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I'm Desperate, need homepatic remedies to help my son with PDD, NOS aspergum syndrom
Hello, My son had some behavioural problems at school when he was 7. He is a sweet, very intelligent. He used to be a quite shy boy who learnt his reading, writing and Math at 3 1/2, 4. He never had any problems with speaking, but started to repeat some sentences over and over. He had obsession with Disney cartoons books movies, and he has a fantastic talent for drawing.. But since last year his behaviours dramatically changed! Now, he started beating himself, beats furnitures, his mouth if he says some thing wrong. He bites his hands, He throws furnitures if we say certain words he doesn't like such as No, doesn't shouldn't and he keeps adding to the list of words we can't use when we talk to him. He can't go to public places, movie, Mall, theaters..He stopped going to the washroom and likes to do it in his pants. He has high fears and high anxiety. He pulls his hair if he poos or pees or does some thing good or wins a game or go to the washroom. He blames and punishnes himself. He has ocds and certain rituals he has to follow all the time. He has chronic runny nose and catches cold very often. His father had bi polar. He left when my boy was very small. There is history of autism in his family. My son drinks cow milk like water. I heard cow milks have certain protein that is bad for autistic children. We cut back on his sugar intact. We live in GTA, north of Toronto and I'm looking to find goat milk but don't know where they sell them? I believe homeopathy can make my son better but i also heard it can be very expensive. But if I know the specific names of remedies, i'm willing to buy them on line or from stores. We take my boy to so many different doctors specialists psyologists psychiatrist family doctor paedetritican etc..he has therapists and specialists with two EA working with him at his school, but they said my boy has to go to a special school because he gets out of hands and it is too much constant work for them. They have done every thing they could and I liked this school way better then the one he was attending. We are trying to see if he can go to York Center for special needy children. There is only 52% the chance, he can be accepted there. There is a big waiting list..I tried to homeschool him but they said it is against the law. I followed up the correct procedure but they sent me a warning...They said my son had to go back to his old school or else! I changed his school, but the new school they transferred him to, they said my boy has to stay at school!!! Please I need help from a homeopathic doctor if possible. I am desperate. My son stopped study and doesn't want to learn and study any more. I had to move to a new city and he had to move couple of times which made his behaviours worse. I had to move because i couldn't find specialists for him for five, six years. All his other doctors were telling me was, my boy had add! I knew he had some thing bigger then just an add! Any help is truly appreciated, thank youblueoccean on 2012-02-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
1.Please also describe your child's personality .
2.What makes him happy .
3. What are his fears and anxieties
4. List out all odd things that you have noticed apart from the ones that you have mentioned.
2.What makes him happy .
3. What are his fears and anxieties
4. List out all odd things that you have noticed apart from the ones that you have mentioned.
vikas_grower last decade
Hello Dr Showrav and thank you very much for your reply. Sorry if I couldn't get back to you sooner. My son was away and I needed to take his exact heigh and weight before I write back. He weights 70' pounds and his height is 135 cm. He likes and eats every thing from spagetti to rice, he loves bread which i know has gluten I believe. He eats cooked vegetables. He doesn't like dried fruits. He eats cereals, meat. He doesn't like too mush fish. She hates sea food. He doesn't like chicken. His urination is light to medium colour I believe. He goes in his diaper for poo poo every 2-3 days. When he's with me, I take him to the washroom and make him do it, by waiting outside of the washroom door and he listens mostly, he hates using public washroms. He does it at home. But when he is at school or with others, he does it in his diaper. He is afraid of the washroom. He saw a black and white old picture book of Princess Diana and since then he developped a fear of water. He was afraid to drink water for a while and we had to give him small little tiny glasses of water. He says he is afraid to look into the washroom, because of water and the reflection inside the washroom. He tries hard to stop letting his poo and pee to come out. I tell him to hold his hands over his head when he seats on the washroom. Because he puts his shirt and his hands to grab and touche his poo and pee. He actually holds his poo in his hands!!! I don't allow him. He some times gets really mad because he listens to me and he can't hold his poo and his pee. He resists letting his poo and pee to come out, he pees irregularly, not letting it come at once. I'm really sorry if I had to talk to you about his washroom routines, but it has been one of our most difficult thing to solve right now in our family. He pulls his hair out slap his mouth and his hands when his pee and poo comes out. He slaps himself when he listens and win or do some thing good. It's like he has 2 personalities inside him, 1 it's himself fighting to be good and the other trying to be mean and bad. There is a constant conflict inside of him. He loves to write and draw all the time. First he writes how much he hates me or other people around us, he wants to smash our faces and harm us, but he just say it. He never actually hurt or harm any one. He uses insulting words and 80% of what comes out of his mouth is insulting and mean. When he says I hate you and I will run away etc... 3 minutes later he beats his mouth and it's like it wasn't him, he says was I mean to you Momy? It's like he forgots what he was saying 3-4 minutes ago. He hates bad guys in movies. He hates to watch adventurous action movies. Even peaceful movies. I have to constanly translate what happens and why it happens to keep him calm. Even that he gets angry and mad and start throwing furnitures around. At school when he gets mad, he hrows furnitures too and he reaps pictures off of the walls. He tells every one he hates us all, he writes on his notebook he hate every person who is around him. When I talk to him slowly and quitely, he becomes calm but some times to talk slow all the time specially when I have to rush to go some where. If not he has the most sweatest personality. He cares a lot and his words don't match any thing with his real personality. I know he is constantly in conflict inside of him and he suffers a lot.We are careful not to make him angry. He sees his doctor and his psychologist says that we have to work on his behaviour. He gave him Ratio-Quetiapine, 25mg. First he told us to give it in the mirning. I noticed my son being sleepy and tired and sleep half a day and agitated at night. We give him some times Melantonine. My son has heart murmure. I don't know if it effects his heart or not in the future? Then We told his doctor, (I knew he had to take it the small Quetipine at night not morning) Dr said he should take it at night just three days ago. Now he is taking one at night. My boy is more calm and he can concentrate better now. He didn't want to move an inch before and he kept saying I'm afraid. He start his sentences by I'm afraid, I don't and can't do it, but now he is little better and improveda tiny bet. Recently my boy started listening to pop musics and it makes him excited. He loves gummy bear, he likes watching movies even if that makes him angry and agitated. He used to love Disney cartoons a lot and he still does, he likes Madagascar, Tweety bird, Rudolph, Mr Bean, Uncle Buck, etc..and recently the movie Roxburry. He is going to be ten next month and he is showing the signs of pre- teenagehood. He loves girls. Some kids invite him some times at their b-day and he gets very excited when some one invites him. He has a good school. They enourage and tell others to get involve with him at school but his school decided to move him next year to a special school for special children. They say they have done every thing but they can't handle him any more. My boy is very smart and he learns fast but at this school, they didn't work with his maths readings etc...They stopped giving him homeworks all together which I think is very wrong. But beside that he has an excellent school right now. When I teach him some thing, he learns it fast! I myself went to Teacher's College but I'm working in different field. I want to study some courses and other trainings to help my boy in the future if I can. In Canada at schools, socialization interaction and communication are so important! They don't care if the child learns any thing at school as long as he can communicate well with others! My son lies computer. We dont allow him to go on Internet for now. My boy can develp 50 new different fears each day. He has high anxiety. He can't stand still some times on his two feet and he holds his two hands and pinch himself a lot. We told him it's nt acceptable. He listens to me when I'm watching him only, but he doesn't when we are not watching him. Every day, every week and every month, the type of his fears and anxieties change. For a while he was afraid to put his boots on in winter, then now he is wearing them. But we know for fact some thing happens to him to make him fearful of the water in the washroom. He loves to swim in the water in big pool, but he is afraid of the water in the washroom. Recently he started hating when people look in his eyes when they talk to him. He keeps adding to the list of his prohibited words. Before it was just limited to: No, Shouldn't, Couldn't but now its like at least 50 words we have to watch out when we talk or he gets angry mad and he yells at us. I am sorry to write so much. I am going to stop now. Please ask me any question you have Dr Showarv. Thank you again for all your help Dr. Showrav. Any kind of help and advices are truly appreciated.
blueoccean last decade
Any craving for open air .
Any fear of animals
Fear of darkness
Any heavy perspiration on body parts
Any fear of animals
Fear of darkness
Any heavy perspiration on body parts
vikas_grower last decade
Hi Dr., My boy doesn't usually like to leave the house. He is more comfotable and feel safe when he is at home or sitting inside our car. He dislikes public busy loud places. But he goes for a walk to have ice cream in summer time and other things in winter time. 60% of the time he starts his sentence by saying I'm afraid and I can't do it.... He doesn't walk outside if the sun is going dark or it's dark but its okay if he is sitting in the car and we go for a car ride. We have to leave his light on in his room till morning. He's afraid of the dark and the monsters. He is not afraid of animals. We have dog and other animals and he is comfortable with them because we always had small animals at home. I guess he is used to them. He was taking few different medications and I'm not sure it's because of that or not, but yes we noticed him some times sweating heavily..
blueoccean last decade
Please get stramonium 30c in pills or liquid form and update . Please also buy a bottle of spring water around 200ml.
vikas_grower last decade
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