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Hi Kadwa,

I didn't have a regular period until I was 21, it started at 17, I had bulimia at the time, not severe.

Since the birth of my second child (July, 2010) my period came back Sept 2011 - I was breastfeeding.

My period is now usually, 2 days, very heavy, discomfort 1st day, nothing severe. Sometimes a bit longer - spotting on 3rd and 4th day.
Never had any mental or emotional issues with menses. Never exact - 32-35 day cycle. Lots of clots since baby was born, not so much before. Bright red.

Thank you!
angelicam last decade
Please take a single dose of Lycopodium 200 and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

I took the lycopodium, my period this time was 28 days, I have never had a period less than 31 days. no change in the eating issue.

angelicam last decade
Hi Kadwa,

Loghan (baby) is sleeping quite well overall, but her crying fits are getting quite extreme. At least 2-3 x/day she has a fit, either from tiredness, frustration at not being able to communicate, hunger. She has temper tantrums. At times she will hit her head or hit other people - her sister a lot. the rest of the time, she is very happy, sweet, good natured.

Thank you!!
angelicam last decade
Please take a single dose of Sulphur 200 and report back after 15 days. There is no need to give your baby any remedy.
kadwa last decade

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