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some one please suggest right homeopathy treatment to following problem. I have been suffering very bad, I need help....


1) Radiating pain from neck, to shoulder, to left arm
2) muscle spasam in back of shoulder blade and pain in shoulder blade, pain entire arm
3) Neck pain (Mostly left part)
4) Numbeness in the in the fingers
5) Tinglling sensation in palm
6) Somtime Muscle twitching/contraction/fasciculations (like electric shock) in chest , both arm, legs, back , whole body here and there
7) Little ticking/crunching sounds while movement of neck
8) Bad Sleep

About 1.1 years back back, I started feeling little uncomfortable in my left arm while in bed, but almost manageable for about 6 months, but was feeling better having a good sleep.

But then gradually it started having severe muscle spasms in back of shoulder pain, shooting pain into left arm, Muscle twitching/contraction/fasciculation mostly in left chest and left arm. Complete disturbance in sleep, almost I use have sleep less night for a month.

Then I found my shoulder blade is becoming painful, leading to pain in my arm, numbness in my palm and finger. Initially I had painkillers like NASAID medicines like ibuprofen, Etodlac, and sleeping pills like Amritypilin.

Then I am back to India in Sept and since I am under treatment with following medication.


X-Ray :
Loss of Lordosis shown. AP and Lateral views cervical spine revel that pedicles, inter-pedicular distances, spinous and transverse process are normal. No evidence of erosion of vertbrae. Intervertebral disc spaces are not diminished. No evidence of Cervical rib.

Posterior disc prolapse is seen at c5-6 level causing indentation on the thecal sac and cord. Secondary spinal canal stenosis is present. Left sided posterio.lateral disc prolapse is seen at c6-7 level causing indentation on the on the thecal sac and cord leading to secondary spinal canal stenosis. Left c6-7 neural foraminal stenosis is also seen.
  girish_das on 2003-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homoeopathy can cure your problem for sure.
What is your age?
Any history of injury?
Your occuptation must be involving sitting in front of the computer for prolonged hours.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri
91-4-56 27 26 25(mobile)
DRVenugopal 2 decades ago
My age is 31, Yes I am an It professional, I used to sit 8/10 hrs in front of computer, No I never have any neck injury, but in past I used to sleep in night having my body into left sided.

Many says it is due to my occupational posture.

Please advice how I can cure my problem. My health is very build up and sound. I am mentally become upset when anything happen to my health. Please suggest me if any cure is available, exercise advises etc.

if required I can call you. Thanks for your great help. I would be grateful to you. My number is +45 61359214
girish_das 2 decades ago
This is similar to my problem, but I don't have any tingling or major pain or nerve compression.

What was the advice from the doctor?
thebigad 2 decades ago
I have all 8 of your symptoms and have been getting worse for a long time. I am waiting for test results, please tell me how you are now and what happened I would be very grateful
Rae 2 decades ago
Very interesting posts - I have had similar symptoms in the past week. However, at the mention (in this thread) of posture at the computer desk (I work online approximately 10-12 hours per day), I studied some posture exercizes, suggested positions for sitting, etc. and holding my hands, arms, etc. and the muscle twitching in my left bicep went away almost immediately after the change of posture. Anxious to see how this affects the numbness and sleep problems tonight. Thank you for posting. I am hoping this will be a solution for me without having to go through painful testing and/or surgery.
kblack 2 decades ago
Hi all, I am having all the 8 symptoms mentioned above for cervical spondylysis. I'm a software developer so my job involves sitting for long hours infront of the system which i can not avoid.

If anybody know any good homeopathic medicine please do let me know on my hotmail account. My ID is sh_akhilesh

Thanks in advance!
Akhilesh 2 decades ago
I am suffering from cervical spondylysis pain in both soldier,neck back bone since 1998.Till now Iam taking lot of NSAID but no relief.Kindly suggest me what kind of medicine I should take.
dubeyripu last decade
I have had some success with Rhus Tox 30c in the wet dose in the treatment Cervical Spondylosis.

Since your ailment is chronic and you have suffered from it for over 8 years I would like to add Arnica 30c for the therapy.

The wet dose is made by inserting 3 pellets of the respective remedies into 2 separate 500ml bottles of spring water and shaking each bottle 10 times to achieve aeration of the liquid which is now the remedy.

The dose I would recommend is a teaspoonful of each remedy once daily with the Arnica taken just before you sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade
I am Ramakanth, working as civil engineer in Texas,USA. Even, I am also suffering from the same problems mentioned, left side neck pain,shoulder,leg tingling feeling etc...and I cant sleep at night properly.I had all the tests related to heart, and the doctors said its due to some spasm, but this is torturing me. Can I get some good solution.
srgoud last decade

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