts and i ejaculates less semen i.e little 2to 3 drops my testicle are cold and i think my hormones is not working properly.i losses prostatic fluid while talking with my wife on week we will be married plz sir help me
faheem_bhat41 last decade
Please take your wife into confidence after marriage. The marital relationship is much deeper than relationship based on sex.
Please take a single dose of Pulsatilla 30 if you continue to have symptoms mentioned earlier after few days.
Please take a single dose of Pulsatilla 30 if you continue to have symptoms mentioned earlier after few days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Plz dr i am in a really bad condition now as my marriage has done in the first night i losses too much prostatic fluid while on foreplay and my penis does not erect.after the discharge my penis does not erect 2nd time it was limp and i became a shameful before my wife. She is not now talked me. i have used sildEnafil 100 also but of no use.i am in great hell only thinking for what will i do coming night.i have pain in right testicle heavy head burning whole body dizziness cannot concentrate on any matter i only have suicidal thoughts in my mind due to failure in sexual relationship it is all due to loss of prostatic fluid which is main problem in my body i am losing this from 10 years which has weakned this condition i contact a homeopath he gives me aurum met 200 but aurum met is not helpful. Only sulphur has cured this condition but sulphur is not working now bcz i have already taken it too much my whole body was burning last time when i used sulphur dose.what will i do
faheem_bhat41 last decade
Please take a single dose of Phosphorus 200 and see whether it helps.
♡ kadwa last decade
I was admitted in hospital from the day of phosphorus dose My whole body is burning after phosphorus just one dose of one pellet i have nose bleeding with mucous in throat and nose. I have vomiting of acid and pain in stomach with headache and pain in left kidney region with morning my parents are fed up with my health. My wife is not satisfied with me.
faheem_bhat41 last decade
This is sad news. i hope that you will recover soon under the guidance of a good homeopath.
Best Wishes.
Best Wishes.
♡ kadwa last decade
sorry dr. kadwa i was a great pain those days when i seek another professionals help, but these days are very annoying me i have a pain in back region when i get up early in the morning. i actually had overdosed the sulphur which causes me pain in kidneys and legs before a week i take a sniff of ars alb through nose i feel better from that day i have take another 3 more sniffs for 3 more days.i think ars alb is real antidote of sulphur bcoz with ars alb my itch in leg has been completely cured and my moles in face has been faded up.i only need your help in sexual problems my testicles is cold and i have no desire for sex and i feel much debility after ejaculation. my semen is just like water and my penis does not erect 2nd time after ejaculation. plz guide me and thanks for helping
faheem_bhat41 last decade
After a gap of 2 months i didnt take any remedy .i noticed these days that it is really a schein symptom of sulphur.i have once again return of old syMptoms my hyperpigmenTation comes out again and pain in right testicle,pain in legs sexual my question is how much time takes to pass the schein symptom of body is burning my anus is burning my nostrils is burning.i have continuously morning diarrhea from past 10 days. I need your advice please
faheem_bhat41 last decade
Please take a single dose of Opium 30 and see how that affects in 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
I take a dose of opium but my body cant tolerate any remedies it produces a remedy symptoms on me. After sleepiness and pain in legs i take a dose of nux 30 which also acts in a wrong direction. Now my liver and kidneys have a great pain and my head is burning and i have a crawling sensation in nose.mouth is dry with red and rough tip of the tongue pain in right testicle alongwith right semen is just water with no more white in colour. I think my disease will not end up it only ends when i end.what will i do i am fed up with this life.
faheem_bhat41 last decade
Please take a single dose of Belladonna 30.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear doctor, this is Naveen im suffering from hair loss is there any medicines you can suggest me?? my body type is heat body, my characteristics is i'm reserved type i dont get anger quickly, my head will be warm anytime, no dandruff, i have acidity problem too im taking sulphur weekly once.
Naveen5 8 years ago
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