The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hey guys pls reply nobody replied to previous ques.
i want ask about height increaser products in age is 17.can it be increased now?pls give the details.thankyou
sonali9837 on 2012-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are normal height and weight
and do not have any disease going
on homeopathy medicine will
hurt you , not help you, bc it is
for treating something 'wrong'. It is
not like taking vitamins,or mineral
supplements which also should not
be taken in excess or you will imbalance the body.
The best thing you can do for
height is to eat well, and exercise( other
people have said jumping rope is
a good exercise for height.
and do not have any disease going
on homeopathy medicine will
hurt you , not help you, bc it is
for treating something 'wrong'. It is
not like taking vitamins,or mineral
supplements which also should not
be taken in excess or you will imbalance the body.
The best thing you can do for
height is to eat well, and exercise( other
people have said jumping rope is
a good exercise for height.
♡ simone717 last decade
Homoeopathy does not have 'products'. We do not treat named conditions like that. The only thing we can do is cure disease. There is no way to force your body to grow if it is healthy and has reached its natural genetic potential. Homoeopathy is not magic. It utilizes the laws of nature only. If your lack of height was because of a disease then it is feasible at your age that it could be changed.
At 17 you are unlikely to have stopped growing. Usually that happens in the early 20's. You will only grow as tall as your heritage allows. Only (dangerous) allopathic drug therapies or surgical intervention could change that, and I would not risk such things.
The idea that homoeopathic medicines can increase your height outside of curing a disease, is a sham perpetrated by the pseudohomoeopaths.
At 17 you are unlikely to have stopped growing. Usually that happens in the early 20's. You will only grow as tall as your heritage allows. Only (dangerous) allopathic drug therapies or surgical intervention could change that, and I would not risk such things.
The idea that homoeopathic medicines can increase your height outside of curing a disease, is a sham perpetrated by the pseudohomoeopaths.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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