The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss from hair tension and hormones!!?
Please please PLEASE help me! I am desperate.I offer more detail in another post, but this is the abridged version, in case the length was a deterrent.
Hello. I am a twenty-four year old female suffering from traction alopecia in combination, I believe, with hormonal hair loss caused by birth control pills.
I am certain that the greater amount of my loss is due to the tight hair styles I used to wear. I alternately wore extremely tight braids and/or a weave for a period of about six months. I noticed within that time that my hair was being pulled out at the roots all along my hair line. At that point I desisted from all tension-causing styles. This was about a year and a half ago. I saw a dermatologist about my loss and was assured that, since the trauma to my scalp had not been too prolonged, it should not have caused permanent scarring, and that my hair would come back in about a year's time. It has not. The condition has *improved*, but I am nowhere near to where I used to be.
Around the same time that I began wearing weaves, I started taking a hormonal birth control pill, hoping to alleviate some of my acne troubles. The treatment was ineffective for that which it was prescribed, and after about three months, I also noticed that my center part had widened significantly. I stopped taking the pills immediately. My center part is not as wide as it was when I first noticed its degradation, but, as with the hair along my hairline, and around my temples, it is nowhere near what it was prior to the incident.
Also, my scalp is still sore and tender from time to time in the spots where the tension was worst, as well as in the center.
[message edited by LastDitchEffort on Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:57:14 GMT]
LastDitchEffort on 2012-02-21
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