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Plumbum Metallicum:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Perhaps lead poisoning?

For the past 4 years or so my 26 year-old nephew seems to be having anxiety, distress, and changed sleeping habits. He also gets all sorts of infections and colds that last longer than expected. I blame it all in possibly lead poisoning. I’ll explain why I think this way.

He is a very good welder, but this doesn’t stop him from getting nasty burns from the drops of lead that he uses to weld. Then there is the greenish cloud of smoke that surrounds him when he welds galvanized steel. He does wear a mask, but I wonder how effective this is.

At any rate, the worst case of lead burn happened about 6 years ago. That time the burn was so severe that it took almost two years to heal. He now has a deep depression on his thigh in the spot where the burn occurred.

Is there anything that homeopathy can do for him? Thank you.
  MGM deG on 2012-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is he willing to give his case here? All information has to come from him not someone else.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I’ll ask him, but I doubt it.

Thank you so much for responding.
MGM deG last decade
If not, then homoeopathy is probably not the way to go. The individual patient's expressions, feelings and responses guide us to the remedy. If you take those from someone else they are just an interpretation, and will tell you lots about the person doing the interpreting, but little about the patient themselves.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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