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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nasal Polyps and congestion

Hi, I have been suffering from sinusitis for the last 10 years and have some bad sinus infection almost once every 6 months. And also experience loss of smell. Am healthier in the warmer months and very sick during winter. And this time it is in the worst form. Along with sinusitis, I have some polyp growth too. I was advised by a homeopath to take sanguinaria nitrica 30 thrice daily for a week. I have been taking it for the last 2 and half days and I see the symptoms worsening progressively, so much so that the polyp on the right nostril is getting bigger and elongating down. Could someone kindly suggest if this is just an initial aggravation or if I should stop taking the medicine.
I am a 33 year old female.
  Mroyblore on 2012-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some more details..
I am very sensitive to cold, and allergic to dust and cold, prefer warmer places.
Right now, my nose is completely blocked throughout the day with the condition being less severe at times for about 10 minutes or so. Taking steam inhalation does not help anymore. Taking a jog out in the cold opens up the blockage temporarily and when I am back home, in about 5-10 minutes, the condition is back to square one. Blockage is considerably less while lying on my back at night. I have attempted sinus irrigation several times before but because of the blockage, it does not work out well, just increases the infection. Thanks.
Mroyblore last decade

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